At work, my boss is using my computer to download some old family videos from his tape recorder. When it's slow around the office, he uses that time to do some personal projects. I don't mind at all because I feel like I earn my paycheck ;) Anyways, one of these tapes had an interview of my mom. (I feel like I need to give you some back ground. My mom and dad are both ordained Presbyterian ministers. However, they've always had their own churches that they serve individually. Well, my mom's last church in Oklahoma is the church I now attend on Sunday mornings and sing in the choir for. In this choir, is my boss. Yes, my boss is a member at my church. He has a family owned business and asked if I was interested in working for him in his office. I was happy to and have loved my job ever since. I love working with someone who knows me and sees the job as a learning tool. He gets frustrated from time to time, but its never AT me and he uses it as a learning opportunity). At one point, I was in the office alone and looked for that interview. I've been missing my parents a lot since they left to go home after Christmas and I really wanted to just hear her voice. Have you ever seen an interview or just recording of your parents before? It was a new thing for me. When I watched my mom, it made me see her in a different light. She mentioned a few things in the interview about her family and her past that I never knew about. It was almost as if I was seeing her as an individual and not a mom or pastor or friend. I saw who she really is. Again, this was new for me, but it made me love and appreciate her more. I'm so thankful that God blessed me with the family he did and I hope my mom knows how much I love her. Ya hear that ma?! lol :) I just thought it was an interesting and fun experience that I really wanted to share with you.
I was getting really bad cabin fever the past few days. Yes, I understand it's WAY too cold to go out and do things, but just going to work and going home was making me want to cry! Friday I had my yearly woman exam. I'm sure I've explained this before, but I HATE those apointments! I didn't go to my first one until after I started college. Even then I made my mom take me and then treat me to lunch afterwards! Well, she suggested lunch the first time and just made it a tradition until she moved. I didn't *make* her take me to lunch ;) Anyways, I go to my appointment and it went pretty well! When I went to pay my co-pay and leave... I realized I didn't have my checkbook NOR did I have my bank card. I made an online purchase and never put it back in my wallet! *slaps forehead* Luckily the girl was very understanding and said they could just bill us. So I call Phil and tell him what happened and how it went. I told him I was going to treat myself to some Starbucks. Well, I am about to turn into the store and I remembered... I don't have any money. Sweet. Then I realize, I have no way to get lunch since I work all afternoon. Luckily it was payday at work! I go to work, (because that's what I do when I'm on that side of town), and hang out until I get my paycheck. I then go to the bank and take some money out and go to KFC! I work the rest of the day and go home. I really want to do something so I beg Phil to let us see a movie. We decide to see Sherlock Holmes at the theater downtown. We eat dinner then head that way. We don't know what exactly happened, but they were closed when we got there at 7:10pm. We think a heater broke or something. So we call another movie theater in a nearby mall and the last showing of Sherlock Holmes is in 15 minutes! We race overthere, (thank you highways!), and we're sitting at the stoplight by the mall to turn into the parking lot when we get rear ended! The girl that hit us wasn't on her phone, but she was driving a brand new car. I think she may have just not applied her brakes because she's not used to them yet. Anyways, no one was hurt and there's very little damage. She didn't have her new insurance since the car is still new so we exchanged numbers and we went to the movie anyways. Hey, we were already in the parking lot to exchange information! lol We see the movie and it's really great! I loved it :) Then we went home and relaxed before bed.
Then this morning I went to my Weight Watchers meeting and I lost 3.6 pounds this week! That means I have lost 22.4 pounds total! I earned my 10% award today. I'm now 90% of the woman I used to be and I'm just have 5 more pounds before I'm out of the 200's!! I can't wait :D The rest of the day was pretty quiet. I got my large order from Christian Books and I don't know which book to start with! They were having a big sale and I bought about 8 books ;) Speaking of books, I've decided I want to read at least 10 classic books this year. I don't know how I got through high school without reading some pretty classic novels, but I'd like to remedy that this year. If you have any suggestions, I'm totally open!
I've decided that every so often I'm going to include a "Oklahoma Girl Confession", just for something fun. So...
Oklahoma Girl Confession #1:
Whenever I drive over railroad tracks or bumpy road, I raise my right hand in the air and yell "YEE HAW!!" as I bounce around. I do this ever. single. time.
I hope y'all are having a great weekend!
Peace to you,
"Redneck Woman" by Gretchen Wilson
yay for the 10%! I remember I was so stinkin excited the day i got my 10% and i still carry that thing around 3 years later {do they still give you the nifty key chain thing?}. congrats!!!
ReplyDeleteI love reading about other people's lifestyles (and traditions). Too funny - every time we drive over railroad tracks I raise my feet!
ReplyDeleteHave you read Jane Eyre? As far as 'classics' (which I actually usualy tend to not like, for some reason) go, that's my favorite, and I LOVE it.