Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's Been One Week Since You Looked At Me, Threw Your Arms In The Air And Said "You're Crazy!"...

My first official pregnancy update! I'm so happy to be starting these :D Sorry for the horrible picture though...

Today's date: June 26, 2010

How far along: 6 weeks

Total weight gain: No clue

Size and growth of the baby: The size of a sweet pea :)

Sex: Too soon

Maternity clothes: Not yet, but my nice jeans are starting to get uncomfortable when I'm sitting for long periods of time

Sleep: I haven't been sleeping very well for awhile now. Luckily my progesterone medicine makes me drowsy. Now I can fall asleep a little better, with the help of my new body pillow, but I still wake up at least once to pee.

Best moment(s) of the week: Hearing a confirmation from the doctor that it's official, hearing my numbers did double and buying my first onesie online :)

Movement: None

Food cravings/aversions: I want Kit Kat bars and fresh veggies/fruits all the time. No real aversions yet.

Morning sickness: Not really experiencing that just yet, though I'm not complaining

Symptoms: I get nauseous every so often, but mostly when I need to eat again. Also, I'm pretty tired and have been taking lots of naps lately. I have been also been making many more bathroom trips than I'm used to!

Labor signs: Not quite there yet

Belly button in or out: In

What I miss: Nothing :)

What I'm looking forward to: Our next appointment...being out of the first trimester! Soon!

Today I've been taking it easy and just watching Netflix on the couch. Phil and I went to see Iron Man 2 last night, but it was a 9:45pm showing. I started to not feel so well the last 10 minutes so I slipped out. Luckily it was mostly gas and being really tired. I got pretty scared though.

Tomorrow I'm going to my home church for one of my last youth group meetings and to announce my good news there. I figured the more prayers I have, the better. Plus, I'm starting to do my thing and make plans/lists that are helping me feel like this is really going to happen. Keeping my chin up, that's for sure.

Hope you're having a good Saturday that's MUCH cooler than it is down here!

Peace to you,

"One Week" by Barenaked Ladies

1 comment:

  1. You are too cute! I'm making you a tie-dye onesie (or a few) for your bebe. :)


But I Know What It Feels Like

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