I will say this - Jillian love it! She even took a nap for the nursery workers without bawling her eyes out. {I obviously need some tips from them! HAHA} They even took her to the closing singing program with all the kids and she had a blast! She was kicking all around and watching everyone dancing and singing. I'm so proud of her :)
We got home during the heat of the day, (we officially hit 100 degrees), and I took a quick cold shower. Then Jillian tried sweet potatoes with her rice cereal! It's the last veggie for Stage 1 so we'll be trying fruit next week. It's exciting to introduce her to all these yummy foods, especially now that she seems to understand the concept of eating.
Later tonight, Phil and I are meeting with our realtor to discuss some things. We're pretty hopeful and excited about it! Any good thoughts/vibes and prayers are always appreciated!
Now Jillian is making all kinds of squealing sounds mixed in with some "mamamamamama" sounds. Motherly duty calls!
I hope y'all are having a great Monday!
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