Sorry for the lack of posting this week. First of all, I had kind of a rough week in terms of work and it just zapped all of my energy. Second, I went to the beautiful wedding of my sorority sister Brandi this afternoon! It was a nice ceremony and I am very happy for the bride and groom :)
Today's date: June 25, 2011
How far along: 16 weeks
Total weight gain: I gained a pound back this week, but I'm still at a loss of 11 pounds to date.
Size and growth of the baby: The size of an avocado! The baby can hear what we're saying now as well. Maybe I'll start to sing to bebe :) Also, one of my books told me that the bebe can sense light now, so if I were to shine a flashlight, the baby would move. That's pretty cool!
Sex: I have a feeling, but it's still don't know. Hopefully we'll have a countdown soon :)
Maternity clothes: I have a Be Band that I'm only using on my only pair of jeans, several tank tops from Old Navy as well as a pair of bermuda jean shorts.
Sleep: I wake up twice a night now to go pee. I usually sleep very soundly in between potty breaks. Still hard to get comfy, but I'm sure I'll figure it out someday!
Best moment(s) of the week: Finally feeling hungry and feeling like I'm giving bebe enough nutrients.
Movement: Nothing yet. I hope to feel flutters soon!! (hint hint baby!)
Food cravings/aversions: Same aversions as before, plus the sound of mayo is disguisting. No real cravings aside from anything cold since it's been, (and will continue to be) in the 100s for quite awhile.
Morning sickness: I still take Zofran everyday at lunch just to be safe. Slight nausea here and there, but definitely not like before.
Symptoms: Nausea, round ligament pain, peeing a lot, still kinda gassy, and pretty emotional.
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: In
What I miss: Nothing really :)
What I'm looking forward to: My next appointment on Thursday when I can hear the heartbeat and know bebe is fine! Also, I'm hoping we'll set up the ultrasound appointment to find out the gender that day as well! I don't think we'll get in until late July, but just having it scheduled is good for me.
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