Wednesday, August 31, 2016

August Highlights

Even though it's been a little quiet around here lately, obviously our main highlight for August was the arrival of our little Lottie! Here is the rest of our month:

{Proud Daddy with a 1 hour old baby :)}

 {Baby Lottie}

{This is a comparison of my babies in the hospital}
{They are definitely all related!}
{Top Left: Jillian, Bottom Left: David, Top and Bottom Right: Lottie}

{Taking turns holding the baby}

{Going home 36 hours after birth}
{Rolling 3 Littles Deep in our Mini Van (We so gangsta)}

{Lottie and Jemma taking a short snooze at home}

{Davey in his Big Brother crown from the hospital}

{The site of my IV. I hate that I bruise so badly!}

{Jillian holding her sister. She only lasts about 5 minutes, but that's ok}

{Out to lunch with Jemma and Gee-Chaz after Davey got a haircut. Now he's ready for preschool!}

{Lottie after her first bath at home}

{Jillian trying Neapolitan ice cream for the first time}

{Thinking about it...}

{It's a winner!}

{Davey thought it was ok, but prefers plain vanilla in a cone}

{All curled up in mama's lap. I have a feeling this is how she was in my belly!}

{Oh, just watching Daniel Tiger}

{First trip to church at 6 days old! Jilly is getting a donut}

{First Skype date with Jemma and Gee-Chaz <3}

{I'm obsessed with baby feet!!}

{First time with the activity mat! It was a little crowded...}

{9 days post-partum, and my IV site bruise is finally going away}

{The gang's all here :)}

{You mean, you don't wear your cowboy boots in your pjs while pretending a dress shoe on your hand is a paw? Oh, neither does Davey}

{My best attempt at Chip and Dale on the MagnaDoodle. Davey wasn't impressed because he erased it 10 seconds after I snapped this picture}

{Playing in the driveway/garage while Daddy fixes the car seats in the van}

{And why do we bother with toys if they just play with boxes?!}


{Jillian wrote all our names, and was very proud!}

{A good representation of how things have been going after daddy went back to work. When does school start again?!}

{I'm glad someone is super happy!}
{And yes, that is a chocolate stain on her onesie. Davey was petting her after eating a brownie}

{Favorite part of the day}

{I think Lottie really looks like Jillian here! It'll be interesting to see who she ends up resembling the most!}

{This is Jilly's drawing of the Technodrome. It's pretty good!}

{Watching over Lottie}
{Olive has done very well with the new baby :)}


{First Tummy Time}
{She lasted about 7 full minutes!}

{I rearranged Jillian and David's room to keep Davey from climbing/jumping off of the night stand. Now, he climbs on the dresser. Oy.}

{Spending a little one-on-one time with my boy!}

{He did the thumbs up all on his own LOL}

{Selfie Game is strong with this one HAHAHAHA}

{He's trying to point to the ceiling fan. Half his selfies are his forehead and the ceiling fan}

{We got to see my brother and SIL for a few hours this past Saturday! It was great to see them, and I hope they both get to come to Oklahoma for Christmas *fingers crossed*}

{Daddy and his little Lottie}

{Meet the Teacher Day! Preschool is about to start!!}

{Jillian on her first day of PreK}

{She is ready to go!}

{We had a big and loud thunderstorm pop up on us right before daddy got off work. Everyone piled in the bed for snuggles. Good thing we have a king-sized bed!}

Hope August was great for you, friends!

Jillian's First Day of PreK

Today is a big day! Jillian is starting PreK at our church's preschool. We had the option of having her do PreK in the public school system, but we decided against it. I'm excited to see what the year holds for her!

{And please don't even mention her going to Kindergarten next year. I'm not even going there! I turn into weepy mommy mush at the thought.}

Jillian is looking forward to school. She is such a smarty pants too! We are still needing to work on some social skills, but I know she'll grow a lot over the school year. She's had some difficult days at home lately, but I'm sure it has more to do with Lottie's arrival, and adjusting to our new family normal. Overall, it'll be a great year no matter what!

Preschool, here we come!
{Ready for school!}
{This is her bag from last year because they make their bags the first day of school}

{David's first day is tomorrow!}

{First Day of Preschool since 2014!}

{1st Day of her first preschool class, and her last 1st Day before she's in Kindergarten!}

But I Know What It Feels Like

This post is going to be awfully vulnerable and hard for me, but I really want to finally say it out loud. I got permission for my daughter ...