Today's date: February 9, 2017
How far along: 14 Weeks
Total weight gain: I gained a little this week, but I am still at a loss of 7 pounds from my pre pregnancy weight.
Size and growth of baby: Final Fourth is the size of a lemon or a beet! Kidney, liver, and spleen are functioning, and they are probably sucking their thumb. They are also growing lanugo to keep warm in there! {via}
Baby is a: baby for now. We should find out near the end of March!
Maternity clothing: Living in them really. That, and my pjs or sweatpants. I'm a frumpy, hot mess express.
Sleep: I am still really tired, and don't seem to get very restful sleep. The one nice thing seems to be that I don't have to get up to pee in the middle of the night. Well, it's fine until the morning when my bladder wants to burst!
Movement: I haven't felt something that made me believe without a doubt it was baby, but I know they're very active in there. Hopefully I'll feel more soon! Come on baby!
Cravings/Aversions: Cravings are Chai Tea Lattes with Soy, salad with ranch, spicy food, chicken, cinnamon, and fruit. If I want sweet, it has to be fruit flavored. I'm not super into chocolate right now, which is very strange to me! Aversions are the same - no meat (aside from chicken), no cooking meat, no lime juice, no raw onions, no mustard, and no ice cream.
Morning Sickness: I am feeling better, and my gag reflex seems to have settled down for now. Let's hope that continues :)
Symptoms: A little heartburn, some nausea, headaches, gassy, cranky, peeing a fair amount, and exhausted.
Labor Signs: None
Belly button in or out: In
How this pregnancy is different than the first three: My gag reflex is very sensitive, my sense of smell is heightened, (but not overwhelmingly so), and I feel much more irritable this time.
The best moment of this past week: Getting through the week. It was a mentally tough one.
What I miss: Nothing at all!
I'm looking forward to: Finding out the gender of my niece or nephew this weekend, getting to week 16 without any bleeding, and visiting my folks in the next few months!
{Left: Jillian 2011 Middle Left: David 2013}
{Middle Right: Lottie 2016 Right: Lexie 2017}
{Middle Right: Lottie 2016 Right: Lexie 2017}
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