Obviously, the world is ready to meet Jill. Why? Because I've been a grump for nearly 3 days straight. I'm not even upset about being pregnant. It is a bunch of little things that are just really rubbing me the wrong way. My blood pressure is no doubt a little high right now.
It would figure that the day I post this about how well I'm still sleeping at 38 weeks, I'd have a horrible night sleep. Granted, I just woke up every 1 1/2 to 2 hours to pee, but it left me feeling really unrested. It was chilly on Sunday as well, so I just wanted to stay away from the world. That night, sleep was even worse. Not only did I feel tired but couldn't fall asleep... I kept having heartburn AFTER I took some Tums. Usually Tums makes me feel better, but it was just not working for me. What time did I finally get to sleep? 12:30. What still happened early 1 1/2 hours? Waking up to pee and trying to get our of bed without hurting myself too much. Thank you pelvic pain.
What happens? I'm super grumpy from my lack of sleep for 2 days straight. What else happens? I feel icky all. day. long. I barely ate anything yesterday because I felt like I was back in my 1st trimester. I took a long shower before bed, hoping it would help me sleep better.
Last night? I slept from 11 to 6 without waking up at all. The problem with that? I fell asleep on my back so I had a headache from lack of blood flow. Ok, not a super big deal. I'm feeling a little better so I eat breakfast with Phil before he heads out. I then decide I want to finish my baby quilt that I started in 2009. That's right, I said 2009. What can I say? I'm an Aries :) Anyways, I run out of thread in my bobbin just as I'm getting started. Well that's annoying. So I run to the bathroom before I relax a little. Then it happens. Our apartment complex turned the water off. Apparently someone in our building is getting a new hot water heater. That's fine, except THEY DIDN'T CONTACT US IN ANY WAY TO TELL US THE WATER WOULD BE OFF. I think technically that's illegal, but whatever. So I had Phil call because I was too mad to see how long it would take. Of course they're like, "Oh we didn't think it'd take awhile... blah blah blah." Well, it was off for 3 hours. 3. Well, 3 from the time I figured out it was off. So having a pregnant lady having to hold in her pee, and stop doing laundry in the middle of a cycle because you didn't think it'd take too long?! Unacceptable to me. I'm so over this. I'm so over apartment living. I was pretty livid for awhile.
Now that the water is back on and I figured out how to re-thread the bobbin, (since you can't buy it like a spool of thread), I'm in a better mood. However, I'm pretty annoyed still and I'm not too excited about what tomorrow will bring.
Oh, and a girl due 2 days after me is in the hospital now. It's not a contest, but now Phil is looking at me like a ticking time bomb. I don't think I can handle another 2ish weeks of that look. Plus, my mom is SO busy between now and when she's coming for Jill's due date, I'm going to feel guilty if Jill comes early. The icing on the cake? We may have a small ice situation on Saturday. Wonderful. Baby girl, please do not come Saturday. I don't think I could handle battling ice to get to the hospital.
That's why I'm grumpy. I'm sure this is all really mundane stuff that really doesn't matter and I'm pretty sure I'm this piss-y because I'm so pregnant right now. However, this is how I feel right now. I just hope I'm able to be more pleasant soon. I don't want to hurt anyone, especially Phil, right before I deliver. I want to have happier memories than that leading up to my daughter's arrival.
Hope y'all are having a better time than I am.