Jillian –
You are six
months old today! I am in awe of the fact that you are half a year old. I know
all moms say this, but where has the time gone?! According to our at-home
measurements, you are 14 lbs, 10 oz and 25 inches long. Your 6 month
appointment is in less than a week and I’ll update your stats then :) Update: At 6 months and 6 days old, you are 15 lbs even and 25-1/4 inches long!
Due to the fact that some of your clothes were too short,
and all the new clothes you’ve accumulated, you are now wearing only a handful
of 3 Month clothing, most of your 3-6 Month, and 6 Month clothes. You officially
wear size 2 diapers full time.
We usually have you at 5 - 6 feedings a day and you have between
6 and 6 ½ ounces. You also tend to eat less if other people feed you or when
we’re out and about. I don’t know if you’re just trying to look at everything
around you or what, but it’s hard to feed you outside our home. You starting
eating rice cereal as of May 22nd, and you’ve tried carrots! After
two full weeks, you really hated cereal. I mean, you would cry your eyes out at
the sight of a spoon. Now with carrots mixed in, it’s not too bad. You were
eating about a ½ ounce of cereal alone. Now with carrots, you’ll eat between 1
and 2 full ounces. You are a little apprehensive of solids, but you are
improving every day!
You are still taking Zantac twice a day for your reflux. We
may need to up your dosage, but we’ll ask your doctor about that soon.
New people don’t scare you, but you definitely like having
mama and daddy around if they hold you. You had one episode with your Grandma
Darla where you were just really upset about something and we were gone.
However, when she showed you our engagement picture at their house, you seemed
to calm down. You are getting more acclimated to the church nursery, but you do
seem to sleep most of the time you’re in there ;)
You had your first real photo shoot today! We hired the
professional photographers that took our engagement and wedding photos. We’re
sure they are going to be amazing and can’t wait to see them.
Your daddy officially finished his graduate school degree
this month! I know it doesn’t mean much to you now, but I know it will someday.
Now that he started his job, you see him less during the week. However, you now
really light up when he gets home and
it is amazingly sweet :)
This month, we had an appointment with the special hearing
clinic you go to. You are officially enrolled in a state-funded program that
will help with your appointments. For the next 6 months, we will be going for
speech therapy twice a month for 60 minutes sessions. Since you are already
babbling/saying “mama”, I don’t feel like you’re behind right now. However,
these sessions will ensure that you will stay on pace. Then in 6 months, we’ll
have another meeting to determine how often we will need therapy. We are
excited to work with the amazing people we have met and boy have you won them
over with your smile :) You will also being visiting a special pediatric
otologist as well as having a vision check just to make sure everything looks
great. It seems like a lot of doctors, but they all work together with the
hearing clinic, (and your pediatrician), to help you as problems arise. I’m so
very thankful for this community of doctors. I personally feel like we are
blessed to be well connected like this!
Teething wasn’t a horrible experience overall. Once your two
bottom teeth broke through your gums, you were a much happier baby in general.
We won’t get our hopes up just in case the next few are really painful for you.
You do like teething rings, and frozen washcloths, but you’re not a fan of
Orajel. We think your next tooth is starting to come, but no sign of it just
yet. We started brushing your teeth shortly after your 5-month birthday. You
did not like it at all in the beginning, but now you tolerate it much better!
You have yet to roll over, but you are so eager to crawl!
You roll over to your side, and get stuck on your arm. If we try to move your
arm for you, you just move it back. If we’ve learned anything about you thus
far, it is that you do things when you feel like it! {You are definitely my
child!} As long as you don’t get too frustrated about it, we don’t worry too
much. You love your toes and you move your arms/kick around when you’re
excited, (or watching Yo Gabba Gabba which is your favorite).
You consistently sleep between 9 ½ and 10 ½ hours at night
and we are very thankful for that. This past Saturday, you slept a full 12
hours!! I’m almost certain it was a fluke, but it was nice of you to give your
parents a few extra hours of sleep :) We think you might be ready for a growth
spurt because you have one longer nap a day for the past week or so. Besides
that, you are a big cat napper. You average between 20 and 30 minutes of sleep
and nap about 3 to 4 times a day. As long as you’re rested, I’m not too worried
about making you sleep more than that.
We are so happy to have you
in our life baby girl! It’s exciting to watch your change and we love you so
much :) Here’s to 6 more amazing months! {Plus many many many more!}
{What are the cats up to?}
{You want a smile mama? Here's a cheesy one :)}
{le sigh. Are we done yet?}
{Well hello friend. What's up with you?}
And for fun, let's look back on the last 6 months :)