Wednesday, November 30, 2016

November Highlights

November started off quiet, but went out with a bang! We always start birthday and Christmas prep after Halloween, so that's what we were busy doing.

Here are some of our highlights:

{Jillian wanted a picture with Lottie, and I was lovin' her bedhead :)}
{This is also before we told her we ate all her Halloween candy like Jimmy Kimmel does. She was not amused, but forgave us anyways ;) Don't worry, we told her pretty quickly that it was just a joke!}

{Lottie trying SO hard to roll from back to belly}

{Davey fell asleep mid-popcorn bite! HAHAHAHA}

{We decided to make Olive's Gotcha Day her birthday as well. We baked her some pupcakes, recipe found here, and sang to her. She is 4 human years old now!}

{You know, we were really unsure if we'd find a dog that fit with our family well. All I can say is, she is just perfect for us! So sweet and gentle, and only a little rambunctious ;) Love you Olive!}

{Lottie was my voting buddy on election day. We waited in line for over an hour, but she slept almost the whole time. We went with daddy to get a free donut afterwards. Her face says "Where's MY donut mom?!?}

{Such a happy kitchen helper :)}

{This was the final bottle of breastmilk for Lottie. It was 102 days of milk for her, and I'm so proud of our journey together!}

{David is usually in our bathroom playing with various things if I haven't seen him in a while. What a goofy boy}

{We got tickets through Jillian's hearing clinic for a Thunder Game!}

{Excited for the game to start!}

{We were in the top most row, but you could still see pretty well. It was awfully steep though}

{Group photo <3}

{Love this little man}

{Top picture is Jillian, and bottom is Lottie in the same outfit on the same playmat. They are definitely sisters!}

{Well, that's the end of my backup laptop I guess :(}
{I suspect it was stepped on. Great.}

{Sleepy loves}

{Looking extra pretty and dreaming about Montpellier}

{Yes, it is fall. Yes, leaves are turning colors and falling. Yes, my children are wearing short sleeves and shorts. Thank you, Oklahoma weather!}

{My girls ready for the Thanksgiving feast at preschool!}

{David at the feast in his awesome turkey hat!}

{Time to bring out the jumperoo! She can touch the floor with her tippy toes, but seems to like the change of scenery}

{We decided to go on a walk, then make some leaf art for Thanksgiving}

{This ended up being a great project for the family! Plus, the kids were dying to glue something, so this worked :)}

{She looks like a doll}

{Someone woke up extra early, so mama made her try on some hats}


{Playing in the leaf pile at Grandma and Papa's house}

{So much fun!}

{My precious kiddos on Thanksgiving}
{Davey asked to hold Lottie, and he did pretty good!}

{Home again after the holiday}

{Lottie got her White House greeting in the mail!}

{David's birthday presents are wrapped, and ready for his birthday!}

{There was a large grass fire near us, (2 miles west, and 3 miles north), and the smoke was incredible to see}

{We have some Shopkins and Grossery Gang figures, so we made a little world for them. We used toys we already have, but it seems to work just fine!}

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