Jillian –
You are one month old today! Although I can’t believe it has already been a full month since you came into the world, I must admit that some days make me feel like I’ve lived a few years. We’ll chalk it up to the lack of sleep this mama has dealt with :)
According to our measurements at home, you are 8 lbs, 4 oz and 21 inches long. The last time you were officially measured at 2 weeks & 3 days and you were 7lbs, 4 oz, and 20 ¾ inches long.
You are still in newborn clothing, but they are getting a little snug. This is mostly due to the fact that you’re so long! We tried a few 0-3 month outfits and they’re still way too big for you. You are also still in newborn diapers.
As far as feedings go, you eat 3 - 4 oz every 3ish hours. You ate a combination of breast milk and formula for about 3 weeks, but mama’s supply ran out. You tried a different formula to help with spit up, but it really messed up your poop schedule. We switched back and you’re back to pooping once every other day and you seem to like it better.
When you’re hungry, you let us know. The only downside? You don’t realize you’re hungry until you are starving. You give us about 3 minutes to work on warming up your bottle before you start crying loudly. Even when you cry, you don’t cry for a long time.
You used to cry really hard at bath time. Mommy and Daddy were worried about putting you in the big tub, so we were sponge bathing you until about 3 weeks. I think you were just really cold. Now that we put you in the tub with warm water, you don’t really fuss until we wash your hair. Once you’re dry and dressed, you’re a happy baby!
You won’t cry if you’re wet or dirty, but you don’t like diaper changes. The worst part for you is the end when we’re fastening the new diaper on. You start to squirm so much that it takes longer to finish up. We also think the wipes are too cool for you, but we’re not entirely sure. You seem to like thicker wipes better so we may switch soon.
Hiccups were occurring almost after every feeding up until about a week ago. Now they occur once a day if at all. They don’t bother you, but they make your mama feel so bad for you. Then again, mama doesn’t like getting the hiccups herself.
You make the funniest faces! You can do an Elvis sneer, the stink eye, smile, kissy face, and you love to stick out your tongue. If we’re making faces back at you, you think it’s fun for about a minute before you get upset.
Sometimes when you cry, it’s just this short little spurt as if you’re just yelling “Hey!”
You sleep for 3-4 hour stretches. Sometimes it’s closer to 2 hours because you like to stay up and hang out with your parents. You also do a fake-out where you start to doze off, and then you become wide-eyed as soon as we lay you down in your bassinet/packnplay/swing. As of 3 weeks, you go to sleep between 9:45 p.m. and 11 p.m. and will sleep until 2 or 2:30 a.m.!
Tummy time is fine with you as long as you have to do it for about 10 minutes. After that, you’re done. However, you have been able to turn your head from side to side, and lift your head a bit since you were 1 ½ weeks! Sometimes you don’t even lift your head and just start moving your arms and legs. It seems like you’d rather skip everything else and just start crawling now. I have a feeling I’m going to have to watch you like a hawk once you’re mobile :)
Even when you are fussy with us, you have such a sweet personality. You love to be around us. You usually want to be held every so often just so you know we’re there. You can drift off to sleep in our arms and be perfectly happy.
You’ve already been to three restaurants, church, and Target twice wrapped up in the Moby wrap. You are so happy in the wrap and usually are sleeping within a few minutes of being in there.
You fall asleep in the car seat easily if we’re on the highway. If we’re driving the city streets, you’re usually in need of your pacifier to calm you down. It must be the frequent starts and stops.
Christmas was the first holiday you got to celebrate! You got to see both sets of grandparents, (one via Skype), your Uncle Mike, and your Uncle Mike & Aunt Jessica. You got lots of great gifts and you were such a sport for you mama who kept changing your outfit to take pictures. You also got a midnight kiss on New Year’s Eve from both your daddy and mama!
I can’t wait for the next month and the next and the next as you continue to grow and show off your wonderful personality! You’re such a joy and I’m one proud mama. Love you baby girl :)
Now for some outtakes :)
{Making faces}
{Thinking hard about something}
{Leaning to the side}
{Starting to fall...}
{and we're officially done taking photos HAHA}
{Mama wears me out}