Tuesday, June 15, 2010

And I've Got This Fiery Temper...

I don't know about you, but I have a temper. It's not just any temper either. I'm an Irish Aries from a long line of red heads (though I only have a little natural red in my hair). If I'm mad, you don't want to be around me. Grumpy is one thing, but mad is a completely different story. I actually used to kick the wall, (which hurt too much after awhile), and throw my stuffed teddy bear around. I need time to just be really angry. Even if it's for a stupid reason and I'm totally wrong about my stand, you have to let me work it out. I will apologize if I'm wrong, but that doesn't happen too often HAHA! ;)

My poor husband gets the worst of it. I think it is because he knows me so intimately now. We really are best friends and he knows me very well. Knowing me well does not always equal how to handle me at my worst. It's similar to harnessing an enraged lion with just a rubber band. I am working hard on my patience and temper, but I know it's going to be a life-long struggle. However, sometimes Phil can push my buttons just right and I'm just pissed within seconds. It doesn't even escalate! I'm automatically mad and there's no stopping me. Luckily he's been blessed with just enough patience to deal with me :) God really knew what he was doing.

It's so funny that we both act like our astrological sign when we're fighting, or anytime really. Even if you think astrology is bull, I know how we relate with our signs. It's a little scary sometimes. HAHA Again, luckily we have a strong enough relationship that, no matter how upset either of us are (or both!), we work it out and grow closer. I mean, we have at least 50 more years together. It can only go up from here :)

Hope your day is going well!

Peace to you,

"Help Me" by Trisha Yearwood

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