Other than that, I get off work in about 30 minutes. I will try to work out before eating, but I'm pretty sore today. Those two DVDs are my workout regimen for the next 6 weeks! I do both, (not back to back), 5 times a week. Now that I'm getting used to eating healthy, I figured adding working out would be good. Plus, then I'll be real close, if not completely, done by the time school starts. Once school starts, I'll maintain what I've accomplished with other activities.
Accountability time: Folks, I'm really focusing on healthy eating habits and working out because I have been 220 pounds for about 2 months now. I saw a picture of myself recently and I wanted to cry. I've been overweight before, but even at my heaviest, I was never more than 207. This also means that, between August of 2008 and May 2009 I gained between 30 and 40 pounds. That's a lot in a short amount of time. I'm pretty sure the problem stems from my over eating when I'm depressed/stressed. Since that's when my parents were moving, I was changing schools, etc., I'm not surprised that I gained weight. However, I am surprised how much I let myself gain. My goals are to 1)be healthy and 2)be my driver's license weight, (which I haven't been since my junior year of high school). I don't have a particular dress size I want to be, nor to I really care if I'm in the exact realm in the BMI chart as I'm told to be. In order to be healthy, it tells me I have to be no more than 145 pounds. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA nice try. Besides, I want to take care of myself. High blood pressure, adult onset diabetes are just a few of the medical conditions that have plagued both sides of my family. I want to be around to see my children's children and I can't do that unless I take care of myself. I'm not dieting, but I'm eating in, eating less and eating healthy. I will not weigh myself again until after the 6 weeks is over so I don't get discouraged. If I just lose 10 pounds, I would be very happy :) I know this is a long process, but I know it's worth it. Wish me luck!
Tut, tut, it looks like rain. Hopefully it'll hold out until I get home. Hope y'all have a wonderful Wednesday!
Peace to you,
"Stand in the Rain" by Superchic(k)
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