Friday, March 4, 2016

BB-3 Week 18 Update

I've had to battle a cold all this week. I think I'm finally almost over it, but boy was it rough going! I was a mouth breather for at least 4 days, and I had to make myself eat because I just wasn't hungry at all. Poor BB-3! Anyways, I'm finally getting better. David's cold became a double ear infection, but he's doing better now. Now I hear Type A Flu is going around, including at church! Is sick season over yet?!?

Today's date: March 4, 2016

How far along: 18 Weeks 

Total weight gain: I lost this week because of my cold. I am at 3 pounds gained.

Size and growth of baby: BB-3 is the size of a sweet potato or bell pepper! BB-3 is becoming amazingly mobile, passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking, and swallowing. They also have unique finger and toe prints {via}

Baby is a: baby! Phil finds out on the 14th, and I'll find out on my birthday!* (see note below)

Maternity clothing: Still the same. I wear maternity pants consistently, but shirts are still a mix of maternity and regular. I just have a few things to complete my wardrobe, and I'll be all set. Well, until I'm too big/it's too hot to wear much of anything!

Sleep: I slept decently at night, even when I was sick. However, I'm still so so so tired, and could really use a nap everyday. I never get one, but I most certainly could use it.

Movement: BB-3 had a few quiet days when I was sick, but I've felt some good movements the last 2 days! I have Phil put his hand on my belly every night, and he can usually feel something :)

Cravings/Aversions: Cravings were not around this week, but I just wasn't hungry. Aversions are: the smell of cooking meats, fish, pork, mushrooms, anything overly sweet, peanut butter, greasy food, mayo (sometimes), rice, and anything that just happens to sound awful at the time. Luckily, the aversions didn't get to me, because I couldn't smell this week! I also couldn't taste anything I ate...

Morning Sickness: I got queasy a few times from my cold, but otherwise I felt ok morning sickness-wise. I was sick, just not with that type ;)

Symptoms: Sore boobs, lots of stretching and round ligament pain, thirsty, a little nausea, peeing a fair amount, headaches, a nasty cold this week, and feeling really tired.

Labor Signs: None

Belly button in or out: In

How this pregnancy is different than the first two: I was still sick with Jillian (though had the occasional moment with David), and also lost more weight with Jillian and David. I feel like I'm way more tired. My cravings and aversions are a weird mixture from both of my previous pregnancies. I also never had spotting with the first two. I also don't recall having such a bad cold to battle with either pregnancy before this one.

The best moment of this past week: Getting a Mom Mobile, feeling some good movement, finally breathing through my nose a little more, and hearing some good news that was an answer to prayers!

What I miss: Besides my parents, nothing :)

I'm looking forward to: My ultrasound on the 14th, the girl's weekend I'm going to soon, seeing my folks again someday, and my brother's wedding in April!

Bump Comparison:
{Left: Jillian 2011 Middle: David 2013 Right: BB-3 2016}

*I do have some "bad" news on the gender front. Phil and I have decided that we are going to find out the gender, but we'll keep it our secret until the baby is here. We will share our name choices, as well as our gender guesses before the ultrasound. Now, of course, if we slip, I'll announce it here. Also, if Jillian ever figures it out, it'll be game over as well! LOL So just know that we don't have plans to publicly share that info as of now. If that changes, I'll be sure to include y'all :)

1 comment:

  1. Only 10 days to see baby! So excited for you guys, but a little bummed I will have to wait for August to find out gender.


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