Thursday, February 9, 2017

Baby C: Final Fourth Week 14 Update

It's been a whirlwind week for us since my last update! Lots of appointments, tests, applications, etc. We're getting Jillian ready for Kindergarten, we're trying to keep everyone healthy, and we're still in the process of figuring out the best way to help Jillian's hearing loss, (meaning, if she would benefit from hardware or not). On top of all that, we have new health insurance, so that's been fun to navigate. {Hmph} Otherwise, we're just chugging along!

Today's date: February 9, 2017

How far along: 14 Weeks 

Total weight gain: I gained a little this week, but I am still at a loss of 7 pounds from my pre pregnancy weight.

Size and growth of baby: Final Fourth is the size of a lemon or a beet! Kidney, liver, and spleen are functioning, and they are probably sucking their thumb. They are also growing lanugo to keep warm in there! {via}

Baby is a: baby for now. We should find out near the end of March!

Maternity clothing: Living in them really. That, and my pjs or sweatpants. I'm a frumpy, hot mess express.

Sleep: I am still really tired, and don't seem to get very restful sleep. The one nice thing seems to be that I don't have to get up to pee in the middle of the night. Well, it's fine until the morning when my bladder wants to burst!

Movement: I haven't felt something that made me believe without a doubt it was baby, but I know they're very active in there. Hopefully I'll feel more soon! Come on baby!

Cravings/Aversions: Cravings are Chai Tea Lattes with Soy, salad with ranch, spicy food, chicken, cinnamon, and fruit. If I want sweet, it has to be fruit flavored. I'm not super into chocolate right now, which is very strange to me! Aversions are the same - no meat (aside from chicken), no cooking meat, no lime juice, no raw onions, no mustard, and no ice cream.

Morning Sickness: I am feeling better, and my gag reflex seems to have settled down for now. Let's hope that continues :)

Symptoms: A little heartburn, some nausea, headaches, gassy, cranky, peeing a fair amount, and exhausted.

Labor Signs: None

Belly button in or out: In

How this pregnancy is different than the first three: My gag reflex is very sensitive, my sense of smell is heightened, (but not overwhelmingly so), and I feel much more irritable this time.

The best moment of this past week: Getting through the week. It was a mentally tough one.

What I miss: Nothing at all!

I'm looking forward to: Finding out the gender of my niece or nephew this weekend, getting to week 16 without any bleeding, and visiting my folks in the next few months!
Now to compare pictures :)
{Left: Jillian 2011 Middle Left: David 2013} 
Middle Right: Lottie 2016 Right: Lexie 2017}

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