You are ten months old today! I can’t believe we’re in
double digits already! Get used to me commenting on how fast you are growing
because I just can’t wrap my head around it. According to our at-home
measurements, you are 17 lbs, 16 oz and 27 3/4 inches long. We will ask to weigh you next week for your second flu shot just to be sure that number is accurate :)
You still have a few 6 Month outfits, but you are mostly in
6-9 Month, 9 Month, and a handful of 12 Month clothes. You wear size 3 diapers.
Eating is a little funny right now. You are really great at
picking up food and putting it in your mouth! I’ve been giving you more and
more table food because pureed food just seems to bore you now. However, you
don’t eat very much, but down your bottle. I guess you’re on a mini solid food
strike for now. Hopefully this phase won’t last too long. I’m not too worried
about you not eating enough, but I will call the doctor if I need to. You LOVE
Cheerios. If you don’t eat anything else, you will eat Cheerios until you’re
full. Your two favorite finger foods are Cheerios, and plain wheat toast.
You have 6 more days of Zantac and then you’re done! It has
been quite an adjustment giving it to you once a day instead of twice, but you
don’t seem to mind ;)
No new teeth yet. We’re still waiting!
You are a mover and a shaker! You army crawl so fast now
that you really keep me on my toes. You can now sit in crawling position, but
your belly falls back down once you get moving. Everyday you get closer to
crawling with your belly off the ground. You can pull up to your knees, but
need help getting all the way up to your feet. If we help and prop you against the
couch, or ourselves, you can stand for at least 30 seconds before you fall on
your butt. We recently baby proofed most of the house. I think you like that
I’m not constantly moving you away and that you get to explore independently.
However, we may need a baby gate or two just to be on the safe side. You crawl
all over you daddy and I, or any toys in your way. If you see something you
want, you go for it! You’re starting to chase the cats around, and it is the
funniest thing. You do seem to understand the word “No” and listen to me about
9 times out of 10. I try to only say “no” if it’s a dangerous situation so you
know that I mean it. Sometimes I do have to put you in the Pack n Play to cook
dinner, but you’ve realized its purpose. You will cry and cry until I rescue you
from “prison”.
Sleep is good most days. You nap between 1 and 2 hours twice
a day. You woke up a few times in the middle of the night lately, but you also
had a cold at the time! We appreciate you sleeping through the night when
you’re well though :)
You love to get chatty, but you’re only saying “mama” and
“dada” consistently. However, you seem to at least say the correct number of
syllables when we say a new word to you! The other night, you told your daddy “no”
for the first time, and there was no mistaking what you said! You also seem to
be getting close to the words “cat” and “quack”. I can’t wait for you to really
start talking! You also point at things and make sounds, which is big too! You
understand simple commands and questions such as “Ready for your bottle?”, “Do
you want to play with the _____?”, “Grab the _____”, “Turn the page”, “Want
mama to pick you up?”, and “Come to mama/dada”. If you’re not distracted, you
can point to animals you are familiar with such as cats, dogs, lions, ducks,
and monkeys. Even if you don’t point to them, if we say an animal name and make
the sound, you smile really big as if you understand exactly what we’re saying.
You went to your first
football game this past month! Even though it wasn’t a really happy game, and
mama got severely sunburned, you had a good time and didn’t get sunburned at
Strangers are not a big deal
for you, yet. However, if there is a group of people talking to each other
instead of admiring you, you’ll get fussy until everyone turns and smiles at
you. We may have a diva on our hands already. ;)
Although you like most of
your toys, the simplest things make you happy. The other day, you played with a
red plastic cup for about 25 minutes straight before you were ready for
something different. You love shoelaces, mirrors, dancing/music, and cups. The
other day, you found daddy’s credit card and put it in and out of cup for about
15 minutes. The fact that you liked daddy’s credit card is probably a sign of
things to come HAHA
Clapping is your newest
trick and you do it all the time!
You still love bath time,
but you’re really good at letting us know you’re ready to get out. If we ask
“Do you want out?”, you raise up your arms and look at us.
Books are still fun for you
and you’re really great at turning pages!
I started reducing the
amount of time the TV is on just in the background and I feel like it’s really
helped you concentrate on what you’re doing. You eat better, and you have more
fun playing when you’re not distracted. You get to watch 1 show on TV and 1
episode of Yo Gabba Gabba on Netflix. Other than that, I have the TV off during
the day.
Jillian, you have truly blessed our lives! Watching you grow
and try new things is such a delight. Know that we’re proud of you and love you
very much :)
A just a few outtakes for fun:
{Mid-sentence babbling}
{Giving mama a heart attack by leaning really far over}
{This happened at least 7 times during the 10 minutes I tried to take pictures}
{Yawn. Bored and ready for nap time, but still cute :)}
And some comparisons :)