Also, don't forget to vote for your gender guess on the side!
Today's date: March 16, 2017
How far along: 19 Weeks
Total weight gain: I'm sure I've gained from my trip, but I don't know the exact number. I'll guess that I'm at 4 pounds above prepregnancy weight.
Size and growth of baby: Final Fourth is the size of a mango, heirloom tomato, or (original) Gameboy! They are developing the protective coating of vernix. They also are working on developing all 5 senses this week {via}
Baby is a: baby! This is how I've decided we'll do things. Phil and I are finding out on Tuesday. We'll be sending gifts to our immediate families to tell them the gender the following day. We'll also have a gift for our kids to unwrap on my birthday, which is the 26th. Once they know, we'll be spilling the beans online :) I'd keep my eyes out for a gender reveal post on the 27th ;)
Maternity clothing: Maternity or lounge clothes all the time. Some of my maternity clothes are looking a little shabby, but I'd really like to make it to the end of this pregnancy without buying anymore maternity things. If need be, I'll replace one or two items. Other than that, I just want to make it to the end with what I've got!
Sleep: It's been harder this week to get much sleep. Not just because of traveling/being in a different place. It's because Jillian's having some drainage issues, and needs to be steamed/helped most nights. All the coughing is hard to hear, and I know she hates it too. Hopefully things'll improve for everyone.
Movement: I feel things from time to time, and sometimes as often as every other day. I'm hoping it's just because I'm starting this pregnancy at my highest starting weight. I pray baby moves lots on the ultrasound so I will feel better :)
Cravings/Aversions: Cravings were mostly soft caramel again. Aversions are still the smell of raw meat, cooking meat in a crockpot, mushrooms, and anything that smells/sounds bad at the time.
Morning Sickness: Minus a spell in Denny's where I couldn't eat my food, I've felt ok.
Symptoms: A little heartburn, sore breast, very little nausea, hip pain, headaches, gassy, cranky, peeing a fair amount, round ligament pain, and exhausted.
Labor Signs: None
Belly button in or out: In
How this pregnancy is different than the first three: I'm gaining weight the slowest with this pregnancy, which is good because I started at the highest, sensitive gag reflex that I didn't have before, and I'm the most tired I've ever been.
The best moment of this past week: Being with my folks for spring break!
What I miss: Minus Phil this week, nothing at all :)
I'm looking forward to: Finding out who will be completing our family really soon, seeing Phil again/being home, and my birthday!
{Left: Jillian 2011 Middle Left: David 2013}
{Middle Right: Lottie 2016 Right: Lexie 2017}
{Middle Right: Lottie 2016 Right: Lexie 2017}
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