- I am back on Metformin after an appointment with my doctor. Even though it hasn't been that long since I went off of it, my body is taking some time to adjust to it. I forgot how hard it can be.
- That being said, Phil and I did officially decide that, if we are able to, we would like to have more children. I am going on a mission trip again this summer, so ideally we have some time. I do know we will NOT be having another December child. As much as I love my Advent babies, I would go crazy throwing in another birthday that time of year. So unless we have a preemie, there will be no new babies in December for us! We also decided that, if we do not have any more children by the time I turn 32, (2018), then we will be done at that point. I do want to eventually have a career, so I don't want to have children past that age for that reason.
- Jillian had an assessment for speech and scored really well! We would like her to stay in the preschool program through her hearing clinic, so instead of testing out of therapy now, we will do the official paperwork at the end of the school year.
- A fundraising project at one of the high schools in town, (that a good portion of our youth group attends), will benefit Jillian's hearing clinic! I was beyond excited to see that! I spoke with the kids at youth the other day just to give them a face to have in mind when doing their activities.
- I went to an overnight women's retreat the 2nd weekend of the month. It was fun to hang out with my friends, but my refreshed spirit went away about 5 hours after I got home. Motherhood is rough sometimes.
- I also went as an adult sponsor to a youth retreat at a summer camp campus the 3rd weekend. It was fun, but it was a) REALLY cold, and b) an eye-opening experience in that I felt so old ;)
- Phil and I were asked to participate in a special choir for a service for the 20th anniversary of the Murrah Building Bombing. It is an honor to do so, and Phil even gets to be interviewed on the phone for a newspaper article!
- I got the CD for VBS this year, and already got a head start on picking and learning the songs I will lead. Jillian already likes the songs too! She's been requesting them in the car. I guess we'll be listening to these VBS songs until Christmas, just like last year ;)
- My mom bought me this diary for Christmas. I've really enjoyed having it, but I do have to make up a few days here and there. Some days I just crash at bedtime!
- I made calendars for both sets of grandparents at the beginning of the month so they could have pictures of the grand kids. Side note: If I make them for Christmas, then there would be no Christmas pictures for the year. I'm also trying to create some family yearbooks, and fill out the kids' baby books since those fell by the wayside too. Lots of catch up going on over here!
- I tried carb cycling as a way to drop a few pounds, but it didn't work out with our schedule. I even carted a cooler with my for an entire day since I was home for all of 45 minutes. After that, I just knew this wouldn't work. I know I'll find something that will work with our lifestyle, but for now I know it is not carb cycling!
Our weekly schedule looked like this in January, (it'll be different in February which is another post entirely):
Mondays - J - Hearts for Hearing Preschool from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Tuesdays - J - Peace Preschool from 9 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Wednesdays {1st and 3rd of the month} - J - Hearts for Hearing Preschool from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
CD - WEB Bible Study 9:15 - 11 a.m.
J - Little Angels Choir 5:15 - 5:45 p.m.
PC - LOFT and LUFF youth group class (we volunteer with the youth) 6 - 7 p.m.
PC - Choir Practice 7:15 - 8:30 p.m.
PCJD - Home by 9 or 9:15 p.m.
Wednesdays {2nd and 4th of the month} - J - Hearts for Hearing Preschool from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
CD - WEB Bible Study 9:15 - 11 a.m.
J - Speech Therapy 3 - 4 p.m.
J - Little Angels Choir 5:15 - 5:45 p.m.
PC - LOFT and LUFF youth group class (we volunteer with the youth) 6 - 7 p.m.
PC - Choir Practice 7:15 - 8:30 p.m.
PCJD - Home by 9 or 9:15 p.m.Thursdays - J - Peace Preschool 9 - 11:15 a.m.
CJD - Handbells 6 - 7 p.m.
Fridays - CJD - Errands or Play Dates as scheduled
This does not include any extra appointments, or even reflect that Phil has had to go to collect his own blood for experiments 4 days out of the work week most of the month. We even had to buy a third car seat so that he could take Jillian to preschool on his way to work as needed. Also, Jillian's preschools, speech therapy, and church are all at least 15 minutes drives from the house. I'm in the car an awful lot, especially Wednesdays!
That is why I haven't had energy. More than anything, I wanted to remember what life looked like for us :)
Was January crazy for you? Are you enjoying 2015 so far? Anyone else watching Pretty Little Liars?!
Whew! You have been busy, no wonder the blog has taken a back seat. But, you have your priorities straight. No matter how exhausting that schedule gets, it is for the good of your kids and family. I admit, I have been missing your updates, but I know it was for a good reason. Can't wait to hear about bebe troix (if and when)!