Saturday 8/4
We got a call from the drywall guy saying that he would try to come by to see the hole in our ceiling. This way, he'd be prepared for fixing it on Monday. Originally, we were going to do laundry at the apartment, but I was too exhausted. Phil thought it'd be best if we just focused on unpacking and settling in a bit instead. He even ended up mowing the backyard that evening!
Sunday 8/5
The drywall guy ended up having to cancel coming out and said he'd be there first thing Monday. We had to sing in the choir at church at the 8:15 a.m. service. During Sunday School, we had a small breakfast reception for a staff member who was taking a new job in town. {Cake for breakfast? Yes please!} After the reception, we headed to the apartment. We picked up the laundry we left behind and I got rid of everything that was left. We turned in our keys to the office. As we drove out of the complex for the last time, it was a bittersweet feeling. I was SO happy to have the house I've dreamt of for so long. Then again, this way a good home to us and the location worked perfectly for the last 16 months of our life. It was also bittersweet because we could see our chained bikes in our covered parking spot. Whoops :-/ Phil said he'd pick them up on his way to work the next morning. More unpacking ensued.
Monday 8/6
Finally got our internet and cable back! It was so nice to reconnect to the world :) The drywall guy did come, but said it was quite a doozie in terms of the damage. He made his estimate and told me he'd have to get Stanley Steamers' approval before he started. Permission pending, he would have his guys come at 7:30 a.m. the next morning to fix it.
Not even an hour later, the doorbell rang. Since the TV was on, I felt compelled to open the door. It was some guy on foot who said he was with a company that did roof repairs. I told him our roof had recently been replaced and he left. I, of course, peeked out the window and watched him write someday down in a notebook. Now, because of some random online article someone shared in the last 2 weeks or so, I assumed this meant he was a burglar who was making a note that I'm an easy target. I called Phil up and told him how unsafe I felt. He seemed to act like I was being a big baby so I called my mom for some comforting words. After a little reassurance, (and setting our new alarm system), I felt a little better. Once Phil got home, we talked about what exactly made me uneasy and how I can handle myself. I guess I've forgotten how to live in a house!
Tuesday 8/7
The drywall guys got to the house first thing in the morning. I was scheduled to meet Phil around 1 or so to go furniture shopping. The job had some issues and the drywall guys ended up finishing around 3:30 p.m. Good thing we weren't paying for it! Once Phil got home, I told him I needed to go to the grocery store. I was so sick of eating out! Right before I left, a random heavy t-storm popped up. No problem here because we needed the rain! Well, around 5:30 we lost power. Yeah. So not only did we finally have all of our stuff in the house and everything in working order, but it only lasted 2 hours. As Phil's dad would say, "Welcome to homeownership!" I was determined to go to the store so I waited until the lightning subsided. After what seemed like hours, I made it home and the power was restored! {I didn't think of this at the time, but the food I had bought would have spoiled if the power was still out. I should have waited until I knew the power was back. Thank you Jesus for watching out for me!}
Over the next few days, Phil and I continued to unpack and clean as much as we could. In fact, I had bruises and scraps all over my arms, hands, feet, and torso. Can I just tell you how worth it all of it is?
I got a small break Friday and Saturday afternoon. My friend, Carrie, came into town for her baby shower and I got to steal her for the afternoon Friday :) It was GREAT to see her and we can't wait for Baby O's arrival in October!!
Also, Phil and I did make it to the furniture store and got some bedroom furniture we desperately needed. Now all that's left is getting our washer and dryer tomorrow. I had the laundry sorted and ready to go as soon as those things are plugged in! That's really the last of the chores we have. {Plus, I really don't want to have to venture out for new underwear again y'all.}
Today, 8/13, is the first day that everything is clean, put away, and settled in. I may need a few organizing projects here and there, but everything is done. I can't wait to share some pictures with all of you!
Happy Monday y'all!
It was SO good to see you, too! I showed Jon all the stuff you and Phil got us for Elliot, and he LOVED it too!!! You guys are amazing, and thank you so, so much! Love y'all!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad he liked it! It's our pleasure :) Plus, it's fun to spoil a new baby. Well, mostly when it's one of your best friend's baby ;) Love you too!!