{Poor congested bubbie}
{I took both kids so I could vote in the presidential primary. We were in line for 45 minutes. Davey was sick and cranky, Jillian had to go potty 30 minutes into our wait time, and Jillian told her life story to the 3 surrounding grown ups in line with us. Sometimes I feel very out of my element when Jillian does that, but I know it really made their day to have a sweet 4 year old treat them like the coolest human beings she has ever met}
{Getting some supplies for mama for a trip at Target. Popcorn, and trying on sunglasses makes for a rap album cover look ;)}
{It finally happened, we traded in my Jeep for a mini van! It really isn't so bad, and I know it's what we need}
{The tree in our front yard. Spring has sprung!}
{I just love the colors :)}
{Quick weekend trip to Vegas to celebrate my future SIL!}
{I was not the only one to start singing "Millions of peaches, peaches for me"}
{Jillian at her St Patrick's Day party at preschool!}
{Busy picking flowers for mommy :)}
{My little bouquet <3}
{This boy, while challenging some days, is just so sweet, and funny. I sure do love him!}
{Getting ready to roll out}
{The big ultrasound! I'm always anxious to hear that everything is looking good health-wise for my babies, and BB-3 is no different. Plus, we were taking both kiddos with us, so the room was going to be a little more hectic than my other 20 week ultrasounds!}
{BB-3 looking good!}
{Since we didn't go anywhere for Spring Break, I tried to do something fun with the kids. This is the day we went to Sara Sara Cupcakes}
{Jillian enjoyed her cupcake and chocolate milk!}
{The next day, it was nice enough that we played with the splash table outside! This was a big hit, especially with Davey}
{I thought the clouds looked really cool}
{Because the baby wanted it...}
{Daddy made special pancakes for St Patrick's Day, even though he had to wake up early to do it because of his work schedule. What an awesome daddy :)}
{We had a special St. Patrick's Day visitor, Grandma! She brought treats, toys, and her wonderful down for the afternoon. Thanks for being with us grandma!}
{New books for St. Patrick's Day :)}
{If Jillian isn't asking for a PB&J sandwich, she will usually ask for a hot dog and cheese sandwich. I don't know where she came up with it, but I've made it a handful of times now. Not to brag about my culinary skills or anything, but I feel like I've finally figured out the best way to make them :)}
{Officially 20 weeks with BB-3! Can't wait to meet this sweet baby <3}
{Phil's awesome hat finally came in the mail!}
{It's in reference to this video}
{It's in reference to this video}
{Easter Party/Egg Hunt at my mom's old church, (the church Phil and I were married at)! She found lots of eggs, and had to tell every adult there ;) She still likes the bunny, but David wanted nothing to do with the giant bunny}
{Jillian started her soccer class this month! The class is a Christmas gift from my folks. So far, she is LOVING it!}
{Davey has been trying hard to give up naps lately. He was so out from the car, that I just carried him to the couch where he slept in my arms for about 45 minutes. I will certainly miss these snuggles/the arm around my neck}
{An errand at the mall requires a stop at Starbucks! I tried the new Caramelized Honey Latte Iced Coffee, and the kiddos both got a cake pop. The coffee didn't taste much different from a normal caramel iced coffee to me}
{Davey and I at Jillian's Easter Party at preschool! Still not sure why that marker on his forehead took so long to come off, but I promise that's all it is ;)}
{My gifts for my 30th birthday <3}
{This picture is out of focus, but one of my favorites of Jillian. It's so her!}
{Happy Easter!}
{Davey went on an errand with me, so we had a special date at the donut shop! I love that Krispy Kreme is entertainment and a snack all in one! We had a good time, and he really loved watching the donuts get flipped in the oil ;)}
{My bridesmaids dress for my brother's wedding finally made it! Off to the tailors!}
{Davey was having lots of fun being "Davey Chicken"}