Today was quiet, then hectic, then back to decent again. There's usually this type of emotional roller-coaster when I'm in my office alone for half the day. You'd think I'd be used to it by now ;)
I had a rough drive this morning because we were experiencing some heavy thunderstorms. In an attempt to get the ahead of the hail, I ended up getting in the office around 7:17 a.m. - the time I usually leave my apartment to get to work. Now that the day is nearly over, I made these comments on my twitter account:
True I'm not that clever, but I hope it at least made you smile - if nothing else out of pity for my horrible joke. Hey, a smile is a smile :)
This Weekend Thursday
I'm going to have a fairly quiet weekend this week! Don't get me wrong about busy weekends. I had a good time last weekend when we had a mini-escape to Tulsa where I also got to see one of my best friends. However, it's nice to be home and, let's be honest, clean.
Phil and I have no current plans for Friday, but I have a feeling we'll end up going to see this. I've heard it's good and there's not many other movies we want to see. I'm sure we'll sleep in Saturday, have waffles for breakfast, I'm going to check in our my church because we're hosting a conference, then we're cleaning the apartment. It desperately needs it! Sunday we'll have church, grocery shopping, then Martinis and How I Met Your Mother time :)
Sunday nights are quickly becoming my favorite. Not just because Phil and I toast to a new week with a tasty beverage. We always pick up the living room area, turn out all but 1 overhead light, I light my candles on the fireplace mantle and we watch a great show together. Ahhh... sounds relaxing already!
What are your plans this weekend?
Peace to you,
"Gila" by Beach House from Devotion
I am pretty jealous of your weekend plans! Right now even my weekends are spent doing nothing but homework =p