Friday, August 2, 2013


As a new mom, I feel like I'm always running errands. {We need groceries, Jillian is out of lotion, the cats need food, I ran out of shampoo, etc.} With Jillian's hearing loss, we have extra appointments and check-ups. She has speech therapy every other week, an annual ear doctor exam, an eye doctor exam I still need to schedule {oops!}, and her typical well-appointments. This does not even include those rare occasions that she actually becomes ill enough to see the doctor. Check-up after check-up to make sure everything is in working order.

I have to admit, I too need the occasional emotional check-up from my therapist. It's a woman I have seen off and on since 9th grade. I really like going to her, and sometimes just being in her waiting room calms me down. I grew up in a family that knew seeing a counselor doesn't mean you must be crazy. In fact, we saw it as healthy because you are admitting that you need help with whatever situation(s) you are dealing with.

There is a sign I bought over four years ago from Target. I originally bought it, then used it to finish a photo collage in the loft apartment Phil and I shared.
{It's blurry thanks to my phone at the time. The sign says "And They Lived Happily Ever After"}

Then when we moved to our last apartment, I hung it above the hallway to our bedroom. {No photo of this, sorry!}

Now it sits above our bedroom door!

Every so often, I have to fix this sign. It tends to droop on the right side, so I have to push it up and make it even again. I'm not entirely sure why this is, but I have to do this at least every two or three months. It's not a big deal, and in fact has almost become a habit of mine without even thinking about it.

I'm sure this over-thinking is partially my personality and partially the fact that I'm pregnant. However, as I was fixing the sign this morning, I was thinking about our marriage. {I'm sure it's also because I was a little annoyed with Phil about something silly at the time.} Is it perfect? No. It is a work in progress as all marriages are. Is it exactly where I want to be? Yes. I would rather have to work on several issues for the rest of my life with Phil than to have a conflict-free marriage with anyone else! 

This past week has been hard on Phil at work. He's had his first official performance review, and he has  to put in long hours over the next week or so. Between this, raising a toddler on the verge of the terrible-two's, and a pregnant wife? We haven't been able to have much time to have a marriage check-up. Just a way to make sure everyone is feeling loved, appreciated, and supported. Hopefully we'll get a little time to take this weekend. 

It just made me think of my sign. Sure, our happily ever afters can get a little off-kilter sometimes. The important thing is to make sure you're straightening it out when you see that it's not quite right. If you're lucky like me, then it doesn't take much to get back in working order :)


  1. Marriages and children are tough. Glad to hear you guys are back on kilter:)

    1. You're right. They certainly can be tough. Thanks :)


But I Know What It Feels Like

This post is going to be awfully vulnerable and hard for me, but I really want to finally say it out loud. I got permission for my daughter ...