Sunday, July 31, 2016

July Highlights

July was the last full month before BB-3's due date! We didn't have many activities, but a lot of life was lived.

Here are some of the highlights:
{Phil had a quick trip to Atlanta, so I was a single parent for about 48 hours. I thought it'd be fun to let the kids finger paint in the bathtub...}

{The excitement lasted about 10 minutes. At least it gave them something to do!}
{The main goal was for the kids to stay alive and healthy, and for me to not go into labor. I can say that we were successful on all counts ;)}

{The kids keep trying to take over my Snoogle. I went to pee, and came back to this!}

{This is Jillian's drawing of the Stay Puft man from the original Ghostbusters movie}

{I wanted a special mommy date with both kiddos before BB-3's arrival. I took Jillian to see Finding Dory. She did well, and I think she enjoyed the movie too!}

{She was very excited ;)}

{While waiting for Phil to get some dog food, I noticed the car in the parking spot in front of the van had eyelashes. Why is this a thing?!}

{My curly-headed boy :)}

{Last time cantoring before taking a break for BB-3's arrival. I agree, I DO deserve a donut ;)}

{He fell asleep on me. I don't know how many times this will happen, so I'm soaking it in now!}

{I went for my normal check up, and my BP was 150/100! I felt fine, but obviously something was off}
{I was monitored and my BP got lower, but not to normal range. I was asked to do another 24-hour urine sample, and come back for an NST the next day}

{NST went well, and I had no special instructions when I left. I guess I was just having a rough day before? BB-3 looked great both times, so it was just me}

{Look at those legs! It makes him look more like a boy than my little guy}

{Playing with chalk while daddy cleans out the van. This looks like a rap album cover! LOL}

{I outlined David and Jillian. They decided to use leaves as their shoes. For whatever reason, David put some leaves in a very strategic place! HAHAHA}

{Mother-Son date at the ice cream store! Being so pregnant, I knew I couldn't take him to the park on my own. We did have a good time though}


{Lots of accidental couch naps this month. He looked so peaceful :)}
{Unfortunately, he wakes up pretty cranky when he takes an afternoon nap. That's a shame!}

{Taking over my side of the bed. When I asked if he was asleep, he did this, then jumped up and said "Good as new!"}

{He asked Jillian if he could eat her leftover ketchup. His Uncle Mike C. would be proud!}

{Jillian participated in VBS at a former church of mine. She had a great time!}

{I really wanted some Strawberry Diner Pie from Pie Junkie, and my amazing husband made sure I got it. He's so good to me :)}

{I was so proud of myself for making a decent lunch for myself, then I went and burned my thumb :(}

{Davey fell asleep again, but this time on his back!}

{Yoga boy}

{Before I could even ask, Jillian tried to tell me David did this. When I told her that wasn't possible, she said it must have been a ghost. I think we need a break from the Ghostbusters movie if that's her new go-to excuse!}

{Our little builder}
{Notice the TU? She did that with our fridge magnets all by herself. College foreshadowing perhaps?}

Friday, July 29, 2016

BB-3 Week 39 Update

{Puffy prego face in full swing!}

Well, I made it to full term! I was really concerned those few times I had to be monitored for high BP. I'm so glad BB-3 is looking good, my body has calmed down, and that BB-3 got a chance to grow for a bit longer :) I told Dr. P on Wednesday that I am done, so she got me on the schedule for an induction! As long as nothing changes, (aka lots of women go into labor on their own like before David's arrival), then I'll be checking in at 5:30 am on Tuesday, August 2nd, and having a baby! Now to survive the next few days...

Today's date: July 29, 2016

How far along: 39 Weeks

Total weight gain: 45 pounds

Size and growth of baby: BB-3 is the size of a mini-watermelon, a small pumpkin, or a French grain sack! They are anywhere around 6-1/2 to 7 pounds, and 19-21 inches long, (we'll find out on their birthday!). Organs are ready for life outside the womb, and they are pretty much out of wiggle room. BB-3's brain is still developing rapidly! {via and via}

Baby is a: precious baby :)

Maternity clothing: Minus XXL shirts and sweatpants, it's all maternity all the time.

Sleep: Sleep is good overall. I'm so exhausted all day long, so I usually get a quick nap in during the day. When I sleep, I sleep hard and only move once. It's easier to just wake up, pee, then go back to bed on the opposite side I was laying on. Also, I can't get into our bed without having a running start, which I'm sure is hilarious to watch!

Movement: Lots of rolling around! Also, BB-3 used to get morning kick counts in quickly, while the evening one took a little longer. Now it is flipped, so mornings take a little longer. {Do we have a night owl on our hands?} Hiccups and all kinds of other movements throughout the day. BB-3 does seem to love being high up, so I'm looking forward to having full use of my lungs again soon ;)

Cravings/Aversions: Twizzlers, anything cinnamon flavored, and chocolate were my main cravings this week. No actual aversions lately, but some food just didn't sound good from time to time.

Morning Sickness: A little queasiness here and there, but nothing terrible.

Symptoms: Obvious baby bump, major heartburn, back pain, sore nipples, stretch marks, cramps, nesting, gas, painful movement, out of breath feeling, peeing lots, contractions, and tired.

Labor Signs: I was dilated 3 cm as of Wednesday with 50% effacement. I have some pretty good contractions a few times a day, but nothing to make me think I'm truly in labor. I had the option to sweep my membranes, but decided against. I never have agreed to it just because I don't think I'd like the feeling all that much. I mean, compared to labor, it's nothing, but I don't like the idea of it for me personally. {TMI ALERT: I did lose my mucus plug, and possibly also had my bloody show as of this afternoon. We'll see what that means!}

Belly button in or out: In

How this pregnancy is different than the first two: About the same for now. I feel more tired and hungry now that I'm at the end. {Seriously, I feel like a bottomless pit who needs 20 hours of sleep!} Also, I have either a cold or a sinus infection that I doubt I'll be over before delivery thanks to my compromised immune system, and I was never sick right at delivery with either Jillian or David.

The best moment of this past week: Having a good appointment, and a fun playdate with my good friend on Tuesday to break up the week.

What I miss: Nothing at all

I'm looking forward to: Our last weekend as a family of four, picking up the house, my folks getting here on Monday, and having this baby!
Bump Comparison:

{Left: Jillian 2011 Middle: David 2013 Right: BB-3 2016}

BB-3 Bump Comparison:

Friday, July 22, 2016

BB-3 Week 38 Update

{Just like with Jillian and David, I have hit my pregnancy wall. I am over it, I'm ready to give birth, and I'm an emotional wreck. I made my own mother cry the other day. Ugh. I'm not pleasant to be around, and I'm trying my best to just be as positive as possible. My induction date is in 11 days. Hold it together, Courtney!!}

Today's date: July 22, 2016

How far along: 38 Weeks

Total weight gain: 41 pounds

Size and growth of baby: BB-3 is the size of a pumpkin, a spaghetti squash, a leek, or a half baking sheet of meringues! They are about 6-1/2 to 6-2/3 pounds, and 20 inches long, (or whatever their length at birth will be). BB-3 has a firm grip, and all of their organs are fully developed for life outside the womb. BB-3 should have some hair, and is getting into position for birth! {via and via}

Baby is a: baby!

Maternity clothing: All day. errr day.

Sleep: Sleep is ok for now. When I get to sleep, I sleep hard. I've been accidently falling asleep when I'm in the living room with the kids. Jillian has been noticing, and will be a little sneaky if she thinks I won't notice. I feel like I'm in a constant state of exhaustion, but that's nothing new.

Movement: Gets kick counts during the day just fine. Lots of rolling/stretching more than kicks. Gets hiccups once a day now :)

Cravings/Aversions: Cravings are mostly cheesecake, strawberries, caramel, iced coffee, and spicy food. I have a list of last minute cravings to fulfill just in case BB-3 decides to come a little early ;) No big aversions lately.

Morning Sickness: I usually get a little queasy first thing in the morning, and every so often I feel icky during the day/the end of the day. Nothing terrible.

Symptoms: All the symptoms I've had since last week. Nothing new, and nothing is better. We're crawling to the home stretch folks!

Labor Signs: I was still dilated to 2 cm, but I'm at 50% effaced. Dr. P told me that 2nd and 3rd babies usually just have the same dilation point until they decide to come, so it's not necessarily a factor in to how quickly BB-3 will come. I just want a little progression before my induction just for my own peace of mind. I guess I better start walking!

Belly button in or out: In

How this pregnancy is different than the first two: Pretty similar at this point. I'm D.O.N.E. and ready for BB-3's arrival!

The best moment of this past week: Having a good appointment, surviving the week, and getting some last minute baby-prep done.

What I miss: Nothing at all!

I'm looking forward to: Having my parents here soon, and meeting my baby face to face!

Bump Comparison:

{Left: Jillian 2011 Middle: David 2013 Right: BB-3 2016}

BB-3 Bump Comparison:

But I Know What It Feels Like

This post is going to be awfully vulnerable and hard for me, but I really want to finally say it out loud. I got permission for my daughter ...