Saturday, August 19, 2017

Giving Her Wings: Jill's First Day of Kindergarten

Just 2 weeks after my last baby is born, I had to send my first baby off to Kindergarten!

Honestly, I thought I'd be much more emotional than I was. I have my moments, but I'm not bawling my eyes out. Well, at least not today ;)

Jill has been waiting for Kindergarten since her Pre K graduation in mid-May. Our summer seemed so busy that we figured she would be preoccupied to not ask about it daily.


We practiced waking up early the whole week leading up to school. Her school does not have a bus route, so we have to make sure there is plenty of time to get to the building. Also, it is an all day Kindergarten program. She was going to Pre K for half a day, 4 days a week. We had a feeling she'd need her rest.

Jill was not only ready to go, she had zero fear. No hesitation whatsoever. In fact, she comforted a classmate who looked like she had been crying most of the morning!

As a parent, I do want her to miss me a little bit. However, I feel like Phil and I have done a good job if she is going to school with such confidence. That means she knows she can go out into the world, and come back to her loving and supportive home :) {I'm in NO way saying anyone whose kids were upset and/or crying is not doing a good job. In fact, I'd argue they are doing a great job!}

She had a great first day! She did seem pretty tired when she got home. Jill said she made a friend, but didn't know any names yet. She even has a classmate that was in her earliest preschool class, though I don't think either one recognized the other! HAHA Also, as of right now, she still doesn't have any hardware for school. However, we filled out the appropriate paperwork in case she needs an FM system or something like that.

David did have a hard(ish) time. He really wanted to go into the building, but we told him not yet. At one point, I asked if he missed Sissy. His response was "No, but I NEED her right now!" He was happy to see her in the car after we picked her up :)

I can't wait to see all she accomplishes at Kindergarten this year! You go, girl!

{Showing off the Pokemon backpack}
{She has a kitty lunchbox, but they were serving pizza the first day. She'll take her lunch another time ;)}

{David insisted on taking a picture with Jill}

{Big hugs}

Just for fun, here are some comparisons!
{Jillian's First Day of Listening for Littles, Pre K, and Kindergarten}
{2013, 2016, 2017}

{Jillian's First Day of Mini 3's Preschool, Pre K, and Kindergarten}
{2014, 2016, 2017}

1 comment:

  1. Yay Jillian, you will do great! How are our babies in Kindergarten already?


But I Know What It Feels Like

This post is going to be awfully vulnerable and hard for me, but I really want to finally say it out loud. I got permission for my daughter ...