I was dreading today and did not have high expectations going in that it would be an enjoyable experience. I really hope I pass this so I don't have to do the 3 hour version. I had to fast after midnight, which included water. I did sneak a cup of water this morning because I was expecting to have a regular OB appointment today as well. I woke up pretty hungry, (even with my snack before bed), but found the strength to not
1) I love sweets so I didn't think it would be so bad. Um... try I'm not eating anything sweet for at least a week!
2) I heard the drink is better cold. My was a little cooler than room temperature. Yippee.
3) They apparently don't take your blood an hour after you start drinking, but after you finish. So I had to slowly chug 10 oz of that red stuff, (while trying not to throw up), before she could give me the papers to give to the lab.
4) After just two sips, I felt like my eyes looked like this:
And now that I'm coming down from that, I feel like they look like this:
{via - You know, the whole "is she awake or asleep? I can't tell by her eyes" thing}
Yeah. So after that, since I have an hour, I turn in our papers and money to register for 3 classes: birthing, taking care of baby, and infant CPR. Then I went to straighten out the appointment thing. I have to go back tomorrow for my regular appointment, but I'm already on the calendar for the next 2 appointments :) Finally, we go on a tour of the facility. It is such an awesome place! First of all, it's very small, but in a good way. There are 23 rooms that have a recliner, couch with a pull-out bed for dad, a large cabinet center with a TV/DVD player and a place to hang your clothes, a spacious bathroom and a place for baby to sleep. They do have a nursery with a level 2 NICU, but they encourage mothers to keep baby in the room for bonding. They also have waiting areas near the rooms since you get up to 3 people in the room when it's time to push. They do have an OR for C-sections as well. The mom gets free meals brought to her, but they don't mind having food brought in. There are no visiting hour limits - it's all up to mom and dad. Regular deliveries stay 1-2 days and C-section deliveries stay 3. My favorite part? Before being discharged, mom gets a 15 minute massage and baby gets a 10 minute massage ;) I was teasing Phil about that one! HAHA
After that we still have some time before I was finally called into the lab to get my blood drawn. My arm is butchered yet again. I don't see how someone can be so bad at this. This is what she does for a living for crying out loud!! Phil says I do have sensitive veins, but the technique is clearly a little off on her part. Ya think?! There's a blister forming where the needle was. I hate it when I see her in the lab because I know it's just gonna hurt so bad. Everyone else is so nice and helpful so I'm surprised by this lady. Oh well. This is the other reason I don't want to fail - no more needle pricks for a awhile!
After all that, Phil took me to IHOP for some savory breakfast foods! I scarfed my eggs, turkey bacon and hash browns! They were so yummy :) As we pulled into IHOP, I got a call from the doctor saying they registered us for the October birthing class we requested, but that the only classes available that we wanted are in November for the "taking care of baby" class and December for Infant CPR. They said infant CPR is not required before birth so I can always take it in January since the December class is the day before my due date. She was nice enough to put us on the waiting list in case anyone backs out for November. I'm glad people are taking the classes, but I think it's silly they are so small that they fill up that fast. Oh well. I'm just happy we're all registered! Now I'm at work for the rest of the day and hoping that I don't have a sugar crash.
In other news, I think I'll get the whole day off next Tuesday for my mom's visit!! That makes me so very happy :D I can't wait to see her! Plus, the highs will be in the 80's when she gets here. The last time we saw the low, which is in the 60's, was May 26th. It has not been cooler than 74 degrees since then. I'm so so ready for the cooler weather.
I hope you're having a great Wednesday!