PROJECT 365: Day 61
To make a long story short, I don't know if I actually admitted to this or not, but I had a miscarriage in June. It was really hard on me for many different reasons and I'm finally at a point where I can say it out loud without being really upset by it. I will be posting another post, (redundant much? lol), later that has to do with this so I won't divulge too much. So after that whole ordeal, my cycle was trying to return to normal the rest of the summer. However, in September, I was around 7 days late again and I knew I couldn't handle another "June". I had to have a referral appointment since our new insurance is through the school Phil attends for grad school. They took a blood pregnancy test and it was negative, so they let me make an appointment with my normal gynecologist. She had me do another blood test and both an external and internal ultrasound, (which is not much fun if you had to guess...), which meant more questions and more waiting time. This is why I've been absent. Bottom line, I had some cysts on my ovaries in my ultra sound so I now get to visit an infertility specialist to see if I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Now, if you know me, I'm a severe hypochondriac. Luckily, *cough*cough*, for my family, I usually only really worry about it around them. PCOS is the one syndrome or disease that I have always convinced myself I don't have. How ironic is that? Now, I don't know for sure if it is PCOS or just a one time deal. I guess I just have to wait and find out.
Also, Phil and I have been talking a lot lately about school. We should both be finishing up around the same time, (Spring 2011), so I we, need to start thinking about where we are going to live. Well we had talked about Kansas City for awhile now. I have family there, it's still the midwest, it's a good halfway point between his parents and mine, etc. However, the more he looks at job listing, the more we are realizing there really is not much available for what he wants to do when he is done. That being the case, we decided to look at see where the best places for him to get a job would be and it looks like the top two are Boston and Philadelphia. Now, I've been to Boston, and I really don't think I could live there. Plus, my dad would HATE having to drive there like he did a few years ago ;) So, we were looking more and more into Philly and due to some connections Phil's advisor has with a guy at University of Penn, it looks like there is an 85 to 90% chance that's where we'll end up! It's exciting, but scary at the same time. It's definitely far from my parents, but there is an international airport nearby. I've only lived as far east as south west Arkansas (LOL I know right?!) so it'll be a bit of a culture shock as well. However, the more we look into it, the more comfortable with this decision I become. We originally looked into a suburb that has a great school district, but the housing was ridiculous! For the same type of house my parents had here, which they sold for $118,000, the house in this town was $690,000! WOW! So I was looking at other suburbs and fell in love with a house in Reading! I don't know if Phil will want to commute that far or if it's even in a good neighborhood, but it was so precious and only $139,000. I thought that was pretty awesome ;) Anyways, so because I am quite the planner, we are looking into the cost of moving, where we would live, who has a good school district, etc. It seems so far off, but I would only have 1 more full summer here if we moved early on in the summer of 2011. Exciting stuff for sure!
Again, having this to deal with on top of school, being a wife, work, etc. I just didn't have the emotional energy to keep up with this. I still took pictures and they are on my facebook page, but I do apologize for not doing this more. Now that I know what's going on, I'll probably post more often :)
Today I've been working in the office all day. Since I've been in a Christmas-y mood for about a week now, I thought it'd be perfect to take The Santa Clause and The Santa Clause 2 with me in case I had down time. Let's just say, I'm not quite halfway through the first one. :-/ Ah well, I at least earned my pay today!
Other than that, just trying to get by with everything going on. I love fall and I love Thanksgiving, but it just feels like I won't have much down time until after New Year's. As long as I get to see my folks (which should happen for both holidays!!), I think I'll find a way to make it through :D
Happy Wednesday all!
Peace to you,
"The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" by Andy Williams
First off, a huge hug to you. I didn't know you miscarried. Of course I don't know what that's like firsthand, but I can imagine and have known many who have gone through it, and I know it isn't an easy thing. I'm sorry it happened to you.
ReplyDeleteIn EXCITING NEWS - I saw READING and went *makes eyes huge*! :) Depending on whereabouts you're specifically talking (workwise for Phil and Reading-wise for a house), I can give you good "timing" details. We are in Reading, just in a suburb. From here, Philly is a 45-60 minute drive, depending on where in Philly. Inner-city is closer to an our...the outskirts (King of Prussia...HUGE shopping district...also VERY VERY VERY expensive to live!) is about 45 minutes. If I can be of any assistance, please let me know. I am really excited and hope you do move here! :)