Wednesday, January 29, 2014

My Birth Experience: {Induction vs. Natural}

This post is mostly for myself so that I can remember specifics things about my deliveries. Plus, if this helps someone somewhere during a late night Google session thanks to pregnancy insomnia, then that's fine too :)

{Disclaimer: This is what happened in my personal experience. Not every labor and/or delivery are the same for every woman, or even every pregnancy for the same woman.}

Now that I have experienced vaginal delivery two separate ways, there are many differences and similarities that I notice.

With my first child, I was induced at 40 weeks and 2 days. There was no medical reason for inducing. The reasons were: I was past my due date, had limited time before my mom had to go home, and my body was already favorable for induction. {The term "favorable" is subjective, but the hospital I go to has an actual point system to determine favorability. Basically, you have to have a high enough score and be past 39 weeks before they will be willing to induce.} And before you ask, I did need my mom with me. I know I'd be able to do it without her, but that was my first choice because I desired her support.

I checked into the hospital the night before my induction. After giving a urine sample, I was shown to my room. They hooked me up to an IV, and I filled out a ton of paperwork. I was given Cervadil to ripen my cervix because I was only 1 cm dilated, and barely effaced. After an hour on Cervadil, baby's heart rate dropped significantly. The Cervadil was removed, and I was repositioned until her heart rate was in the normal range again. After a long night of worrying on my part, I was given Pitocin. After about 2 hours on Pitocin, my doctor came to check on me. I was 3 cm, and little more effaced. The Cervadil had irritated my cervix enough that I was told I'd be getting an epidural soon. I never felt a true contraction because of this. The epidural felt like a big bee sting on my back with a warming sensation that spread to the rest of my lower back. Within 20-30 minutes, I did not feel any pain in the injection site, and my lower half was completely numb. I was then given a catheter, which I didn't feel at all.

It was a little over 10 hours from starting Pitocin to the time I delivered. I know this does not ring true for everyone that is induced, especially if you are a first time mom. Phil didn't get to cut the cord because the syringe bulb to suction out baby's mouth and nose fell on the ground. The doctor cut the cord so that baby could be taken by the nursery nurse to be suctioned and cleaned off. I had tearing that required stitching. However, I didn't feel any of it due to the epidural. I was never told the degree to which I tore, but it was obviously not more than a second degree tear.

It took about 4 or 5 hours for me to get up and go to the restroom, which required my nurse and a good friend of mine helping me walk. The next morning, I could walk slowly without help, but my legs were very swollen. I ended up using compression socks for the next 2-1/2 weeks to help with the swelling. It also helps that my husband was willing to massage my feet and legs :)

Overall, my recovery took some time. I felt pretty exhausted, and it hurt to laugh/sneeze/cry/cough for the first month. I also had a little swelling in my face, particularly my eyelids, for the 2 weeks following birth. The thought of having another child was not appealing in the slightest for the first 8 months of my daughter's life. I knew I'd get there eventually, but the memory of the recovery was powerful enough to make me consider making my daughter an only child.

{To clarify, I'm using the term "natural" to describe my experience where labor started on its own, and I had no pain medication at the hospital.}

I was 39 weeks and 5 days when I woke up to pee as per usual. It was 4:45 am. I walked to the bathroom feeling like my lower half was so heavy, that I could have almost crawled to the toilet. It felt like gravity was pulling me down hard. Once I went back to bed, I had about 10 minutes before I felt my first contraction. It felt like menstrual cramp, but much stronger. For me, it was like my muscles were squeezing, but continued to squeeze past the point I thought they couldn't squeeze any further. It was also a pain literally brought me to my knees from the moment they began. After timing only 3 of the contractions with an app, I woke up Phil and told him he better get ready. We took a final bump picture, and I called labor and delivery. I was told I could come and be observed, or drink water and wait an hour. I had a contraction during the conversation, so I decided to go ahead and get observed.

I was hooked up to a monitor for about 90 minutes at the hospital before my water broke. I did feel it break, as I described in my long birth story. By the time my cervix showed progress after my water broke, I delivered 30 minutes after that. I was hooked up to an IV, but it came out of my wrist by the time I was pushing. I didn't have time for any anesthesia for the pushing part. It took about 4 pushes, and maybe 5 minutes before my son came out sunny side up. My husband got to cut the cord before baby was taken to be weighed. After my son was born, the IV was put back into place, and I received some local anesthesia shots to stitch me back together. I did feel some pain while they did that part. However, in comparison to giving birth it was not too back. Even them taking blood samples from me later didn't even seem like anything in comparison.

I was ready to get out of bed and use the restroom within 3 hours, and only required the nurse to help me in and out of the bed. I felt well enough to take a shower by myself the next morning. I had hardly any swelling in my legs, and felt like walking down the halls within 24 hours. I felt like I was able to enjoy visitors, including my (almost) 2 year-old daughter, and could keep up with conversations much better than my previous delivery experience.

My recovery felt much faster. I had more energy, less swelling, and I felt more like myself after just 2 weeks. The thought of having another child was physically appealing within 4 weeks of my son's life. The part of me that would have to chase around 2 toddlers while pregnant is still not considering any more children. We'll see what the future holds :) I will say that, if we do have more children, I will most likely request some time of pain medication if there's time.

- With both pregnancies, I went to the same hospital.
- There was a small baby boom each time I went to deliver. Enough of a boom that I had to switch rooms the day after delivery to make room for new babies being born.
- I had the largest delivery room both times, and I'm quite glad of that.
- My experience with the hospital, nurses, and doctors were fantastic. I don't want to ever deliver anywhere else!
- I needed to use the oxygen mask before, and during the pushing stage of labor. I was told this happens 50% of the time and seems scarier than it actually is. I could tell you myself I wasn't breathing well, so I was more than happy getting some extra help.
- Even though the second time was stronger, the sensation I felt when it was time to push was the exact same. It feels almost like the same pressure you feel if you're straddling a fence post. The only difference is, it only gets more intense, and feels better when you are pushing the baby out.
- I got skin-to-skin time with both children. I believe this really helped with bonding, body temperature for the babes, and feeling at ease after such an incredible, yet intense experience.
- I utilized the nursery with both my children and do not feel guilty about it. Mama needed some rest.
- I only stayed for 2 nights at the hospital, and got to take whatever recovery supplies I didn't use up home with me.

Even after comparing my two very different deliveries, I am very grateful that I had a great experience both times. I felt God's presence during these times, and I am so thankful for that comfort! I know anything can happen, and things can change in an instant. As long as you surround yourself with doctors and nurses you trust, (and express any fears and concerns to your delivery nurse), you can at least have a small sense of peace during this crazy, beautiful, and sometimes scary experience.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

6 Weeks Post-Partum Round Deux

I had my 6 week post-partum appointment on 1/14. We talked about how insanely fast my labor and delivery went, a few health points, and I got the all clear to live life normally!

Phil and I are still deciding if we are truly done having children. We are praying about it, and we will let you know when we know :)

{My doctor did warn me that labor would happen even faster if we have more children. In fact, if I don't feel like I can get to the hospital within 30 minutes of feeling labor starting, we will discuss inducing at 39 weeks so we don't have a roadside birth on our hands! HAHA}

Now, it's time to get healthy again! I was in the process of changing my habits last year when I found out I was pregnant. While my major morning sickness was a reason I couldn't eat any food period for a few weeks, I still could have eaten healthier if I chose. Of course, I opted for spoonfuls of Nutella and Pop-Tarts ;)

I was only able to supply breast milk via pumping for 3-1/2 weeks, similar to what happened with Jillian. I see now that that is just how my supply is because of my breast reduction surgery in 2007. I didn't lose much weight during that time, and the holidays didn't help. I kept eating sugar just to keep my energy level up. While it helped a bit, it kept me from really losing any weight. I started tracking calories, but it was getting too hard to keep up with while trying to keep track of baby feedings/diaper changes, etc. Plus, if I'm being honest, I was being a little lazy about it.

Also, I always knew that PCOS would really keep me from losing weight, but it also has other health issues that have me scared. Not only am I more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes, I am more at risk for heart disease and early heart attacks. I know that won't happen soon, but it is still a scary thought :(

With that in mind, I decided to forgo counting calories. I am focusing on making healthy choices, and attempting to workout for at least 10 minutes every single day. {Some days I may just set the timer on our microwave and pace in the living room, but at least that's something!} Overall, I know this won't be easy, but it's a change I need to make before I really put my health in jeopardy.

Starting today, this is the beginning of my new weight loss-health gain journey!

Starting Weight: 235.8

Starting Upper Arm: 16"
Starting Chest: 43 1/2"
Starting Waist: 40 1/2"
Starting Hips: 46 1/2"
Starting Thighs: 27 1/2"
Starting Calves: 16 1/2"

{I don't have a before picture right now, but I'll edit this post and put it up later.}

This isn't a resolution, and I'm not even really making it a goal. I'm changing my habits so that my health will be the best it can for my children and my future! I will post details of how I'm changing my habits later. I have to get a handle on it first ;)

As my mom told me the other day: While taking care of my family is a priority, taking care of myself so that I can then take care of them is also a priority. If I'm not in the best health I can be, can I help anyone? Nope, not really. 

Here's to health!

p.s. My baby is turning 2 months on Saturday! How is this possible?!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Huzzah Y'all!

You guys. Seriously.

I haven't touched my laptop in over two weeks now. My power cord went kaput, and I haven't been able to charge ye old laptop. This made me really scared because my computer is not officially backed up right now. I've tried several times, but different things have caused it to stop. I really didn't want to lose everything on my computer! I've been around, but I was using my phone which does significantly less than an actual laptop. {Sorry phone salespersons, I will always require an actual computer pleaseandthankyou} It's clear I'm in need of a new computer period, but let's go one step at a time for now.

I finally got a replacement power cord in the mail yesterday! I am going through all my emails, uploading pictures, etc. So far, everything looks good, and I should have all the data I started with. In the meantime, I've also had several things going on round these parts. Get ready for several posts in the next few days!

Hope y'all are doing well, and I hope to be around from now on :)

Thursday, January 9, 2014

2014 Word and Verse

While my word and verse for 2013 didn't end up being as fruitful as I wanted, I am very hopeful for this year. This is my fourth year to pick a word and verse for the year. You can look back at my previous words/verses for 2011, 2012, and 2013.


This year, my word is two-fold. First and foremost, the literal translation for this would be about not worrying about material things. I am hoping to simplify several areas in my life. The most important thought behind this is making sure where my motivation comes from. Is it working towards a stronger relationship with God? Is it beneficial to my spiritual health? If the answer to either of those is no, then I'm not doing it right!

Secondly, I want to think of this word in terms of cherishing my current season in life. Is it perfect? Absolutely not. However, some of the imperfections are the parts I will miss most. I think it started with our family photo from Christmas Day. I could have been upset that we were not all looking at the camera, I have a triple chin, and Jillian obviously wants to be anywhere else! However, it made me smile. The kids will be teenagers before I know it, and I'll be thinking fondly back on the days that I could hold them both in my lap while my heart bursts. I also found a pin from awhile back that made me really consider the word "treasure"

If I'm treasuring my loved ones, they will feel love and I will feel loved by them!

"Gather together riches in heaven where they will not be eaten by bugs or become rusted. Men cannot break in and steal them. For wherever your riches are, your heart will be there also." Matthew 6:20-21 NLV {via}

Here's to a year of remembering where my treasures lie!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

2014 To-Dos

I'll post my verse for the year later, but here is my to-do list for 2014!

2014 To-Dos
1) Go on 6 dates with Phil* {6/6 - No posts}
2) Go to the dentist {7/2014}
3) Go to the eye doctor {7/2014}
4) Get hair trimmed at least 4 times {4/4}
5) Read 1 book I've never read before
6) Create a playroom for the kids {Playroom not decorated, but organized!}
7) Meet up with a fellow blogger {Met Lesa - post here}
8) Plan an awesome 30th birthday for Phil {Nothing over the top, but he had a good day!}
9) Lose at least 20 pounds** {15 lbs to date}
10) Finish painting the house {2 rooms left}

*A date is defined by the following factors: I wear makeup, someone (whether they be hired or related to us) watches the kids for more than 90 minutes while we are not physically in the same building, and we have to get some kind of food item before we go home (whether that be a drink, ice cream, or a full meal). 

**I will officially start this after my 6 week post-partum appointment. That will give me a starting weight, and I'll be cleared to exercise again :)

What do you hope to accomplish this year?

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Those are three little letters that every mother dreads. It's even more upsetting when you hear it as a diagnosis for your 5 week-old son :(

The good news is, it is a mild case. His cough is not affecting his breathing and eating too much, which means we didn't have to check him into the hospital. The cough is something awful, and heartbreaking for this mama to hear! He mostly likely caught it from Jillian, who obviously had a mild case, because she's just about good as new. She did have a double ear infection on top of that though. Thank goodness for modern medicine!

So far? I'm not really impressed with 2014. Both kids, and now Phil, have been sick since New Year's Eve. I can't start officially exercising until after my appointment next week, and I've been stuck at home with all the sweets from the holidays. {Yes I do have a choice, but this sleep-deprived mama is desperate for anything to eat! I can barely press buttons on my Keurig. You can't expect me to read an follow cooking instructions very coherently right now!}

Once we're all well again, and back to our regular scheduled programming, I think things will be better. I might even start liking 2014 after all. It is an even numbered year after all ;)

Other than that, I have two posts coming up the next few days. My to-do list for the year, followed by my word and verse. Be on the lookout! Do you have a to-do list or word for the year? Are you doing resolutions instead?

If you noticed, my blog named changed to something completely different for a few days. I liked it for a bit, but then changed my mind. It is now called "The Lovely Years". First of all, it's an homage to The Wonder Years {I mean, who doesn't love the Savage brothers, Fred and Ben? AmIright?!} Secondly, it was inspired by the album name of a good band that includes a song that I love the lyrics to. And finally, I know these are the years in my life that I'll be missing later on. Since I can't always see that now, I figured my documentation of these years is the best way for me to remember :)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

David: {One Month}

David –

You are one month old today! I can’t believe it was only a month ago that we braved the fog, and had one exciting delivery story. What a month it has been for us :)

According to our measurements at home, you are 9 lbs, 12 oz and 21-1/4 inches long. The last time you were officially measured at 2 weeks & 4 days and you were 8lbs, 4 oz, and 20-3/4 inches long.

You are still in newborn clothing, but they are getting too short. We tried a few 0-3 month outfits and they’re still way too big for you. We just switched you to size 1 diapers last week.

You eat 3.5 - 4.5 oz every 3 hours during the day. We tried exclusively breastfeeding, but ran into several issues which included you not wetting enough diapers. To ensure you were doing ok, we decided to take a similar route to what we did with your sister. You ate a combination of breast milk and formula for about 3-1/2 weeks until mama’s supply ran out. Now you are exclusively on formula. You have been eating the Target brand similar to Similac Advance. However, you may be having acid reflux issues. Dr. V gave us some new formula to try to see if that helps. If it doesn't, you may have to take medicine like your big sister did. As of Monday, 12/30, it is working decently to help with spit up.

Similar to your sister, you let us know you’re hungry as soon as you realize it. Unfortunately, this means you realize it when you’re starving and want your bottle rightthissecond! Luckily for us, you’re not too picky about the temperature of your bottle. We make a single bottle with warm water most of the time. Otherwise, you’re happy with a cold one straight from the fridge. When you finally get the bottle, we have to battle with you to get it in your mouth between you doing “baby shark” feedings, and having your hands in the way. Once it’s in your mouth, you are happy as a clam :)

You sleep for 3.5-4 hour stretches most of the time. During the day, you only rest for about 30-45 minutes, but that’s ok! It can get a little noisy with your big sister running around ;) You haven’t taken to pacifiers just yet, which can make it harder to soothe you back to sleep if you wake up. However, we can usually get you calm after some cuddles! You only wake up at night if you’re hungry, wet, or because you’re congested.

We didn’t give you many sponge baths because you just HATE being cold. We did learn that, if we washed your body first, then we could wrap you in a towel before we washed your hair. You love getting your hair washed, especially if you’re warm in your towel. You got your first real bath in your special tub around 3 weeks. As long as the water is warm, you’re happy.

You cry if you’re wet or dirty, but you don’t like diaper changes either. {You can’t have it both ways buddy boy!} The worst part for you is the end when we’re fastening the new diaper on. You start to squirm so much that it takes longer to finish up. As soon as we snap your clothes shut, you are almost always calm and alert as if nothing happened.

So far, you like the swing on setting #2, being rocked, the vibrating rocking chair, being held 85% of the time, having your head (or back) rubbed, white noise, pulling the blanket over your mouth {which gives mama a heart attack!}, being swaddled mostly, and having a full tummy! You despise being cold, getting your diaper changed, having your hat covering your eyes, gas bubbles, being in the Moby Wrap, and laying on your tummy.

Some of the cute things you’re doing as of lately:
You can lift your head pretty well already. You usually only try when mama is trying to burp you, or holding you to her chest. You make lots of fun faces! You get the hiccups often, but they only annoy you if it’s in the middle of a feeding because you’re still hungry! When you get mad and cry loudly, you turn really red in the face. In fact, we can see it gradually happen so we’re aware you’re about to cry. It starts at the top of your head, and then works down to your face. I think you’ve got some of mama’s Irish heritage ;) {Which means your little tomato nickname may stick around for a while!} You ride in the car very well. Usually you fall asleep once the car is moving! You went to church for the first time when you were exactly 7 days old. The nursery ladies already love you, and we’re so glad you seem to like it too :)

We took an overnight trip to Tulsa a little earlier than we expected to. Your great-grandma Thompson passed away, and we went to her funeral. You did really well during the service, and everyone just loved meeting you! I think it really helped Grandma having you and Jillian there to keep her mind off of everything. Plus, she and Papa love you both so much!

Christmas was the first holiday you got to celebrate! We stayed home, but your Grandma and Papa came down from Tulsa with your Uncle Mike and Aunt Jessica! We had a fun day, and we even had a video chat with your Jemma, Gee-Chaz, and Uncle Mikey! You were quite a sport while mama took hundreds of pictures. You also got a midnight kiss on New Year’s Eve from both your daddy and mama! {Your big sis was sound asleep}

I am so excited to watch you grow, and get to know you better baby boy! You’re already such a joy, and we are so glad you are part of our silly family. Love you sunshine :)

And some outtakes:
{This sticker might taste yummy...} 

{Why are you making faces at me mama?} 

{Do a little dance...} 

{You want a smile? Is this right? Am I doing it?!} 

{Are we done now mama? I could use a nap!}

And a comparison:
{Left: Jillian 1/2012 Right: David 1/2014}

But I Know What It Feels Like

This post is going to be awfully vulnerable and hard for me, but I really want to finally say it out loud. I got permission for my daughter ...