Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I'm A Grump

I usually don't like to be too gloomy in my posts. This is not to be insincere, but I know I wouldn't want to read post after post of negative blogs. However, I really need to get this off my chest. It will not hurt my feelings if you skip reading this :)

Obviously, the world is ready to meet Jill. Why? Because I've been a grump for nearly 3 days straight. I'm not even upset about being pregnant. It is a bunch of little things that are just really rubbing me the wrong way. My blood pressure is no doubt a little high right now.

It would figure that the day I post this about how well I'm still sleeping at 38 weeks, I'd have a horrible night sleep. Granted, I just woke up every 1 1/2 to 2 hours to pee, but it left me feeling really unrested. It was chilly on Sunday as well, so I just wanted to stay away from the world. That night, sleep was even worse. Not only did I feel tired but couldn't fall asleep... I kept having heartburn AFTER I took some Tums. Usually Tums makes me feel better, but it was just not working for me. What time did I finally get to sleep? 12:30. What still happened early 1 1/2 hours? Waking up to pee and trying to get our of bed without hurting myself too much. Thank you pelvic pain.

What happens? I'm super grumpy from my lack of sleep for 2 days straight. What else happens? I feel icky all. day. long. I barely ate anything yesterday because I felt like I was back in my 1st trimester. I took a long shower before bed, hoping it would help me sleep better.

Last night? I slept from 11 to 6 without waking up at all. The problem with that? I fell asleep on my back so I had a headache from lack of blood flow. Ok, not a super big deal. I'm feeling a little better so I eat breakfast with Phil before he heads out. I then decide I want to finish my baby quilt that I started in 2009. That's right, I said 2009. What can I say? I'm an Aries :) Anyways, I run out of thread in my bobbin just as I'm getting started. Well that's annoying. So I run to the bathroom before I relax a little. Then it happens. Our apartment complex turned the water off. Apparently someone in our building is getting a new hot water heater. That's fine, except THEY DIDN'T CONTACT US IN ANY WAY TO TELL US THE WATER WOULD BE OFF. I think technically that's illegal, but whatever. So I had Phil call because I was too mad to see how long it would take. Of course they're like, "Oh we didn't think it'd take awhile... blah blah blah." Well, it was off for 3 hours. 3. Well, 3 from the time I figured out it was off. So having a pregnant lady having to hold in her pee, and stop doing laundry in the middle of a cycle because you didn't think it'd take too long?! Unacceptable to me. I'm so over this. I'm so over apartment living. I was pretty livid for awhile.

Now that the water is back on and I figured out how to re-thread the bobbin, (since you can't buy it like a  spool of thread), I'm in a better mood. However, I'm pretty annoyed still and I'm not too excited about what tomorrow will bring.

Oh, and a girl due 2 days after me is in the hospital now. It's not a contest, but now Phil is looking at me like a ticking time bomb. I don't think I can handle another 2ish weeks of that look. Plus, my mom is SO busy between now and when she's coming for Jill's due date, I'm going to feel guilty if Jill comes early. The icing on the cake? We may have a small ice situation on Saturday. Wonderful. Baby girl, please do not come Saturday. I don't think I could handle battling ice to get to the hospital.

That's why I'm grumpy. I'm sure this is all really mundane stuff that really doesn't matter and I'm pretty sure I'm this piss-y because I'm so pregnant right now. However, this is how I feel right now. I just hope I'm able to be more pleasant soon. I don't want to hurt anyone, especially Phil, right before I deliver. I want to have happier memories than that leading up to my daughter's arrival.

Hope y'all are having a better time than I am.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bébé Week 38 Update

Today's date: November 26, 2011

How far along: 38 weeks

Total weight gain: Around 21 pounds total.

Size and growth of the baby: 
Jill is nearing the size of a leek (about 21" long, if she's going to be that long. Otherwise, she's whatever length she'll be born at)  and weighs around 6 pounds and 9 oz! She has a firm grip and all of her organs are developed for life outside the womb. She has some hair, (the ultrasound tech confirmed this), and she's getting into position to be born.  {per}

Sex: Girl

Maternity clothes: Just about everything

Sleep: I have no trouble sleeping for several hours. I do wake up every few hours to pee or change positions. I've only had a few instances where it took me awhile to fall back asleep, but I always could.

Best moment(s) of the week: Having a good appointment, being with my family for Thanksgiving, and being just about prepared for Jill's arrival!

Movement: Baby girl is a mover and a shaker. She does have quiet moments, but overall she's active.

Food cravings/aversions: No real aversions, but I had some heartburn/acid problems yesterday and part of today that made me lose my appetite. I didn't have a specific craving, but our green bean casserole really hit the spot! I may make more so I can eat it all! HAHA

Morning sickness: I take a Zofran almost every day and can keep food down. However, I do still have some moments of queasiness regardless of what I do or eat.

Symptoms: Baby bump, peeing constantly, waddling instead of walking, lots of stretch marks, lower abdomen pressure, baby kicks, some pelvic pain/cramps, some heartburn/acid, light Braxton Hicks, a little queasiness, and gassy.

Labor signs: I'll feel some Braxton Hicks from time to time, but nothing major and no abdominal cramping. I can feel Jill moving around lower than normal and it causes some of the nerves in my pelvis to really hurt for a few moments.

Belly button in or out: In

What I miss: Not a whole heck of a lot :)

What I'm looking forward to: Jill coming into the world REALLY soon!

Weeks 18, 28, and 38 for fun...

If you have followed me for more than a few months, you know that I have a tendency to completely ignore my computer, (and my cell phone), when I'm with my parents. Most of the time, our visits are incredibly short so I like to soak up every second that I can. In fact, I had 33 texts to go through at one point! I'm sure y'all understand anyways :)

We had an ultrasound on Tuesday to confirm Jill's position and her size. I don't know how long she is, but she was 6 lbs and 7 oz. Everything else looked great! However, this is the only "good" picture we got...
Someone was sleeping with her arm across her face. She is definitely my little sugar booger :) My parents got in late Tuesday night.

Wednesday we had an early appointment with Dr. V. No change in my cervix, which is ok. Then my parents and I ran a few errands before touring Phil's place of employment/had lunch with him. 

Thursday was of course full of cooking and eating and spending time with one another. My brother was able to make it to dinner so the 5 of us had a great time. Plus, I was happy to use some of my hostess-y things, like my gravy boat, monogrammed napkins, etc. After we relaxed for a bit, we all went to see the new Muppet movie! Even though it was crowded, and the lady behind me was annoying the tar out of me, it was a fun movie that we all enjoyed. My brother ended up crashing on my couch so that we could all be together for a little longer.

Friday, my parents left about 7:15 a.m. to drive home, (my mom had a funeral she needed to do this morning), and Phil went to the TU v. Houston game in Tulsa. My brother ended up sleeping in the guest room for a little longer, but left around 2 p.m. I wasn't alone for long, but I was happy to have Phil home later because I always get a little depressed the day my parents leave. Unfortunately Phil pinched a nerve in his shoulder and has been in pain off and on since he's been home. However, he is starting to feel a little better so I hope he's back to normal tomorrow.

Today, we ran to Target for cat food and grabbed a warm drink at the Starbucks inside. It was really rainy and chilly so it was a nice treat. Then we came home and relaxed for most of the day. I did finish washing all of Jill's clothes and we are officially decorated for Christmas! This might be the earliest I have decorated my home for Christmas, but I wanted to be prepared. I know I won't be in the mood or have the energy once Miss Jill is here. There was a moment when I was asking Phil about water breaking because I was peeing nearly every 30 minutes for about 2ish hours. I just wanted to see if he remembered what they said in our birthing class about slow leaking water when it breaks. Apparently I made his heart skip a beat by doing that! I called my mom to be sure, but we all decided it was just pressure on my bladder. I will be a little more cautious about asking Phil those kinds of questions though HAHA He seemed pretty calm to me though which is important. Even if my water had broken, it was no time to panic. I didn't even really have any Braxton Hicks today so I wasn't too worried about it. My lower back is a little sore tonight, but that could be for a number of reasons.

Overall, we had a great week and I can't wait until my parents come back for Jill's arrival! Now it's time to play catch up with Twitter and blogs...

Hope y'all had a wonderful Thanksgiving :)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Bébé Week 37 Update

Today's date: November 19, 2011

How far along: 37 weeks - officially full term!

Total weight gain: Around 17 pounds total.

Size and growth of the baby: 
Jill is nearing the size of a watermelon (about 21" long, if she's going to be that long. Otherwise, she's whatever length she'll be born at)  and weighs nearly 6 1/2 pounds! (We will have more personalized numbers on Tuesday after our ultrasound. I'm curious to see if she's on track or slightly smaller than what these sites tell me.) She is considered full term, but the more cooking she can do, the better. Jill is continuing to gain weight as well as practice swallowing, blinking, and other skills she will need before she's here. She is starting to shed all her vernix and lanugo, (the longer she's in me, the less will be present when she's born).  {per}

Sex: Sweet baby girl!

Maternity clothes: Just about everything is maternity unless I'm staying home... then I'll wear what's clean HAHA

Sleep: Still able to sleep for several hours comfortably for the most part. I do wake up once or twice to use the bathroom and I may have some discomfort as I attempt to get out of bed. However, I am very lucky that I can usually sleep just fine.

Best moment(s) of the week: Having a good appointment, being almost completely done with my to-do list/Christmas shopping, and learning that we get another ultrasound on Tuesday!

Movement: All the time. Not only is it fun for me, but watching Phil interact with her is one of the sweetest things I've ever witnessed :)

Food cravings/aversions: No major aversions and my cravings usually depend on what people are eating on TV. If I see pancakes, I want pancakes. If they are talking about nachos, by golly I want some nachos.

Morning sickness: I take a Zofran almost every day. I have gone two different days this week without one, but I am usually pretty queasy the next morning without it. Also, even if I take one, I'll have moments where I don't feel so hot, but it's usually because I need a snack of some kind.

Symptoms: Obvious baby bump, peeing constantly, waddling instead of walking, lots of stretch marks, lower abdomen pressure, baby kicks, some pelvic pain/cramps, some heartburn/acid, light Braxton Hicks, a little queasiness, and gassy.

Labor signs: I'll feel some Braxton Hicks from time to time, but nothing major and no abdominal cramping. I've had some pelvic cramping today, but nothing too horrible. At the appointment with my Dr. on Thursday, she said my cervix is soft, but closed. I know this can change at any point, but I figured that means my body is starting to get ready a little bit :)

Belly button in or out: In and may just stay that way.

What I miss: Not a whole heck of a lot :)

What I'm looking forward to: My parents coming this week and my baby coming into the world REALLY soon!

Now for Weeks 17, 27, and 37

Our mental health day/anniversary was wonderful! We woke up and had a great breakfast at Prairie Thunder Bakery! I want to apologize for the picture though. When I want to take photos of my food, it seems I get a little excited and remember the photo halfway through eating HAHA
Phil had an omelette, toast, and coffee. I had a bacon, egg, and cheese croissant, (croissant bread btw), and English Breakfast tea. We also split a yummy cranberry orange scone!

Phil happy about his yummy breakfast :)

After breakfast, we went to the local mall to get my rings inspected, as well as to walk around so I could give Phil some Christmas gift ideas. Well, it was really hard to get my rings off for the inspection, so we had to make another stop after the mall, (but I'll get to that). We walked around, but there's not really much at the mall I'd want so I wasn't much help to Phil. We got a cookie and bottle of water before we headed out. However, we did see this...
The sign says: Lush coming soon!

I'm so excited we're finally getting a Lush in Oklahoma! And in OKC no less! I always figured Tulsa would be first, but I'm happy to be wrong. I have no idea when it'll be open, but that fact that it's coming makes me a happy girl :)

After the mall, we went to Target to try and drum up some Christmas gift ideas. Before we left, (because we apparently have to buy something every time we're there), we got a little something for me.
I feel pretty happy that I made it to almost 37 weeks before my fingers needed a bigger ring. My hands were pretty swollen yesterday. However, I love my new "wedding ring" ;)

Once I had a new ring for my fat finger, we went home for lunch. I gave Phil some much needed Xbox time while I finished some projects/took a nap. We went to dinner at Paseo Grill and it was amazing! I had a steak and Phil ordered the duck. We shared some Creme Brulee, and coffee for dessert and felt completely stuffed, but happy :) It's hard to believe that 5 years ago we were newly engaged and had dinner at Chili's! LOL I guess that means we're adults now right? (Eh... we'll probably never be real adults anyways HAHA)
Us before dinner <3

For our last hurrah and celebration of our engagement, it was pretty great. I'm so glad we were able to it. I think we're officially ready to welcome baby girl into the world and be a family of 3 now :)

I hope y'all have had a great and relaxing Saturday as well!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Relaxing Thursday

I'm going to be honest about the 30 Day Photo Challenge... I'm stuck on one of the photos. I'm not a photographer by any means so I have to find the owner's manual in order to do one of the photos. Hopefully I'll get back on that soon.

I've been really pushing myself ever since I've been home all day. I was trying to get everything that wasn't dusting/vacuuming the apartment done so I could focus on that for next week. By doing so, I've worn myself out. The good thing? All our Christmas cards are addressed, my shopping lists are almost completely taken care of, I have 1 more cook & freeze meal to do, and I only have 4 Christmas gifts to purchase before I'm completely done, (and I've wrapped what I already have). See why I'm tired now? HAHA I did have a really great lunch at Olive Garden yesterday with my two high school friends. I ate way too much, but it was totally worth it. I also have talked to my BFF Annette twice this week! This is something that doesn't always happen often so I'm very thankful for it. All in all, I am enjoying my time at home. Now if only I could stop nesting and start resting...

We had a doctor's appointment this morning and everything seems good! My cervix is soft, but closed which means no surprise arrivals in the next few days. She is also heads down and I got tested for Group B Strep. We get to have another ultrasound on Tuesday afternoon before our next appointment with my OB on Wednesday! I thought we wouldn't get another one so I'm pretty excited :) It sounds like it's just to confirm that she is in position and to see roughly how large she is. Every time I've been measured, it sounds like I'm right on schedule so I'm not worried about her being huge or anything. I don't know if we'll get more photos or not, but it'll still be good to see baby girl one more time before we see her in person!

I did want to share some photos with you! About a month ago, Phil and I went to my brother to see if he would be willing to take some maternity photos on TU campus (since we met at TU). Even though he's a gifted architect, I've always really enjoyed the photos he takes of buildings and of places when he travels. I didn't want the normal bare belly or kissing parents kind of photos so I didn't think it would embarrass him too much and we were happy when he agreed to do them. I looked to Pinterest for some inspiration, and these are what we came up with :) {I edited the photos using Picnik because I have no background in PhotoShop}

{p.s. This is Phil's favorite spot on campus because he loves Tulsa's skyline}

Tomorrow, Phil and I are taking a mental health day. It's kind of also our last hurrah before we're officially a family of 3. We're going to sleep in, eat breakfast at our favorite spot, then Phil has something up his sleeve for something to do in the afternoon and dinner. He's not allowed to do any work on his dissertation and I'm not allowed to do anything on my to-do list. Part of why we picked tomorrow is because it's our engagement anniversary :) I can't wait to share our day with you tomorrow night!

I hope you're having a great wrap up to your week!

Monday, November 14, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge Catch-Up

Even though today was my first day without working, I've been nesting like crazy! I cooked some chicken for my cook & freeze meals, laundry, had a meeting at church and I'm going to a childcare class with Phil tonight. However, I did want to play catch up with my 30 Day Photo Challenge!

Day 6: From A Low Angle

We have the changing table all set up and ready for Ms. Jill!

Day 7:Fruit
We love apple season! We recently bought Empire, Rome, and Jonagold and they smell yummy :)

Day 8: A Bad Habit
I do not make the bed every morning. Even if I feel better when I do, it doesn't always happen.

Day 9: Someone You Love
I couldn't choose, so I have both my daughter and my hubby :)

Day 10: Childhood Memory
I don't even remember when this started, but my mom and I have a tradition of watching "Little Women" together. It is something I hope to continue with Jill.

Day 11: Something Blue

I love my blue leafy pillows from Target! The shade of blue is just gorgeous to me.

Day 12: Sunset
It doesn't get prettier than this :)

Day 13: Me with 13 Things
Phil and I went to the store to finish off our baby stock pile for the pantry. This is more than 13 items, but I figured it would work! HAHA 

Day 14: Eyes

Hope y'all had a great Monday!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Bébé Week 36 Update

Today's date: November 12, 2011

How far along: 36 weeks

Total weight gain: Between 15, 15 1/2 pounds total.

Size and growth of the baby: 
Jill is now the size of a crenshaw melon (about 20" long)  and weighs nearly 6 pounds! Even though her lungs still need a little more time to mature, all of her other organ systems are basically ready to go! She is also starting to shed her lanugo and vernix coating.  {per}

Sex: Baby Girl!

Maternity clothes: Only a few shirts and 1 dress are not maternity. If I try to wear a non-maternity shirt out, you can usually see the seam in my maternity pants.

Sleep: Overall I haven't had trouble sleeping. I was very tired this entire week. However, the last 2 nights I have woken up every 2 hours or so. I don't always switch positions or pee so I'm curious as to why I'm waking up.

Best moment(s) of the week: Crossing off items on my to-do list, receiving our swing from my parents and getting it set up and hearing that baby girl is still doing great at the doctor appointment.

Movement: She squirms quite a lot and I love it :)

Food cravings/aversions: No major aversions, aside from no desire to be near seafood. My main craving this week was a root beer float from Sonic.

Morning sickness: I have to take Zofran once a day to keep food down. I may get a little queasy throughout the day, but it's nowhere near where it was in the first trimester.

Symptoms: Obvious baby bump, peeing constantly, lots of stretch marks, lower abdomen pressure, baby kicks, some pelvic pain, heartburn/acid, light Braxton Hicks, a little queasiness, and gassy.

Labor signs: I'll feel some Braxton Hicks from time to time, but nothing major and no cramping.

Belly button in or out: In, but Phil and I are betting if it will or not by the end.

What I miss: Not a whole heck of a lot :)

What I'm looking forward to: My parents coming for Thanksgiving, and my baby coming into the world!

Weeks 16, 26, and 36!

This past week was my last week of working. Not only was that occupying my mind, but I was exhausted by 7:30 every night so I would basically go to bed around 8. Now that I'm no longer employed, I bet you'll be hearing from me a bit more often ;) Plus, I need to catch you up on my 30 day Photo Challenge, (yes, I'm still doing it - promise!).

Hope y'all have had a wonderful Saturday!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Bébé Week 35 Update

Today's date: November 5, 2011

How far along: 35 weeks

Total weight gain: About 14 pounds total.

Size and growth of the baby: 
Jill is now the size of a honeydew melon (about 20" long)  and weighs a little over 5 pounds! Her kidneys are fully developed and her liver can process waste products. She will be spending most of the next few weeks putting on some weight.  {per}

Sex: Baby Girl!

Maternity clothes: Only a few shirts and 1 dress are not maternity. I usually only wear non-maternity at home.

Sleep: Sleep comes easy for me. I'm tired faster than I used to be, though it's not the complete exhaustion I felt in my first trimester. I do wake up once a night to pee.

Best moment(s) of the week: Having my last baby shower today, seeing my BFF Annette, and getting more accomplished on my baby to-do list.

Movement: She wiggles several times during the day, though she's not really kicking anymore. I think she's just running out of room ;)

Food cravings/aversions: No major aversions, aside from no desire to be near seafood. My main craving is Trix and Fruity Pebble cereal, but I haven't given in just yet.

Morning sickness: I have to take Zofran once a day to keep food down. I may get a little queasy throughout the day, but it's nowhere near where it was in the first trimester.

Symptoms: Obvious baby bump, peeing constantly, lots of stretch marks, lower abdomen pressure, baby kicks, some pelvic pain, heartburn/acid, light Braxton Hicks, a little queasiness, and gassy.

Labor signs: I'll feel some Braxton Hicks from time to time, but nothing major and no cramping.

Belly button in or out: In, but we'll see how long that lasts.

What I miss: Not a whole heck of a lot :)

What I'm looking forward to: My parents coming for Thanksgiving, my final work day (November 11th!), and my baby coming into the world!

Weeks 15, 25, and 35!

I couldn't do my Day 3 picture for the photo challenge because we didn't have a single cloud in the sky the past two days! Also, the photos were taken with Phil's phone because my camera's battery died, (just my luck). So here's my make-up for it:

Day 3: Clouds

Day 4: Something Green

Day 5: From A High Angle

We woke up this morning to a 4.7 earthquake. The epicenter was closer to OKC than Tulsa, but we still felt it. In fact, as I was typing this up, we had another aftershock that knocked over a photo at the in-laws'. I feel like I'm in California! {Just overheard that the aftershock was a 5.2. Geez!} I don't know about earthquakes, but I may still prefer them to tornadoes personally. 

Today was not only my last baby shower, but it was also my brother's birthday! I only got to see him for a little bit, but I was able to give him his gift and a funny card :) I really love my big bro!

Hope everyone had a great Saturday!

But I Know What It Feels Like

This post is going to be awfully vulnerable and hard for me, but I really want to finally say it out loud. I got permission for my daughter ...