Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Bébé Deux Week 9 Update

Today's date: April 30, 2013

How far along: 9 Weeks

Total weight gain: My weight keeps fluctuating between the same 2-3 pounds. As of now, I have officially lost 2 pounds.

Size and growth of baby: Bébé is the size of a green olive. They have graduated from an embryo to a fetus, and we should be able to hear their heartbeat on doppler next week. {via}

Baby is a: Not sure as of now. I have to wait until July to find out!

Maternity clothing: Some pants, but mostly not yet.

Sleep: Sleep is pretty good! I wake up once to pee, but can usually go back to sleep pretty easily. The only issue is I get so hot overnight. I usually wake up all sweaty, even if I only use sheets to cover up with.

Movement: None, but look forward to it :)

Cravings/Aversions: I've been craving bagels, cinnamon, sour candy, watermelon, and Coco Puffs cereal. Aversions are mostly meat, salad, and anything that just doesn't sound good at the moment.

Morning Sickness: Some queasiness, but I haven't actually thrown up yet! *knocks on wood* Most of the time, I just have zero appetite.

Symptoms: Sore/heavy boobs, tired, gassy, slightly more moody than normal, and some nausea.

Labor Signs: None

Belly button in or out: In

How this pregnancy is different than the first: I was sicker than a dog with Jillian. Right now I have moments and bad days, but nothing like before. I also feel like I'm already starting to show a bit.

The best moment of this past week: Telling certain people, hearing other good news, and planning a trip to see my parents soon!

What I miss: Nothing :)

I'm looking forward to: Our next doctor's appointment next week!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Life via iPhone Pictures

First and foremost, thank you all for the sweet comments on my last post! I really appreciate it :)

Secondly, I feel like I dropped a bomb and ran away from my computer. My nausea comes in waves, and usually I feel the worst when I'm alone with my thoughts while Jillian naps. Meaning, blogging is one of the last things on my mind. I'm hoping to remedy this soon. In the mean time, here are some pictures* I've taken in the last 2ish weeks. Enjoy!

*I've noticed that I seem to take a lot of photos of food or inanimate objects. Instead of boring you with all those, just know that I've eaten quite a variety of food lately while doing things like storm tracking on my laptop.

{Jillian watching Yo Gabba Gabba}
{It hurts my neck just looking at her!}

{Jillian in pigtails. They always make her look so grown up to me} 

{Our backyard covered in hail from Friday night} 

{Our front yard covered in hail and leaves}
{It was a loud storm, but we didn't have much damage at our house} 

{Family fun at the Arts Festival}
{Even though you can't see my smile, I think this is a perfect picture :)} 

{Phil getting ready to do his first solo 5K!} 

{Phil as he crossed the finish line!}
{The 5K wasn't officially timed like the marathon, so we have him finishing around 41 minutes} 
{Unfortunately, he hurt his knee :( It's better today, so we're hoping it'll be good as new soon}

How was your weekend?

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Something to Say...

I know this is a sensitive subject for some, so I am going to be as mindful as I can be.

In this post, I stated that I wanted to establish with Phil exactly when we wanted to start actively trying for baby #2. The whole time, I had no mom guilt whatsoever. We started to settle on a timeline, and looked forward to the time we were ready to expand our family.

Starting in February, I began taking my temperature. I wanted to be in the habit of doing so before we tried so that I would keep up with it better. I did well all through February, then only missed one day in March, (but that was because we overslept for early service at church, and got ready in 10 minutes!).

My birthday was a pretty mellow, but good day overall. The next morning, I woke up, and took my temperature as I always do. My temperature went up almost a full degree from the day before. Puzzled, I took it again, then again with the same result. I decided to take an early pregnancy test I had bought to prepare for TTCing later this year. I was slated to get my period that day, or by Friday 3/29 at the latest. I just knew it would be negative.

It was positive.

I looked at it, looked at the floor, and then looked at the test again to see if I imagined it. The line was still there. I sat on the floor because I was about to faint, and dug around my drawer to find the instructions to the test. "Is it the ovulation test instead?" "There's no way this is happening!" "What if it's a false positive?!" All these thoughts went through my head. After the 5 minutes was up, there it was. Staring me straight in the face.

All of a sudden, mom-guilt took over. I cried and cried and cried and cried. I worried I would miss out on stuff with Jillian. I worried that I wouldn't be good at taking care of her knowing how sick I got last time. I was just so overwhelmed.

Don't get me wrong, I was happy and excited too. Unfortunately, those emotions took a backseat for the first 12 hours as I came to terms with the notion that I was already pregnant before we were serious about trying. {Yay hormones?}

I dried my tears, hid the test behind me, and walked to the living room where Phil was feeding Jillian her oatmeal.

"I'm not sure how you're going to take this. I don't even know how I'm going to take this."
{I hand Phil the test}
"Are you serious?! HAHAHA wow!"
{I begin to cry again}

Phil was beyond thrilled and I just kept crying. This time was for stupid reasons.
"Our kids will think we only have sex in March!"
"Jillian's big sister shirt won't fit because she's too small and young!"
"I wanted to be 200 lbs before we got pregnant and I was so close!"
"What if Jillian can't have a birthday party because I'm in the hospital?!?"

{You know, all the important stuff ;)}

After bible study at church, and a nice lunch with friends, I had calmed down enough to take it in. I honestly think the devil was just trying to take away my joy in the situation so I wouldn't trust that God's hand was upon me. It's so easy to listen to those negative thoughts over the good ones.

I was worried about it being another ectopic for about 12 hours. After that, I had more of a sense of peace. I had to wait until we got home from Minnesota to see the doctor for a blood test, (4/10), but everything came back great. They even did an early ultrasound on the 10th, and everything was exactly where it should be :)

Am I ready to go through all this again? Honestly, yes!! I'm not thrilled to be sick again, even with the help of Zofran, but I know it's totally worth it :) {Though it hasn't been too bad just yet!}

When are you due? Based on my LMP, I'm due 12/3, which makes me 8 weeks and 2 days. Yes it's ridiculously close to Jillian's birthday, but that's ok!

Do you have a preference for the gender? I actually don't! I like both the girl and boy name we've picked out and I'll be thrilled with either. I know Phil would like a boy though ;)

Will you be finding out the gender? Yes! We haven't decided if we're going to tell others or not, but I definitely need to know!

Will you be doing weekly updates? Absolutely! I won't be starting until week 9 like I did with Jillian, and I won't have pictures until week 12 either.  I'm going to do it as similar to Jillian as I can.

Are you still going on your mission trip this summer? Yes, that is still a go. The person in charge is well aware of my pregnancy and said it won't be a problem. We're driving to New Mexico, and I'll be able to ride in a truck as opposed to the 15 passenger van.

Will you do anything differently this time? Aside from working out/doing pre-natal yoga and eating better, I will be allowing myself to travel more this pregnancy. Not far, but more often so I don't feel like I'm stuck at home all the time. {Not that being home is a bad thing ;)}

Does this mean you did a 5K while pregnant? Yes! The funny thing is, I gave myself about 2 weeks off after my first 5K before I was going to warm-up for the 5K in Minnesota. During my break, I got pregnant. To be sure it was safe, I emailed my doctor who told me my body should still be used to it. Her only advice was to give myself breaks as needed and to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Even if I hadn't beaten my original time, I figured I'd set a PR since it was my first 5K pregnant :) I was proud of myself for not just dropping out and trusting the doctor!

So there you have it. Here we go bébé deux!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Today is a day I wish I was better with words. When something as awful as the Boston Marathon Bombing happens, it's natural to be speechless.

I will say that there are a few things I am thankful for. I am thankful for my daughter's age, because I don't have to even begin figuring out how to explain this to her. I am thankful for my daughter's innocence, because I can watch Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, and not feel like I have to re-watch the horrific videos and newscasts over and over again. I am thankful that none of my friends, or family were effected directly by this tragedy.

It's been 11 years, but I've been to Boston. I've wanted to go back for another visit someday. I'm not familiar with the area or streets they've named.

People here in Oklahoma City are also a little on edge. Our Memorial Marathon is apparently a qualifying race for the Boston Marathon. So far, the race here is still on. I wasn't living here for the OKC Bombing either. I know it's still hard for so many to think about 18 years later.

Events like these, the hurt doesn't go away. The fear of a repeat attack never goes away. The anger never goes away.

I can say this: it does fade. It takes time, and it takes the willingness to heal, but it can happen. As long as we remember that there are others to build us up. As long as we remember there are others to help. As long as we remember there are others who feel the same way. As long as we remember there are others standing beside us.

My mom told me something recently that I feel can work in this situation: If God gives you something you can't handle alone, he always sends help.

I know that Mr. Roger's quote about "looking for helpers" is popular all over social media right now. If nothing else, remember that means good is hard at work righting the wrongs. Good is out there showing that, even in the most terrifying and horrific events throughout the world, good will never give up the fight to win.

Some days, evil seems to be in charge. However, good is there and always will be.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Do I Wanna Run A Mile or More?

When I started to train to run my first 5K, my dad offered to be my workout buddy! We thought we could do a 5K together when we were done training.

Part of the reason why we went up to visit them the first week of April, is because they were just too busy to come down to us. I thought, so I wouldn't lose motivation in between, that I could find a 5K while we were up there to do. And boy, there were a TON of different ones to choose from! Luckily for us, there was one in the town where my parents live! Right before we left, Phil expressed interest in doing it with us because he wants to do his own 5K in late April at home.

Now, Camp Wannarunamileormore 5K is sponsored by a local store. It wasn't really raising money for a cause or anything. However, it was still fun!

We signed up late in the game and were not guaranteed a t-shirt. However, they found a few from the previous year we could have. {And there's no year on it so no one would know unless we told them!} It was supposed to rain that morning so we dressed for the occasion. Luckily, it stayed dry the whole time :)
{Ready to go!} 

Mom and Jillian hung out while we did our thing. Luckily, my mom was able to get a picture when we finished!
{Crossing the finish line together in 42:50!}
{That is 27 seconds faster than my time for Run Lucky!} 

We didn't get a medal or anything, but we were still proud :) Afterwards, we got some snacks, water, and coffee for my mom.
{Resting after the race} 

My dad decided that Jillian need to cross the finish line too!
{Way to go Jilly!} 

My mom took a picture of the lake we jogged near so that we would remember what it looked like/what the weather was like.
{Bald Eagle Lake - still frozen ;)}

We stopped by a local bakery for a treat and coffee. Then we got home for lunch, which was all breakfast food just to have some protein.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Date Number Three for 2013

I mentioned in this post that Phil and I got to go on a date night while we were in Minnesota! It was a Thursday night, and we had to borrow my dad's truck. {That was definitely a dating first for me ;)}

As we looked up movie times, we saw that Jurassic Park: 3D was going to be playing at 10 pm at a nearby theater! Since we both really love that movie, we decided to go for it. Well, that meant that going to dinner at 6 or so would have a large break in between activities. Plus, many things in town close around 8 or 9. With that in mind, we had dinner at home with my parents, and Jillian. After that, we were off!
{Ready for our date night :)}

We went to Barnes & Noble first so that Phil could browse as long as he wanted. {What can I say? I know how to treat a man ;) HAHA} We were going to try a local ice cream place, but I decided I was too cold for ice cream. No problem, there was a nearby alternative! 

{Coffee and pie at Perkins}
{I got Apple and Phil got a special Neapolitan Cream} 

We got to the theater with about 45 minutes to spare. Since the parking lot wasn't very crowded, we hung out in the car, and just talked.
 {Phil waiting in the car}

Then, it was time to find our seats!
{Here we go!} 

There was only 12 people total in the theater and I think we were one of the youngest couples there. No matter, we had a good time :) Plus, I really like seeing movies in 3D that were not filmed to be in 3D. That way, you don't have things flying in your face every 10 minutes or so.

And that was date #3 :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

April Minnesota Trip 2013

This will mostly be pictures with captions :)

{We were waking up early for our flight anyways, but Jillian decided she wanted to party in the hotel at 4:30. We finally gave up and got up for the day}

{Jillian after we landed}
{She was asleep for boarding, and wasn't too fussy the rest of the flight! We were so proud :)}

After my mom picked us up, we had brunch, then went home to relax. Jillian did hurt herself on their brick hearth, but luckily it wasn't too bad. Plus, she didn't injure herself again the rest of the trip.
We also went out to eat that night, but Jillian was in an awful mood. I'm pretty sure her molars were giving her problems, but even running next door to CVS for some Tylenol didn't help her move. We ate quickly, (in shifts), and got home.

The next few days, we mostly hung out and tried to recover from traveling. My dad, Phil, and I went on a practice jog on Wednesday and it went pretty well! Other than that, we didn't do much.

{Thursday, we went to my mom's church for a few hours. Jillian loved all the toys in the nursery. She really enjoyed the chair!}

 Phil and I went on a date on Thursday night, but more on that later :)

 {On Friday afternoon, we took Jillian to a local park to play!}
{I adore this picture :)}

{Daddy helping Jillian slide} 

{That was fun!! Let's do it again!} 

{Playing with Jemma and Gee-Chaz}

Saturday was our 5K in the morning, then a spaghetti fundraising dinner at my mom's church. I'll do a separate post for the 5K :) 

{Sunday, we tried to give Jillian a full day of no riding in the car.}
{It was so fun to watch her play with my parents :)} 

Before we knew it, it was Monday morning. We had a late afternoon flight, so we got to spend the morning together. We took a few photos before we said goodbye.

{I love my daddy!}

{Three generations of beautiful ladies :)} 

{Jillian with her Jemma and Gee-Chaz <3} 

{We had enough time before our flight to grab a donut at a new place in Minneapolis called Glam Doll Donuts}
{This was my Femme Fatale! It was very delicious, but I wasn't able to finish it. Luckily, my mom took it home and said she enjoyed it too ;)}

{We said goodbye to my mom and waited for our plane}
{We were fortunate that all our flights were on time and that the crews were great!}

By the time we finally got our stuff to our car, we noticed our back tire was flat. After fixing it, we were on the road about 90 minutes later than we intended. Even though it wasn't ideal, we made it to Tulsa and stayed with Phil's folks overnight. 

{We woke up early the next morning and were on the road by 8:15}

What a trip! I can't wait to see my parents again soon :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Date Number Two for 2013

Date #2 for us was actually an early birthday gift for me :)

March 22nd, Maroon 5 played a concert in Tulsa. Since I have been a fan of theirs for nearly a decade, I figured it was time for me to see them in concert! We drove up to Tulsa that afternoon, where I ended up having to drop Phil off for a meeting he arranged on TU's campus. As soon as I got Jillian to his parents' house, I had just enough time to use the restroom, then pick him back up.

Now, we didn't go out to dinner, but it still counted as a date because I wore makeup, Phil's parents babysat Jillian, and we got home after she was in bed.

Jillian was having a fun time so we knew she'd be in good hands :)
{Easter Egg Hunting with Papa}

{Someone found money in mama's wallet...}

{Ready to go!}

We arrived a little after 8, but we figured Neon Trees would be opening the concert. We got some coffee and hot chocolate and found our seats.
{Our view}

Turns out, Owl City opened. We missed the first few songs, but we got to hear a good 15-20 minutes of them!
 {Owl City}

{Phil and I while they setup the stage for the second act} 

 {Next up: Neon Trees}

I thought Neon Trees was ok, but not my favorite act of the night. Apparently, Phil and I were in the minority. By the time they finished their set, our drinks were cooled enough to drink. However, my $5 hot chocolate was more like hot water with a dash of cocoa powder. It was pretty awful.
 {My my-hot-chocolate-is-disguisting sad face}

Finally, it was time for the main event!
{Maroon 5!!!}

They did a great job of not only keeping us entertained, but of doing a nice mix of their old and new stuff. There were lots of pregnant women there, as well as 12 year old girls. I wasn't sure what disturbed me more: the age difference, or the fact that we were singing along to the same songs. Oh well, I still had fun :)

It took forever to get out of the parking garage, so we were home a little after midnight. We slept well though, and overall had a great date night :)

But I Know What It Feels Like

This post is going to be awfully vulnerable and hard for me, but I really want to finally say it out loud. I got permission for my daughter ...