Tuesday, March 30, 2010

All You Can Do Is Try To Know Who Your Friends Are...

I'm back home :)

In following the trend I posted about before we left, Phil and I ALMOST missed our flight!! I had to run an assignment to school which took too long, then we got the airport after weaving in and out of rush hour traffic. We get to the parking garage where they've blocked off a couple of levels and it takes us about 5 minutes to park. As soon we we get inside the check-in area, we hear the FINALLY BOARDING CALL for our flight!! Holy moley! So we dash to the Southwest counter, which was thankfully not being used, and they lady called the gate to see if they could hold the plane. We were told to hurry and ran to the security check point. It was nice of people to let us through since we were clearly about to miss our flight. Thank goodness the airport isn't very big because we just BARELY made it to the gate. We were in the last 5 people to board the plane. We didn't sit together, but I was just happy we made it. Just describing it gets me all worked up again. That is an experience I hope to NEVER repeat. It did help me stay calm during that flight since I was just trying to catch my breath. It was quite obvious that I need to start working out again :-/

All in all we had a great trip! We did a few things, but overall just enjoyed each others company. I'm very thankful for my family. Plus, I finally got cowboy boots! Granted I got them at Mall of America in Minnesota, but I finally look like I belong in Oklahoma ;) I also got to sing at the service at my mom's church. People seemed to enjoy it and, more importantly to me, my parents were very impressed/happy :) I love making them proud.

Now it's back to the real world and the grind of things. I can't wait to be done with school and have a job with vacation time so I can see my folks more without feeling so out of whack when I get home.

I've wanted to do the "Getting to Know You" posts, but I keep forgetting. So here are some of the questions and I'll start doing them on Sundays :) Enjoy!

1. Are you more of a talker or a listener?
I'm really good at both! LOL I'm a good listener and I like knowing people feel they can trust me/rely on me. However, I can talk your ear off if you give me the chance :)
2. Bra. Underwire or wireless?
I used to wear underwires all the time. Now I think one is underwire and the other is wireless3. I wish I was.....?
able to fly better. I hate being so anxious and nauseous the whole day before and the day of. Plus, it looks like it may have to be the best way to travel after awhile since we won't live close enough to drive when we move.
4. The Academy Awards are on tonight... will you watch?
I most certainly did.
5. Do you put your deodorant on before or after you get dressed?
Before I get dressed and then I do the little don't-get-white-streaks-on-my-clothes dance ;)
6. Would you rather do the dishes or clean toilets?
Honestly, the toilet. When I was in girl scouts, the other girls always made me clean the toilets. I got over any issues with it after that. Plus, I'm so picky about my toilet being spotless, I'd rather clean it knowing I did a good and thorough job
7. How much did you weigh at birth?
I think 7 lbs 12 oz? I'm not entirely sure. Do you remember mom?
8. If you could only buy one thing for the Spring/Summer season...what would it be?
FLIP FLOPS FROM OLD NAVY!!! Love those things :)

1. What's your favorite Easter candy?
Cadbury Eggs. When I found out they're Phil's favorite, I knew it was love ;P
2. Who do you think is cleaner....men or women?
Overall I think women are
3. Which do you prefer... wordy blog posts or ones with pictures?
I like both because I like to know what's going on/important to people
4. Were you popular in high school?
Not popular in the stereotypical sense. I did hang out with a large group that I cared for and I was able to carry on decent conversations with just about everyone. Not every knew my name in school, but the important people did :)
5. What's your bra size?
I was a 36 DDD, at least, before I had breast reduction surgery. I believe I'm a 38 D right now because I gained quite a few pounds that I'm slowly, but surely, getting off.
6. How many states have you lived in?
3. I was born in Missouri, moved to Arkansas, then moved to Oklahoma. It'll be 4 after we're done with school. More than likely it'll be PA, but CO and MI are on the table. It'll all depend on the job market once Phil is ready to start applying.
7. What's one blog you read everyday?
I don't always get to blogger, but when I do, my top three blogs are Laura, Kelly and Ashley.

8. Peanut butter or Nutella?
Nutella!! Love that stuff

1. What year did you graduate high school?
2. What part of your body do you neglect the most?
I would have to say my feet and my elbows. Both get really dry and I just don't ever take the time to put on lotion.
3. Beach house or Lake house?
Beach house. I like the lake, but it's just not the same as the clear, beautiful waters of the ocean :)
4. Mac or PC?I have always owned a PC, but I prefer Macs. We had Macs at my junior high and high school and I use one everyday that I'm at work. I REALLY don't like Vista either, which is part of what has propelled me to have a strong preference over the last 2 years.
5. Did you wear braces?

Yep, for exactly 2 years, 2 months and 1 week. I'm a nerd, I know :)

6. If you could be one person for a day... living or deceased... who would you be?
Honestly, it would either be Laura Ingalls Wilder or Amelia Earhart, (pre-suspicious disappearance). They are my heroes in terms of famous people7. How many times have you moved in your life?
Including moving around the dorms in college, 14. Not including the dorms, 7. I didn't live in the same room twice in college so I was always moving my stuff at the end of finals. Even though it can be stressful, I think I have moving down to an art. And I can pack a car up like a pro ;) I was always good at Tetris...
8. Would you rather cook or clean?
Depends on my mood. Some days I'd rather clean and others I'd rather cook. This works out for Phil and I since he likes to cook as well :)

1. Why did you start blogging?

I originally had a Xanga right before I graduate high school because one of my best friends convinced me to. She, my other best friend and I were all going to different colleges and that's how we would keep in touch. Then I had a Xanga and a Livejournal since many of my college friends had LJ. After trying countless times to get my parents to sign up so they could read my protected posts, (sorry, but it was quite an ordeal), I decided to have a public blog they could read easily. I don't regret having a public blog just because it keeps me from saying things I don't mean in the passion/heat of the moment.
2. Who's the blog friend that you would want to meet most in "real life"?
I have more than one and I do know a few of my blog friends in real life anyways ;) I guess it would be the same as the blogs I read, Laura, Kelly and Ashley. They seem to be the nicest and most down to earth that I don't already know :)
3. Why are you always concerned with losing that "extra 10 pounds" when chances are your husband/boyfriend/friends tell you that you look just fine the way you are?
It's mostly for my health now. Being diagnosed with PCOS has taught me that I really need to take better care of myself. Plus, I really don't want to become diabetic. I know Phil will love me no matter what because he's been with me through the "fat" and "skinny" phases of my life. Weight is something I do for me and no one else.
4 - What's the one thing you wish guys could understand about you?
Sometimes you don't have to fix a situation. Just giving me a hug or listening to me is the best way to "handle" or "solve" an issue I'm having.
5 - Tattoos. How many do you have and how many are visible when you wear your "everyday" clothes?
I don't have any, but I have thought about getting one once I finish school. It would not be visible when I wear "everyday" clothes so I don't have to worry about being stereotyped in the job market.
6 - What was the best year of your life and why?
I would have to say overall 2004 was the best year for me. I lost a lot of weight, graduated with honors from high school, had an amazing summer, then met the man of my dreams when I left for college. 2008 is definitely right behind it, but dealing with my parents moving kind of overshadowed the happy things. So far 2010 is creeping up on the scale so look out!
7 - Name three things you would do if you were a man for one day.
I don't know what I'd do. I guess use every trick in the book to not get something done, play video games, then watch tv while drinking some beer
8 - What's your alcoholic drink of choice that usually raises a few eyebrows?
Straight whiskey. What can I say, I'm a Native-American Scottish-Irish former sorority girl. I know how to hold my liquor and I like the good stuff. Though I do love cocktails and beer. I like almost anything but wine. I'm very picky about wine.

I hope y'all have a good Tuesday! And Happy Holy Week for those who celebrate :)

Peace to you,

"The Call" by Regina Spektor (BEAUTIFUL SONG! Check it out if you've never heard it)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

All My Bags Are Packed, I'm Ready To Go...

I guess 23 is going out with a bang.

Tomorrow is my birthday and as a gift, my parents bought Hubby and I tickets to see them! This is great and I can't wait to go! However, this is how my day has gone. I'm already a nervous flyer so my stomach has been in knots all day. Then I go to work and it's "Annoy Renee" day because there are several issues to resolve and I feel like I can't do anything to help. Then I get 10 minutes to grab some lunch at Subway. I order a roast beef sandwich and I get a turkey with pepper jack cheese O_0 Ok, no big deal. Well then our flights get delayed and we won't get in until around 10pm. Awesome. I have lots to do still before our flight leaves, but luckily I finally got ahold of Hubby who is helping me get them done :)

As promised, here's a quick little blurb about our trip to San Diego! Warning: it's picture heavy!!

Our trip started with a road trip to Dallas! I had never been to the JFK memorial downtown so we took a quick detour. It was really amazing :)

Part of downtown Dallas

The exact spot where JFK was hit with the fatal bullet

We actually went to see a movie with my cousin that lives in Irving, but I didn't get any pictures :( However, we saw Alice in Wonderland in 3D at this new theater called "Studio Movie Grill". It's literally dinner and a movie! They give you menus and you have waiters who serve appetizers, entrees and desserts! It was really neat and the movie was good too.

Next day, we were up in the air :)

View of downtown San Diego from Coronado! We ate dinner at Harney Sushi and it was delicious

The next day we took a tour of San Diego. We started off at Torrey Pines Beach!

Aww... cold, but nice :)

We ate at a place called cups in La Jolla! The cupcakes were so good and made with all organic ingredients

Then we stopped by the beach in La Jolla

Where all the seals hang out! They were cute, but it smelled like a zoo

Then we stopped in University Heights for some lunch at El Zarape! Very good mexican food

We tried to go to the Museum of Photographic Arts, but it was closed :( However, we still walked around Balboa Park for a little while and went to the botanical garden

Then, just for Kelly, I went to Yogurt World!

They were very friendly, had all kinds of flavor choices and I loved it! I ended up with the Pomegranate/Raspberry and Chocolate swirled yogurt. Thanks for the tip Kelly!

Next we took a road trip to Disneyland and had lunch at In-N-Out Burger

Carrie and I at Disneyland!!

One of my favorite pictures of the day :)

Meeting the ears behind the operation ;) I have TONS of other pictures, but I don't have much more time before I have to go on my next trip. I promise they're pretty typical.

Love this store by the way! Stopped for some plane snacks before heading home. Great trip :)

So that was our Spring Break trip to San Diego. I hope you enjoyed the pictures!
Peace to you,
"Leaving on a Jet Plane" by John Denver

Monday, March 22, 2010

Give Me Something To Believe...

Holy moly is there a lot for me to do!

First and foremost I just want to say I did well on the plane and I'm very proud of myself :) After we got home, we had a nice little snowstorm and now that school is back in session, I have very little free time. In fact, Phil and I didn't go to bed until almost 2:30 this morning! We've been dragging all day and now we're finally home to stay. I promise I'll do my little recap of the trip tomorrow when I'm at work. Until then, I typed this up this afternoon after my 10am class today. I hope you enjoy it.

Today in my sociology class, we had a girl do a quick presentation. We start every class with a 10 minute presentation about a minority in society. Well, this girl just happened to pick atheists. I want to say first and foremost that I have NOTHING against atheists. I don’t agree with the theology, or lack thereof, but I also don’t try to reform them either. I’m the type of Christian who would rather live a life of example instead of getting in people’s faces about God. If I see an opportunity, I don’t hesitate to talk about my faith and my struggles. However, I feel that God knows you can turn more people AWAY from him if you’re too pushy about it. There’s a happy medium and I’m dedicating my life to finding it.

Back to my original story, my professor always opens up the floor for questions after every presentation. This time, she started with a question to the class. She asked “Why do people, when they are having conversations with people of a different religion, get so upset and defensive?” A few people discussed how, as human beings, we don’t like to be challenged with things that go against what we think. This turned into a discussion about how people use religion to control minorities groups and try to push their religious beliefs on other people.

First of all, I just want to say that I try my best to be open and accepting of everyone. I may be completely wrong or I may be completely right. I won’t know for a fact until I die. However, from what I’ve seen, felt, experienced, know, I honestly believe there is a loving God who sent his only son to die for my sins so that I may live in heaven with all my loved ones who have gone before me. It’s not always an easy thing to believe and I may not have great explanations or reasons for it. However, that is what I personally believe. When I get in a discussion with someone of a differing religion, or even denomination, the main reasons I get defensive are 1) when they’re using circular logic and we’re not getting anywhere in the conversation, 2) all they’re doing is telling me why I’m wrong and they’re right, and 3) when they only spout out bible verses to me. I can’t tell you how angry it makes me when someone just starts quoting the bible at me. It makes me want to pick up the bible, throw it at them and say “See, I can do it too!” I know that’s a little juvenile, but it’s been a pet peeve of mine for as long as I can remember.

Secondly, it may just be the particular church I went to and the household I grew up in, but I never used religion to control a situation or pushed my beliefs on anyone else. I express my beliefs when I feel I am in an open and honest environment. However, if I feel like I’m going to be ostracized for my beliefs, I just keep it to myself.

I honestly feel like young Christians have to cater to those who don’t know what they believe right now. If you ask people between the ages of 18 and 35, most of them will tell you they are spiritual, but they think organized religion is a joke. This makes me so sad. Here’s what I’ve observed; people in my generation find a religious/spiritual system that can justify their way of life at this particular point in their life. Lots of people my age like going to clubs and drinking and having sex, etc. and that’s not a very healthy lifestyle. Once they decide they care more about how God sees them than how society does, then they’ll turn back to organized religion. Until then, young Christians, like me, are left to pick up the pieces of dying churches who are barely surviving.

What I’m saying is I believe what I do for a reason. I don’t get mad when people question it, but I do when they’re making a mockery of my beliefs because it’s a very vulnerable part of person’s soul. I don’t push my religious agenda on anyone and I hope I never do. I feel the people of my generation need to stop focusing on society and start focusing on God. If you had a bad experience at church, I do understand. However, I don’t think that means you should punish every church out there for that. Once you find a home church that supports you like a family, you’ll know. It’s like finding your soul mate :)

Peace to you,

"Believe" by The Bravery

Friday, March 12, 2010

When I Learn To Fly...

I decided to stay at school this afternoon in case I needed to do some major editing to my Intro to Public Administration research paper proposal for my 1pm class. I emailed what I had to Phil who sent it back with just a few word changes. I finished editing it about 11:15 and now I'm trying to pass the time. I really wish I had brought a book or something. Or maybe the school newspaper could have published a Sudoku puzzle like they have been since I started attending this school in January of 2009. Nope, I don't have a book. No, this week they decided to switch out the Sudoku with a word search :-/ I'm not good enough at crossword puzzles to do them without getting super frustrated. You know what, I'm not going to ruin the very beginning of Spring Break by being mad at a crossword puzzle! I flat out refuse. I've already solved both KenKen puzzles in the NY Times during my other hour of free time between my first two classes. Here I am updating my Blogger instead. At least this is my last class and assignment to turn in before I'm officially on Spring Break!! I have a feeling the drive home will be very pleasant and happy!

I am still pretty nervous about our flight to San Diego but I know it will be worth it. We're going to visit one of our best friends, (and one of our very few married couple friends), Carrie & Jon and their two mini dacshunds Nelly and Maeby! I know for a fact we're going to Disneyland for just a little bit, eating at Yogurt World just for Kelly, (I'll take a picture and everything!), and going out to sushi for my birthday! However, Jon's birthday is the day after mine. Since I don't feel right celebrating my birthday early and not his, Phil and I are going to treat them to the Museum of Photographic Arts because Jon is into photography! I think it should be fun!! I wish we could stay longer but Phil's advisor would not like it if we were gone the whole week. He thinks Phil shouldn't treat spring break like "an undergraduate". Well I'm sorry, but he's allowed to never be around and take multiple trips over the summer that last AT LEAST two weeks?! Doesn't sound fair to me, but whatever. At least we have time to go somewhere :) Plus, my parents are flying both of us up to MN for my birthday two weeks from now!!! I can't wait!! I guess I am older since the perfect birthday to me is going out to dinner and hanging out with my parents. Don't get me wrong, they're super great and fun to be around, but most of the people I know like to throw parties or go to clubs. Not really my scene to be honest. I think the trip will be a great way to welcome my 24th year of life :D

We're cleaning the apartment/packing tonight. We'll drop off one of our cats at the vet and giving my brother the key to our apartment to make sure the other two don't kill each other/break anything while we're gone. We are driving to Dallas the day before our flight leaves so I can see and visit with one of my cousins! I haven't seen her since Thanksgiving of 2008 and it will be good to see her. I did realize our flight is the day we move the clocks an hour ahead, but luckily the flight leaves around 2:30pm. HOPEFULLY that'll give us enough time to realize what time it really is ;) After that, it's on to California.

I hope y'all are having a good day so far and that you have a safe and fun weekend! I'll hopefully be able to do a mid-trip update. If not, I'll bombard you with pictures once we get home :)

Peace to you,

"Learn to Fly" by Foo Fighters

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I Am Going To Make It Through This Year, If It Kills Me...

I want to start off this blog with something serious. I was watching House on Monday night, and the fictional patient was a big time blogger who wrote everything about her life. Her husband said something at one point to the effect of "you went from just general tidbits to putting on an act for these people". I also read recently in the blogosphere that there are people who take other people's posts and pass them off as their own. It's a sort of plagiarism that is extremely hurtful because its almost like stealing someone's identity. Even if you change the names to fit you, that's not your life! I just want to say that this is me. No acts. No plagiarism. Nothing. This is who I am, this is how I'm feeling and this is what I'm dealing with right here, right now.

I'm back just in time for Spring Break! HAHA I just have 1 last paper to write before I'm home free :) Now I just have to get over this flying anxiety and I'll be good as gold!

The title of this blog is my new motto for the year. I have learned recently that I WILL graduate from college on December 18th unless I just fail every class from now on. Since I have NO intention of doing that, I'm VERY VERY HAPPY about this!!! I am also working with my psychologist to see what kind of job would make me happy so I'll feel like I have more of a plan for my life. It makes sense to me. I mean, no one would have much motivation to leave school if they didn't at least know what I they'd like to do at some point. I have so many interests that it's hard for me to make sense of them to see what kind of career they equal to. I'm hoping this exercise will help me realize there's a place for me somewhere :) So to summarize, I will take summer classes, attend 2 weddings, be in 2 weddings, continue working two jobs, (one of which I don't get paid for), go to GA in MN this summer, take fall classes, graduate and potentially move all by the end of the year. That, my friends, is why I picked the song I did :)

Other than that, I'm just looking forward to my trip for Spring Break, my birthday with my parents and getting the month of April out of the way. April has been my BUSIEST month the past 2 years, (in my defense, two years ago I was getting married a month later =P), and I'll be happy to have some free time once again.

I hope you're having a good week!

Peace to you,

"This Year" by The Mountain Goats

But I Know What It Feels Like

This post is going to be awfully vulnerable and hard for me, but I really want to finally say it out loud. I got permission for my daughter ...