Lots of bittersweet news this week. First of all, I did find out that Baby James did pass away. He fought for 10 days, but his body was just not ready for this world. His funeral was today, but I was unable to go. Keep Danny and Nicole in your thoughts and prayers as they begin the healing process. Also, my grandma did pass away on Wednesday. It was quick and painless for her, but we will miss her terribly.
In happier news, my friend Lesa did give birth to a baby girl, and she is precious! Also, wedding festivities are in full swing, so that make things a little easier to process as well :) Now if only the kids would behave a little better... ;)
Today's date: April 15, 2016
How far along: 24 Weeks - first official viability milestone! Can only get better from here :)
Total weight gain: 13 pounds {Need to keep an eye on this!}
Size and growth of baby: BB-3 is the size of a cantaloupe, ear of corn, or demi baguette! They are around 1 1/2 pounds, and a full foot long. Although BB-3 is pretty lean right now, their body is building up proportionally and will continue to plump up over the next 16 weeks! BB-3's lungs are growing "branches" as well as a substance that will help the air sacs inflate when they are out in the world. Their skin is still thin and translucent, but that will be changing soon. {via & via}
Baby is a: baby!
Maternity clothing: All maternity, minus a few shirts from before my weight loss
Sleep: I am still tired, yet not getting enough sleep. Even if David sleeps through the night, I am now conditioned to wake at 3 am, 4 am, and 5 am. Luckily, I'm able to get back to sleep fairly easily. Could always use a nap though...
Movement: I feel movement everyday. BB-3 does move more on some days than others. I just have to remind myself that they are still pretty small, which is why I'm not doing kick-counting until they are bigger. {Trying not to stress, y'all!}
Cravings/Aversions: No real cravings this week. I wasn't eating well, mostly because this week has been a little on the hectic side. Aversions are raw meat, pork, rice, peanut butter, and mushrooms.
Morning Sickness: I felt good all week
Symptoms: Baby kicks, sore boobs, round ligament pain, thirsty, pimples, gassy, emotional, peeing a fair amount, nesting is starting to kick in, tired feet, a little lower back pain, swollen gums, nasal sensitivity, and feeling really tired.
Labor Signs: None
Belly button in or out: In
How this pregnancy is different than the first two: Less morning sickness, no medicine, more weight gain, more anxiety, crazy mix of cravings and aversions from both previous pregnancies, more nasal issues, more dental issues, more exhaustion, less activity level in utero... for now ;)
The best moment of this past week: My parents finally getting here, and hearing the rain should hold off until after the wedding.
What I miss: Nothing at all
I'm looking forward to: My brother's wedding tomorrow, spending time with my folks, and finishing up school so we can move on to summer time :)
Bump Comparison:
{Left: Jillian 2011 Middle: David 2013 Right: BB-3 2016}
BB-3 Bump Comparison:
So sorry for your loss this week, we will be praying for your family. Thank you also for the shout out, Esme is pretty special already! Can't wait to hear about the wedding and happy you finally got to see your parents!