Tuesday, November 30, 2010

This Christmas All Your Dreams Will Come True...

I am posting 3 videos and another poem today :) You'll understand why when you watch the last one. The first was a quick little one I did when Phil and I went to the Arkansas game on the 13th. Then I have a video of the players running through the A before the game (and yes, that is me singing the fight song in the background HAHA). I'll do another post this weekend with pictures from the game. I just need to get through this week...

The architect draws a line
Not an ordinary line
but a part of something bigger,
something greater
than what others could have dreamt of.
That’s why he’s the architect.
He draws another line.
The architect has friends,
but he doesn’t see them often
The life of an architect can be lonely
He’s the friend people call
to go for a cup of coffee
when they’re down
He’s also the fun drunk
who always smiles
no matter what was said
His friends miss him
but he just doesn’t have the time.
He barely had time in college.
The architect sleeps in the studio
to get things done
He draws another line.
The architect is single.
He has family that he cares about,
but none of them live close by
The architect has tried dating,
but thinks the female race can never understand his work,
like a mistress.
It demands more time from him than he expects
He draws another line.
The architect is quiet,
but he says something meaningful
His heart is architecture
As a child he drew
comics starring “Carrot Man”
with the villains being the vegetables he hated
Following junior high, he could be found
drawing models of baseball stadiums
He’s not designing ballparks like he dreams,
but he’s still young
We must all pay our dues.
He draws another line.
after line
after line
placed intricately on the page.
His boss smiles
it is ahead of schedule
the architect knows he’s done well today
He jumps on his bike as he heads home for the evening
The economy is bad,
as is the job market,
but hope is alive.
The architect rides home
as the sun starts to set.

Peace to you,

"Twist of the Magi" by SHeDAISY and Rascal Flatts

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I Could Offer You A Warm Embrace...

If you follow me on Twitter, you noticed that I announced today would be hard for me. Hard because of a decision Phil and I have made that I'm not 100% sold on.

You see, back in January, I announced that we had a new member of the household. Her name is Salem and she is the sweetest cat in the world. Well, I don't recall mentioning it on here, but a few months after we got her, {I'd say around May}, she started using the corners of our apartment as her private liter box. Ok, that's not cool! So we bought special cleaner, watched her like a hawk, putting her in the bathroom with a liter box/food/water overnight, and she stopped. In that particular corner. She moved to a new corner, and then just under our bar stools, and then next to the liter box. Here's the main problem, she does it sporadically enough that, when we think she's got it out of her system, she'll do it again.

A few months ago, we took Petey to the vet because he had something wrong with his eye. While we were there, we mention to the vet what's been happening. First of all, he said they have more people complain about this who own fixed, female cats. Most people assume it's just young males, but that's not the case. The vet told us there is only one "trick", {and I use that term loosely}, to see what's going on. Essentially, cats don't always like to be in a large group. Sharing may be her problem, not pristinely clean liter could be the problem, or she could just be an outdoor cat. After the visit, we're tried out best to keep it as clean as we can. We even box a third liter box to see if that would help.

No such luck.

After Salem pooped on the floor while we finished breakfast yesterday, we knew we needed to do something.

Here's where it gets hard for me. Sure, I've had outdoor pets before. However, this was due to my family adopting strays, or in some cases, strays adopting us. We had our indoor dog, Candy, for a long time, and never had strictly outdoor pets after we moved to Oklahoma. We certainly never adopted a pet, made them indoor, then dubbed them an outdoor pet. Being the animal lover I am, I keep picturing Salem outside... cold, lonely.... sad, unable to defend herself (she's declawed).... missing us. It absolutely breaks my heart. However, what hurts even worse is thinking about putting her back in the shelter system or just giving her up period. I love her so much! Phil had an outdoor dog most of his life so he's not too worried. I did get him to agree to building a "shelter" of some sorts. So after talking with my mama, and Phil, we decided to get her a new collar and tag with our contact info and test the waters. I am only ok with doing this at our current apartment because we have a fenced in patio area. It's small, but she seems to enjoy being out there most of the time. I chickened out and asked to skip last night and try it for the day today. However, it started misting this morning, {of course!}, so she started to "mew" outside the door. Phil let her in and forgot to put her back out before he left the apartment this morning. My mama did warn me that, whenever we do move, she may not want to leave and I need to be prepared for that :( She said it's like having children: you have certain rules, but if your child is clearly not happy, you need to fix the situation so they are. My mama is a wise lady :)

Am I just over-reacting? Am I being too soft? Do you think she'll be ok?

That's why I'm so "on-edge" today. I'm just worried about my little SaySay. Gotta let my baby take her wings and fly... as long as it's not over the fence HAHA

With that being said, here's my poem for today...
{And just for an FYI, I'm not a smoker. I just tried to put myself in that character. No new bad habit here!}

The rising and falling
of her chest
as she inhales one more time

Swirling smoke suffocating
the sunroom
casting shadows in the rays of sun

Warmth overcomes her
She closes her eyes
The only time darkness comforts

The wind picks up
her hair
and tosses it with the salty taste of humidity

Expectation melting
drop by drop
running down her stream of consciousness

She is reminded
of why she is here
and where she came from

To escape?
To dream?

Peace to you,

"To Make You Feel My Love" by Adele

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

He Was Showing His Love...


Working hard to get back in the swing of things. Work is going well, but I'm behind on my reading again. {This tune sounds awfully familiar...} I have a test in my Shakespeare class and more reading to accomplish. However, there are two things I am happy/looking forward to.

1) I've been going on wedding hyper-drive for Annette. I know she can get overwhelmed so I've condensed my questions to 1 per day max. Of course, I did email her 6 final ones to keep me going for now. It's nice to have something to plan for/work on for after graduation. It would be depressing if all I had was work. It's going to be a wonderful wedding!

2) Phil and I are going to the Arkansas game in Fayetteville on Saturday!!! I canNOT wait to go :D WOOOO PIG SOOIE!!! I will take the camera and take lots of photos :)

Now I will share my next poem. This is about a very special man in my life, (I am blessed to have so many!). Try to guess who it is!

His hands are as soft as Bounty paper towels,
the light white hairs are merely wisps
that do not cover his freckles.

His work does not require hard labor
he has no calluses on his palms,
though you will find some on his fingertips.

His hands are usually clasped in prayer,
strong enough to give strength to those who need it,
yet soft enough to comfort.

These hands have clapped in excitement of a well played ball game,
held strong the hand of his only daughter as he gave her away,
and clenched in anger when no one would listen.

A man’s personality can be seen by his actions,
this man’s soul can be seen through his hands,
his strong and loving hands.

Peace to you,
"The Hand Song" by Nickel Creek

p.s. A little LOLcat to make you smile. We're halfway to the weekend!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I'd Write The Ending Without Any Sorrow...


With very little having happened to me since returning to the "Real World - Last Semester of College", I decided to show off some of my recent work for creative writing. I am taking a creative writing course where we were asked to write 5 pages worth of poetry. I don't feel completely comfortable publishing one of the one here just yet, so I'm going to share them over the next few days. There are six total, but I'll post two today since they are short. If you like them, great! Tell me about it! If you don't... it's ok too :) Just don't be really mean/rude about it please and thank you!

Without further ado...

Overlooked by many.
Used by the vain for shallow reasons.
Blamed for accidents.
Sometimes lost.
Sometimes held together by shiny silver duck tape.
Objects are indeed closer
than they appear.

Techno Barf
When your personal business becomes the latest gossip.
To make a grammatical mistake that 87 people tell you about.
Where 20 other people share your original thoughts and problems.
Having your musical tastes questioned by people who only listen to Justin Bieber.
It’s enough to make me hurl.

Happy Tuesday!
Peace to you,

"Wrapped Up In Books" by Belle & Sebastian

Monday, November 8, 2010

But You'll See The Bigger Picture...


I don't believe I mentioned this in my last post so I'll say it now. {Thank you capt'n obvious...}
I was gone from Wednesday afternoon until last night for a little something I love to call O.I.L. {not oil...}. I know I've discussed my love for this organization and what it stands for. I did, however, do something special this time. I officially retired. This may seem a little silly to you, but it was hard for me to admit it was time to go. It's nice because it means I'm officially done with school. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be retiring from this amazing organization. And you know what, I had the best time I EVER have because I just had fun. I made more motions, announcements, etc. I even told several jokes I would only whisper to Annette in the car after the day's work was done and we were alone. I got close to lots of people and I finally didn't have to re-meet as many people (which was VERY nice). O.I.L. and it's delegates have touched my life in so many ways and I am truly thankful to be apart of it for as long as I have. However, something else changed my life during session in a very, very different way.

On Saturday night, we always have a Governor's Ball. Depending on the people in charge, it can range from hotel party to classy evening. This year, it was classy evening. We had a wonderful three course dinner at the Jim Thorpe building just a few miles north of the capitol. After dinner and two speakers, we had a DJ help us dance for a few hours. {Some of us had a meeting at 12:30} Well, around 11pm, Annette and I decided to go ahead and head towards the hotel. After we get in the car, Annette told she needed to get cash, something at Walgreen's and gas. No prob. Instead of heading north to the hotel, we drove south to a local ATM that was opened 24 hours. After we got the money, we started to leave the parking lot. {I need to point out that the street we were going to turn onto was a 6-lane street with concrete dividers, minus the few places opened to turn left.} As Annette started to pull forward, I asked her to wait a second. Three cars were about to go by and the front car was driving a little fast. Annette replied with "You're right" and waited. After I murmured "What's the rush?", the front car started to speed up more, slid sideways, hit a pole, spun in the air, and finally rolled over a few times before it stopped on its side a building away from where it hit the pole. Annette promptly told me to call 911 as she started to drive towards the accident. I told the operator where we were, what the car looked like and that the victim needed an ambulance. As we got to the car, we noticed the other two cars originally driving behind the now crumpled car had all stopped and walked towards the car. Annette rolled her window down and asked "Do you know her?" to the people outside the car. After they say no, Annette told them to talk to her and to not move her for any reason. Annette instructed me to stay in the car while she helped, rolled down the car windows and walked towards the car. Within 5 minutes, two cops, an ambulance, and two fire trucks got to the scene.

Disclaimer::Because I was not there directly, the following information was provided by Annette.

Apparently the woman looked like she was in her 30's and she was just barely awake. The people who had stopped did not know her and in fact were hurting more than helping. When Annette asked if they were talking to her, they responded with "We did" and proceeded to talk amongst themselves and/or on their cell phones. In their defense, the cell phones could have been to call 911, but I don't know for sure. Annette told them to move and continued to say things to the woman to keep her awake. She never said her name, but I don't know if I'd remember my name after everything that woman went through in 5 seconds. There was blood all over the crumpled windshield and airbag, but it was dark and Annette couldn't tell how badly she was hurt. However, that is technically none of our business. Once the cop got to the scene, he asked what happened and the group started to shout over each other or amongst themselves yet again. Annette told him we witnessed it from the bank across the street and told him exactly what we saw. After they finished, he noticed she was in party clothes and asked why we stopped. Annette replied with, "Well, my mom is a doctor and always told me that she never leaves the scene of an emergency until she is dismissed." The cop smiled, thanked her for her honesty, and dismissed her. Around the time she walked towards me to return to the car, I noticed the firefighters bringing the jaws of life to the accident scene. I think deep down we were both just relieved that it was not a member of O.I.L.

As we drove away, we began to discuss how we both personally think this was the driver falling asleep at the wheel. Usually, when a driver is drunk, the car swerves quite a bit more. This driver suddenly accelerated before she swerved. I then admitted to Annette that, despite how selfish it would sound, I was so glad she didn't go ahead and turn left or else that woman would have hit us and we would have been involved in the accident. I don't know what happened to her, if she's still in the hospital, or what. If you pray, please keep this woman in your prayers (God knows who she is). If you don't pray, any happy thoughts are definitely appreciated. Phil checked online and the papers yesterday to see if it mentioned anything so hopefully it wasn't too bad.

Despite being so thankful that Annette and I were spared, I cannot seem to get the entire scene out of my head. I have seen the crash happen over and over again in my head and it's really starting to get to me. Part of why I froze, (and why I seem to freeze during any type of emergency), is because I have an extremely vivid imagination. I can picture cars crashing, and random things breaking to cause my ultimate demise hundreds of times every day. It's just my personality to do that. This means, when I actually see an emergency happening before my eyes, I cannot fathom that it's actually happening instead of it just being in my head. I may just need time to decompress after it, but it just really made me think of all the times my friends, and family have driven late at night with nothing happening to us. I truly feel like God has been watching out for me and clearly has big plans for me :)

Besides, He wouldn't kill me off before I graduated college. That would be oh so cruel...

So hug your loved ones and make good choices. It can all change in the beat of a heart.

Peace to you,
"Before the Morning" by Josh Wilson

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tell Me All About Your Men, And Your Hopes...

{Happy Fall Y'all!}

I can't believe I've gone almost an entire month without posting something. I mean, that's really bad... even for me! I've had several posts in my head I wanted to bang out that apparently haven't happened. Don't worry, they'll end up on here at some point. Today is a catch up day. I will bring you in on all the juicy, er, dry details, (my life is boring... sorry!). Lucky for you, I have pictures :)

The day after my last post, Phil and I went to the Haunted Castle in Muskogee! It's become a tradition since 2008, but we always seem to go with different people. The only problem with going every year is, you're less scared every time. I think it's because we remember where people are hiding. We went with a larger group this year so that was fun. The best part for us was driving up to Tulsa instead of home afterwards. What would have been a 2 hour drive was only 30 minutes. We were in bed by 12:15 and it felt good.

The next day we had the homecoming game at TU. It was fun being with Phil, his parents, and his aunt and uncle. The game itself was kind of messing. They won the game, (it was homecoming after all), but it was not pretty. Lots of mistakes, dropping/almost dropping the ball, etc. Oh well.

After our nice weekend in Tulsa, the wind picked up and caused my allergies to go nuts. I mean, absolutely nuts. I had fall break for school Thursday and Friday, but I was so congested that I ended up missing school on Wednesday. My head hurt so bad that I could barely turn my head without getting dizzy and feeling like I would throw up. I went to work for half the day Thursday and went home just feeling gross. I did get to sleep for the next few days and slowly felt better. I'm just now getting completely over my allergies, (this round anyways), so that should tell you something.

The one good thing about my fall break was a family wedding in Dallas! It was on Sunday night, and my brother, Phil, and I had to drive back that night for work/school the next day. However... I got to see my parents!! Even though it was for less than 12 hours, it was absolutely worth it :D The wedding is actually for my cousin's son. {Exposition: You see, my dad is the baby of his family and the oldest sibling, Peggy, had her only child when my dad was 3 years old. This means, my cousin is closer to my dad's age. With me being the baby of the family, I'm the youngest grandchild of the bunch. The groom in this wedding is my cousin's son, who just happens to be 2 months older than me. Thank you big family for this confusing announcement. End of Exposition} I was told before hand that the wedding would have a goth theme. Since my imagination is really good, I was prepared for all kinds of stuff. However, it was very low key, very reflective of the couple, and I thought it was nice :)

Enjoy these pictures from the wedding!

Yummy cake and cute vampire topper!
The bride's bouquet
{yes, that is a barbie head, arm, and leg inside}
My mama!
Love my daddy-o!
He's so great :D
Two of my favorite aunts from KC!
{Becky, myself, and Joyce}

Also, before the wedding, Phil and I decorated for Halloween! Now, I'm entirely sure what happened, but I was very excited for Halloween this year. Did I dress up in a costume? No. Did I go to a party and have lots of fun? No. Did I pass out candy? No, I made Phil do it for the 5 kids that came by. Did I do anything aside from watch horror movies and enjoy my decorations inside my comfy home? Nope, not at all. No matter what the deal was, I had a fun time decorating with Phil. Here are some photos!

Front door
Close up of our cool wreath from Target
Phil LOVES this skeleton guy
Cobwebs and orange lights
and a dementor (plus Petey)
Mantle area
our ottoman
Lots of cobwebs and spiders

and, of course, our GIANT fuzzy spider by the front door!

This past weekend was very low key which is exactly what I needed. I'm feeling more and more overwhelmed with everything. I realized I have 6 weeks before my recital and my graduation. Now, the recital is actually coming along pretty nicely. However, being the perfectionist I am, I'm pretty nervous about it. I have 3 French songs and I've never sung in French before. It's a little scary, but I'm sure it'll work out in the end.

It's also hard to believe that I'll finally be done with college. So many things have gotten in the way before. Things have popped up at the last minute that have prolonged this entire process. It's strange to think that I just need to go to class everyday, turn in my work, try hard on any tests and that's it. It'll all be over. Wow. Don't pinch me, I want to stay this way for just a moment longer...

With Sunday being Halloween, Phil and I, of course, did what most people do...

We carved pumpkins!
(Notice the 3 cat pumpkins that show off each cat's personality ;P)
The bloody (pumpkin-y) aftermath
and we, er, Phil passed out candy

I cut my hair, just like I have the last 2 Octobers. Apparently this is my new thing. However, I did it this time because the ends of my hair were absolutely awful. It was unhealthy, really dry, and not good to have on my head. Now I look like this...

Hope you're having a great day and start of the week :)

Peace to you,
"Come On Sister" by Belle & Sebastian (diggin' their newest CD so far!)

But I Know What It Feels Like

This post is going to be awfully vulnerable and hard for me, but I really want to finally say it out loud. I got permission for my daughter ...