I spent NYE at a church with my friend Kim. With all the Y2K worries behind us, the world presses foward. My grandpa on my mom's side dies suddenly and we go to his funeral in Iowa. I sing at OMEA with my school choir and the concert brings me to tears. I sing in the first ever Oklahoma Junior High All-State Choir and have a blast. I also sing in the SWACDA, 7 state, Honor Choir with two other choir mates. We have a wonderful time and I meet some amazing people. I'm casted as Aunt Eller in the school music "Oklahoma" and discover my love for performing. Spend the summer hanging out with friends. Mikey and I go to Hope for a short visit and my mom and I go to Iowa to clean out my grandpa's study (the man never threw ANYTHING away). My 9th grade year starts and I enjoy the last year at the junior high building. I don't make the regional honor choir, my grandma on my dad's side dies and I also am casted as a really small part in the school musical. My mom takes me on our infamous "mental health day" and I feel much better. I end up making the all state choir again as well as a national ACDA choir! I made the junior varsity volleyball team and have a blast playing.
I become a baseball manager at school to earn a PE credit and have tons of fun meeting and hanging out with the baseball boys. I perform in the two honor choirs I made and turn 15 years old. I was talked into trying out for the flag corp for marching band and end up making the team. I represent the drama club in the Ms. Titan pageant and have fun with all the other reps. I end up winning a choir award at the end of the year and graduate from junior high. I spend the summer talking about high school and talked my mom into letting me highlight my hair. I go to band camp, (haha, not literally a camp, just meeting at the school for practice before school starts), and meet my first boyfriend. My parents are president of the band boosters and my brother is the drum major so we have lots of family time during marching contests and football games. I start hanging out with a new group of friends and getting to know my boyfriend. The tragic events of September 11th happen during marching band practice, but I was in geometry by the time the towers were falling and watching the events unfold in class. Living near a big military base, we have several bomb scares for the rest of the year and have to evacuate the building several times. I have my first kiss :) Got in a car accident with my boyfriend that I almost died from. Had a black eye from the wreck for my first homecoming parade, but my mom and I got special make up to try and cover it up. Started taking driver's ed and passed my test the first time :D I end up not making all-state but knew it would be harder than in junior high. At the state championship game for football, we find out my uncle died. The Titans win state for the 5th year in a row. The band goes to the Cotton Bowl for contests, end up winning all the awards and go to an awesome NYE party in a barn thrown by the Cotton Bowl managers for the competing bands. I had the most magical NYE kiss I've ever received.
Spend my first Valentine's day with my boyfriend. Have a quiet birthday, but I did get my license on the first try and can now drive legally :) I go to my first prom and have a wonderful time. Mikey graduates high school and I spend the summer hanging out with my boyfriend. We take a road trip to LA to move Mikey into USC for his freshman year. When school starts for me, it's a little harder to adjust to life without my big brother. My boyfriend and I break up, then get back together, then break up... several times. I date two other boys for about 2 weeks each, but one acts afraid of me and the other was saying "I love you" after 2 days of dating. A friend from school dies in a car accident the day before Thanksgiving. I'm told over the phone by another friend because I chose to go to Dallas while the rest of my family stayed at home. I go to her funeral on a snowy day. My brother gets to come home for Christmas and we have a good time as a family again.
I continue to go back and forth with my first boyfriend. I start to hang out with other friends and we go to lunch off campus together every day. I start to bring my grades back up after my rough semester at school. I join the prom committee. I have a fairly quiet birthday, but had fun with my girlfriends. I take my best guy friend, Brian, to prom, where I end up getting back together with my first boyfriend. My boyfriend graduates from high school. I have my first summer job at Burger King where my dad proceeds to have LOTS of fun tormenting me. I have a big fight with my boyfriend and I break up with him for the final time. I get in the best shape of my life thanks to a new colorguard instructor who makes us sprint every practice. I'm passed up for being colorguard captain, despite being the better person as far as talent and leadership goes, due to a false rumor. I still am treated as the co-captain and still have a great time with all the new and old girls. I start practice for a winterguard team, but the instructor tears her ACL and cancels the team for the year. I get invited to join the National Honor Society and finally make all A's before Christmas. I spend NYE with some good friends at a friend's house.
I tan and tone for my senior prom. I sing in the all-state choir and continue being a leader in church as well as school. I have a boy I'm interested in, but things never seem to go anywhere past close friends who flirt a little too much. I go to my senior prom with a large group of friends and have a fantastic night. I start a Xanga page. I audition to the music programs at Oklahoma City University and Tulsa University. I was accepted at OCU, but received $0 in scholarships. I end up agreeing to going to TU with a $6,000 scholarship, despite being my second choice school. I FINALLY graduate from high school :) I spend the summer working at a local community college and getting hit on more than I ever have in my entire life! lol Didn't date anyone though. Met my college roommate and was introduced to Phil on AIM. We start talking everyday at least 2 times. I go to NYC with my family and love it! I start school in the fall, but get very homesick since I don't know anyone but Phil and my roommate. I join a sorority via Continuing Recruitment and I have fun in the laid back marching band at TU. I voted for the first time and the Red Sox broke the "curse" and won the World Series! I end up failing my English class and have to fight with the dean. I end up with decent grades by Christmas. I spend NYE with Phil and we miss the countdown :-/
Phil and I start to get serious. I move into my sorority house and end up getting elected as the VP! I retake English and have a B by the end of the semester. I become close with Carrie who gets engaged during Spring Break! Phil gives me a promise ring for our 8 month anniversary and Carrie moves to Colorado. I spend the summer hanging out with high school friends and working at a local grocery store as a stocker. Summer is really hard for me when my favorite aunt, 3 people at church I was close to as well as another friend from high school all die within a month period. School starts again and I start drinking heavily. Phil and I start growing apart, but stay together through the holidays. I go on my first mission trip to Bay St. Louis, Mississippi to help clean up after Hurricane Katrina. I have a life-changing time. Phil and I visit Carrie in Colorado for New Years.
I break up with Phil as soon as school starts. I continue to drink more than I should and I start skipping class more than I should. I date another guy, but hate not having a solid boyfriend. I go back to Bay St. Louis with my dad's church over Spring Break and have another incredible time. We mutually break away and I start to miss Phil. Phil graduates from TU and I go home and admit I need help with my drinking. Phil and I get back together after his birthday. I get a great job at the summer camp I used to attend and have a great summer. It really helped me get my life back together. I start school again, but things are different for sure. My "sisters" stop really speaking to me and I start to miss Phil. Phil moves to Norman to attend grad school at OU. I have a hard time with my classes and try to push forward. I get engaged! Shortly after announcing my engagement, my dad announces he has a new job that will separate him and my mom for about 18 months. I'm elected president of my music fraternity. Phil spends Christmas with my family since Christmas Eve would be my dad's last service as the pastor. NYE was pretty quiet
I turn 21 and have a super awesome party, complete with chocolate fountain :) I perform in the Opera Scenes at school. I get into another depression bout and realize I need to transfer. I have a disasterous audition and decide to just move home with my mom and go to the local community college. After another awful semester, my parents help me move home and help me get the assistance I desperately needed. I live with my friend Abbey and work at the local bakery until my trip to Scotland with the Presbyterian Leaders and Scholars group I was apart of at TU. It was my last TU event and my first trip abroad. Once I got home, I started working at the same grocery store again. I have a breast reduction surgery and start school again. I have a much better semester at school and start planning my wedding. Spent my first Christmas away from my family and with my future in-laws.
School happens again, another good semester. I start to learn that I love politics thanks to my amazing professor. Spend spring break with most of my best friends in Colorado and have lots of showers for the wedding. I FINALLY get married and have the best honeymoon ever. period. Come home and work at Walgreen's until I get my current job with a man that I go to church with. My parents announce they are moving to Minnesota together and I have a hard time adjusting to the news. I start what I think is my final semester before I earn an Associate's degree and try to sort out my life without a parent nearby. I vote again and feel great about it! I spend Christmas in Minnesota and have my first white Christmas :)
I have a good birthday despite not seeing my parents and spend Spring Break with them in Minnesota. I have a disasterous first Valentine's Day with my new husband, though it gave us a good story to tell ;) I transfer schools, but find out I still need to have 1 more class before earning my degree. I enroll in a half-semester night class to earn my degree. I become the volunteer youth director at my old church since they can't afford to pay for one. I finally graduate from the community college and have a nice graudation party with both sets of parents. Mikey graduates from OU! Phil and I go on a great trip to Arkansas for our 1 year anniversary and I got to show him my hometown of Hope :D I get pregnant and have a miscarriage in June. The rest of the summer is kind of a blur after that. I did go to Minnesota again to see my mom for her birthday. I start another semester at UCO and I should graduate this time next year. I am officially diagnosed with PCOS October 29th and start taking Metformin. It makes me sick, but I'm starting to deal with it much better. I spend Thanksgiving in Kansas City and see my last remaining grandparent, my grandma, in Iowa. Despite having a blizzard in Oklahoma, I have a great holiday with both my in-laws and my parents who still braved the roads to see me :)
Love you all!
Peace to you,
"Best Days" by Graham Colton
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