My dearest Alexandra Grace,
In just a few days, you will be safely bundled in my arms as I gaze upon your beautiful face for the first time. You may be my fourth baby, but that moment will be just as magical to me as it was when I held your oldest sister, Jillian. You, my dear, will be the final piece in the puzzle. With your arrival, our family will be complete, and we will enter a new phase of life together. You may not know it yet, but you are so very loved by so very many people.
As your mother, I am beyond grateful to have carried you these past 9 months. It may have been physically challenging at times, but it was worth it to me. I would do it again, no hesitation, if it meant having you join our family. Even though you've been with me for 9 months, I don't know much about you, or who you'll turn out to be. However, having faith in our Heavenly Father, and confidence in the partnership with your daddy, I know you'll do great things. It is my prayer that you will know and serve God, and be the best Alexandra Grace you can be. I can't wait to watch you grow, and pray that I will be able to extend His love and grace to you your whole life.
Until we meet, my sweet baby!
Your Mama
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Baby C: Final Fourth Week 38 Update
Here it is, y'all. I hit my pregnancy wall early in the week, and I am done done done. I'm over the nausea, heartburn, hip pain, pelvic pressure, contractions, etc. I want Lexie here, and safe in my arms, and I want to move on to the next phase of life with our complete family.
Thankfully, I have an induction date of 8/3! I have 7 more days until we get to meet sweet baby Lexie. I really really hope and pray she doesn't come early, just because I'm afraid of Phil having to be in the waiting area with the three kids while I give birth down the hall. Any thoughts and prayers for a smooth and easy labor and delivery, and for her to not come before the induction, would be greatly appreciated :)
Also, I had an appointment yesterday with a Lactation Consultant. Overall, it went really well, and I am hopeful that I'll be able to nurse. Whether I'll need to pump too or not, we'll have to see. I'm just thankful for a hospital with access to a LC when I need it.
Thankfully, I have an induction date of 8/3! I have 7 more days until we get to meet sweet baby Lexie. I really really hope and pray she doesn't come early, just because I'm afraid of Phil having to be in the waiting area with the three kids while I give birth down the hall. Any thoughts and prayers for a smooth and easy labor and delivery, and for her to not come before the induction, would be greatly appreciated :)
Also, I had an appointment yesterday with a Lactation Consultant. Overall, it went really well, and I am hopeful that I'll be able to nurse. Whether I'll need to pump too or not, we'll have to see. I'm just thankful for a hospital with access to a LC when I need it.
Today's date: July 27, 2017
How far along: 38 Weeks
Total weight gain: 24 pounds
Size and growth of baby: Final Fourth is the size of a pumpkin, a spaghetti squash, a leek, or a half baking sheet of meringues! She is about 6-1/2 to 6-2/3 pounds, and 20 inches long, (or whatever her length at birth will be). Final Fourth has a firm grip, and all of her organs are fully developed for life outside the womb. Final Fourth should have some hair, and is getting into position for birth! {via and via}
Baby is a: girl!
Maternity clothing: Yes, though barely anything covers this buddha bellah of mine.
Sleep: I'm getting enough time for sleep, but I'm still exhausted. My body knows the end is near, and I'm borderline narcoleptic again. I'm at least closing my eyes as often as I can.
Movement: I'm definitely noticing patterns in her movements/sleeping periods, but she always gets a kick count with no trouble at all :)
Cravings/Aversions: Main cravings were cheesecake, and anything cold. Aversions are mostly greasy food.
Morning Sickness: Nausea at the end of the day/when I wake up in the middle of the night to pee. It doesn't matter what I do or eat, I will have nausea and heartburn every single night.
Symptoms: Acid reflux any time of day, painful movements, light contractions, lower back pain, loss of appetite, GI issues, out of breath, tired, nesting, itchy spots/poison ivy patches on skin, leaking colostrum a little, inability to bend forward, big baby bump, gassy, easily irritated, emotional mess, sore breasts, peeing lots, swelling in feet (though mostly the right side), dried nose/bloody nose, and belly pain
Labor Signs: I have about 5-6 real contractions in a day. I know they're not true labor, but they certainly hurt. I was finally checked today, and my doctor said I was only at 1 cm and thick. I'm SO confused by this simply because of the contractions I have felt. Plus, the only other time I was only at a 1 at this point was Jillian. Oy. Stubborn Baby Alert!
Belly button in or out: In
How this pregnancy is different than the first three: With 7 days to go, the only thing going on that I didn't have before is leaking colostrum. Otherwise, it's incredibly similar.
The best moment of this past week: Getting an induction date, having a good appointment with the LC, and making it to 38 weeks.
What I miss: Nothing at all :)
I'm looking forward to: Finishing our to-do list, making it to the induction date, 1 last playdate with friends, and celebrating Lottie's 1st birthday on Tuesday!
{Left: Jillian 2011 Middle Left: David 2013}
{Middle Right: Lottie 2016 Right: Lexie 2017}
{Middle Right: Lottie 2016 Right: Lexie 2017}
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Baby C: Final Fourth Week 37 Update
Had a good doctor appointment this morning! I didn't get checked, but I did tell her we have decided to go ahead and induce even though she'll be out of town. She has to see who's available, and if there's room in the hospital, so I don't have a date yet. I just know it'll be soon!
Also, I got the sibling shirts I wanted for the kiddos. I can't WAIT to show y'all! I think they're hilarious and cute :)
Otherwise, my poison ivy is looking more like dried skin patches, and the itchiness is only at about 15%. I'm putting on moisturizer as much as I can. Also, my doctor told me that, as long as there's no redness or swelling, more swelling in one foot can just be how the baby is positioned.
Today's date: July 20, 2016
How far along: 37 Weeks
Total weight gain: 21 pounds
Size and growth of baby: Final Fourth is the size of a winter melon, a tackle box, or a tray of madeleine cookies! She is about 6-1/3 pounds, and 19 inches long. She is considered early term now that full term has been moved to 39 weeks. Lexie could be born any day now, but could use some more cooking time. She is continuing to practice swallowing, breathing, blinking, and gaining weight for her big arrival! {via and via}
Baby is a: girl! Lexie Grace
Maternity clothing: I don't have maternity pjs, but that doesn't really matter because I wear oversized pjs anyways. Otherwise, everything I'm wearing is either maternity, or XXL.
Sleep: Sleeping better than last week, but I'm exhausted all the time. I did have one night where Lottie woke up at 4:30 am, and I never did go back to sleep. Other than that, pretty typical for the end of pregnancy.
Movement: Lexie is moving just fine! Sometimes, she moves in a painful way while I'm driving, and that's rough. You can't really shift much when you're in the driver's seat of a car in motion. In terms of movement for me? I'm getting slower every single day. My left hip in particular makes it difficult to move much. Feeling like a beached whale lately.
Cravings/Aversions: Main cravings were fresh fruit, homemade stir fry (because it's less greasy), cheesecake, and Oreos with peanut butter. Aversions are mostly anything that sounds bad at the time, (which is most food, I'm just not hungry lately), anything greasy, and anything that makes me nauseous.
Morning Sickness: Some nausea here and there, but nothing major. I haven't even taken anything to help, so it's very mild.
Symptoms: Acid reflux any time of day, painful movements, light contractions, lower back pain, loss of appetite, GI issues, out of breath, tired, nesting, itchy spots/poison ivy patches on skin, leaking colostrum a little, inability to bend forward, big baby bump, gassy, easily irritated, emotional mess, sore breasts, peeing lots, swelling in feet (though mostly the right side), dried nose/bloody nose, and belly pain
Labor Signs: More pelvic pressure and pain, and some light, yet irregular contractions. I have not had a check yet, so I'm not sure if or how much I am dialated or effaced.
Belly button in or out: In, and that's how it should stay.
How this pregnancy is different than the first three: Except for this being my final one, and I'm trying to enjoy it as I can, everything is pretty similar :)
The best moment of this past week: Phil getting home, making a plan for this weekend to finish up the baby to-do list, and getting an invitation for my friend's baby shower at the end of the month!
What I miss: Being cold ;)
I'm looking forward to: Getting stuff done, and hearing when my induction date will be!
{Left: Jillian 2011 Middle Left: David 2013}
{Middle Right: Lottie 2016 Right: Lexie 2017}
{Middle Right: Lottie 2016 Right: Lexie 2017}
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Baby C: Final Fourth Week 36 Update
{Edit 7/19:: So, I just realized this never posted! Ooops! Here ya go!}
Phil is in Germany, and my mom is here to help with the babes. I'm so so thankful she was able to come! I feel like I would have survived, but would have ended up very emotional by the time Phil would get home. He'll be home late late tomorrow, and I can't wait to have him home!
I will say that we're going to have to really buckle down and do our baby to-do list. We're only about 46% prepared, so I want to be a little more on top of things once Phil's home.
I had a good appointment with my doctor today in terms of how Lexie is doing. My blood pressure is still good, which is a surprise after Lottie, but definitely a blessing! However, I did find out that my doctor will be out of town when I was hoping to be induced. Now, Phil and I have to decide what we want to do. *sigh*
Finally, my doctor did confirm what is on my arms is poison ivy. It's still there, and driving me nuts! If memory serves, this is the first time I've really ever had it. I can see why most people just avoid it at all costs! I'm thankful that I can't pass it on to the kids though. That was one thing I was worried about. I'm just praying it clears before Lexie gets here. It's being awfully slow to heal up.
I will say that we're going to have to really buckle down and do our baby to-do list. We're only about 46% prepared, so I want to be a little more on top of things once Phil's home.
I had a good appointment with my doctor today in terms of how Lexie is doing. My blood pressure is still good, which is a surprise after Lottie, but definitely a blessing! However, I did find out that my doctor will be out of town when I was hoping to be induced. Now, Phil and I have to decide what we want to do. *sigh*
Finally, my doctor did confirm what is on my arms is poison ivy. It's still there, and driving me nuts! If memory serves, this is the first time I've really ever had it. I can see why most people just avoid it at all costs! I'm thankful that I can't pass it on to the kids though. That was one thing I was worried about. I'm just praying it clears before Lexie gets here. It's being awfully slow to heal up.
How far along: 36 Weeks
Total weight gain: 19 pounds
Size and growth of baby: Final Fourth is the size of a head of romaine lettuce, a papaya, a Cabbage Patch Doll, or two plates of beignets! She is around 6 pounds, and about 19 inches long, (or whatever she will be at birth.) Final Fourth is shedding lanugo and vernix, and is getting closer to being able to breathe on her own outside of the womb. By the end of the week, she will be considered "early term", and is most likely trying to become engaged into the birth canal. {via and via}
Baby is a: girl!
Maternity clothing: Even my large maternity clothes are getting snug. Almost there! Still feeling a bit down on myself, but hoping that'll go away once Lexie is born.
Sleep: I'm not sleeping well right now. Part of it is Phil is out of town, and the other part is just not being tired until late, then having to wake early with the kiddos.
Movement: Lexie is a feisty little one! Except for one day, she gets her daily kick count in under 10 minutes. Some of her movements are painful, and she's been dipping more into my pelvis. This causes my hips to freeze up, and to have much more pelvic pressure. Most of her movements are more rolling and pushing than kickings. Shows how little room she has in there!
Cravings/Aversions: Main cravings were fresh fruit, chocolate, and Coca Cola. I went grocery shopping for the week, and may have impulse bought LOTS of fruit! Aversions are mostly anything that smells/sounds bad at the time.
Morning Sickness: I feel some nausea from time to time, but nothing major.
Symptoms: Heartburn, obvious baby bump, emotional, pelvic pressure, sore breasts, leaking colostrum, baby movement, BH/light contractions, nesting, gassy, lower back pain, cranky, GI issues, peeing a fair amount, round ligament pain, and exhausted.
Labor Signs: A few contractions here and there, and more pelvic pressure. I'll be interested to hear where I'm at if I'm checked next week!
Belly button in or out: In - never did pop out for any of my 4 pregnancies!
How this pregnancy is different than the first three: At the end, they've all been the same.
The best moment of this past week: My mom making it safely here, Phil making it to Berlin and having a good conference so far, a good dentist appointment for the kids, and a good appointment at my doctor's office today.
What I miss: Just Phil :)
I'm looking forward to: Phil getting home, figuring out our birth plan, and having Lexie earthside soon!
{Left: Jillian 2011 Middle Left: David 2013}
{Middle Right: Lottie 2016 Right: Lexie 2017}
{Middle Right: Lottie 2016 Right: Lexie 2017}
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Baby C: Final Fourth Week 35 Update
Phil left early this morning for a business trip to Germany. I'm praying his travels go well, his presentation goes well, and that he returns safe and sound :) My mom will get in later today to help me with the children until he returns. I'm SO thankful for the help, and I'm beyond excited to see her!
Also, my niece was born early on the 3rd!! She is just precious, and totally worth the wait. Aunt Nene is going to help spoil her rotten :)
I have a weird rash that started on my arm, and now it's on parts of my belly. Not sure exactly what it is, but it itches like crazy. I'm showing my doctor at my appointment tomorrow. I just want the itching to stop!! On the mission trip, just my right foot, (not even my ankle!), would swell up during the day. I wore compression socks, but it only helped a bit. It has gotten much better since being home. I'm sure it was just water retention since TN is so humid right now.
Today's date: July 6, 2017
How far along: 35 Weeks
Total weight gain: 16.5 pounds. I lost a little between my digestive issues, and retaining less water after the mission trip.
Size and growth of baby: Final Fourth is the size of a honeydew melon, or two clafoutis! She is around 5-1/4 pounds, and over 18 inches long. Final Fourth is running out of room in there, but still moves around frequently. She is just about done with developing, and is focusing on gaining weight {via and via}
Baby is a: girl!
Maternity clothing: Hanging in there a little longer. I did find a great deal on a nursing top that I can wear now, and I LOVE it! The fabric is so soft, and I'm looking forward to wearing it :)
Sleep: I'm not fully recovered from sleep on my mission trip, so this is a tough area. However, with Phil out of town, my mom told me I'll be taking daily naps :) I have been able to take a few short naps here and there, which have helped tremendously! Plus, it's been so hot I almost need a nap in front of a fan to get through the day.
Movement: Downright painful at times, but she moves every day throughout the day! Gets her kick counts just fine, and seems to be head down? I'm not entirely sure, but I'm hoping she is.
Cravings/Aversions: Main cravings were Caesar salad, and cheesecake. We had Caesar salad for dinner shortly after I returned from the mission trip, and it was just delicious! I've wanted some every day since then! Aversions are still anything that smells/sounds bad at the time.
Morning Sickness: I'm getting sick to my stomach if I eat too much sugar, and I took a Zofran the other night, but it didn't help because my main issue that night was GI related :( I've been a little scared of food since*. Also, anything can give me heartburn for no reason beyond my organs being squished.
Symptoms: Heartburn, obvious baby bump, emotional, pelvic pressure, sore breasts, leaking colostrum, baby movement, BH, nesting, gassy, lower back pain, cranky, GI issues, peeing a fair amount, round ligament pain, and exhausted.
Labor Signs: BH here and there that are intensifying. Nothing major to report yet.
Belly button in or out: In
How this pregnancy is different than the first three: I'm consistently leaking this time, which makes me hopeful for nursing. Also, I'm hitting my pregnancy wall a little earlier than I usually do. I'm sure it has to do with the fact that I just did this a year ago! My poor body :( Also, I'll find out tomorrow what the rash is. I'll be interested to see if it's bites or PUPP.
The best moment of this past week: Meeting my niece!!
What I miss: Phil :(
I'm looking forward to: My mom arriving to help, Phil returning safely from his trip, and finishing up my to-do list!
{Left: Jillian 2011 Middle Left: David 2013}
{Middle Right: Lottie 2016 Right: Lexie 2017}
{Middle Right: Lottie 2016 Right: Lexie 2017}
*In full disclosure, I'm having some food issues. Not only is it hard to eat when you can get heartburn/nausea at any point, but also because of the number on my scale. I started this pregnancy at my heaviest, and now I'm the heaviest weight I've ever been in my life. I still have 4 weeks to go, and I know Lexie needs the nutrients to continue growing for D Day. However, it's been hard to reconcile all this in my mind. I've had so many struggles with weight and body issues, that it's really hard to just turn that off. But don't worry, I'm still eating as best I can. {My GI issues made it hard for a few days, but I'm better now!} I'm doing this for Lexie! Honestly, I may have already started thinking about how I want to go about getting back in shape after birth. Don't worry! I don't have hard time lines, nor am I going full force from the get go. Phil has read and approved my idea, so I promise I'm being physically and mentally healthy about it.
Saturday, July 1, 2017
Lottie: {Eleven Months}
Lottie –
You are eleven months old! In just 31 days, you'll be a 1 year-old. Oh my heart!
According to our at home measurements, you are 20 lbs, 14 oz and 28-1/4 inches long.
A few 9 Month, and 12 Month clothes are what you are wearing. You wear size 3 diapers, as well as special overnight diapers to keep you from having leaks at night. We may switch you to size 4 once we're out of our current stock of 3s. However, we may switch earlier if we need to. You could wear size 2 or 3 shoes, but you never like wearing anything on those feet of yours.
You are eating 5 bottles, and 1 main meal a day. You drink Similac formula, with a tiny mix of Similac AR to help with spit up. When we run out of the current AR can, we'll start introducing cow's milk with your regular formula. You use sippy cups sometimes, but you make it known that you'd rather have a bottle. You also like soft spouts over hard spouts or straws. You still prefer your bottles to solid foods. You are almost on a food strike, because you only eat plain Cheerios and puffs. We've tried other finger foods, but you take about 2 bites, then push it on the floor. You flat our refuse water.
You sleep from about 9 pm to 7 or 7:30 am. You take 2ish naps a day. We've tried to get you to nap in the crib, but you sleep longer in the {non-swinging} swing. You are in the bad habit of sucking on your empty bottle to get to sleep. That's mostly our fault for letting you. However, you still won't take a pacifier, so we figured it wasn't too bad? I'm sure we need to just stop, but we'll see what your doctor tells us later. Overall, you're a good sleeper, and we are very thankful!
Bath time in the ducky tub is usually fun for you! You don't seem to have a preference for bubbles, so we usually don't bother. You don't get upset having water run down your face, which is a nice difference between you and your older siblings! You like two or three bath toys at a time.
You still only have four teeth! You act like more are coming, but we still don't see anything yet. You love to chew on whatever you can get your hands on. You drool a bit, but not excessively.
You are very active these days! You crawl with your tummy off the floor incredibly fast! So fast, in fact, that we usually have to close doors, (including the dog kennel!), so you don't slip in somewhere you should not. You can pull up to standing on just about anything, and started really cruising along the couch about 2 weeks ago. You can bend your knees to pick up things off the floor without sitting to do it! Walking toys are not really your thing, but you have pushed your rocking chair across the room. You clap, and just started waving! I love that your wave involves putting your ear to your shoulder, then flapping that hand towards the person you're waving at! You don't wave often, but it's adorable when you do! You also do this flirty look where you place one index finger on the side of your mouth, then squint your eyes.
We love your little personality! You are very sweet, and sometimes cuddly. However, when you are mad, you make fists with both hands and shake them as you yell! You mostly get mad/sad if mama or daddy don't pick you up to take you wherever they are going. It's getting really hard for mama to carry you, but you don't seem to think it should be a problem! HAHA You like being around people, and you're usually pretty good with strangers. You do not like when anyone, including your family, gets right in your face. You prefer personal space, unless it's your idea to climb into mama or daddy's lap. Any time we get on to you for doing something you should not, you usually just look at us, and grin as big as you can! You little stinker ;) Also, if someone hurts you, or your feelings, you give them a look as you cry as if to say, "How could you?! I'm the BABY!" Thankfully, you're not one to hold a grudge!
You are very active these days! You crawl with your tummy off the floor incredibly fast! So fast, in fact, that we usually have to close doors, (including the dog kennel!), so you don't slip in somewhere you should not. You can pull up to standing on just about anything, and started really cruising along the couch about 2 weeks ago. You can bend your knees to pick up things off the floor without sitting to do it! Walking toys are not really your thing, but you have pushed your rocking chair across the room. You clap, and just started waving! I love that your wave involves putting your ear to your shoulder, then flapping that hand towards the person you're waving at! You don't wave often, but it's adorable when you do! You also do this flirty look where you place one index finger on the side of your mouth, then squint your eyes.
We love your little personality! You are very sweet, and sometimes cuddly. However, when you are mad, you make fists with both hands and shake them as you yell! You mostly get mad/sad if mama or daddy don't pick you up to take you wherever they are going. It's getting really hard for mama to carry you, but you don't seem to think it should be a problem! HAHA You like being around people, and you're usually pretty good with strangers. You do not like when anyone, including your family, gets right in your face. You prefer personal space, unless it's your idea to climb into mama or daddy's lap. Any time we get on to you for doing something you should not, you usually just look at us, and grin as big as you can! You little stinker ;) Also, if someone hurts you, or your feelings, you give them a look as you cry as if to say, "How could you?! I'm the BABY!" Thankfully, you're not one to hold a grudge!
Things you love: being tickled, food (mostly your bottle), watching brother make silly faces, chewing on everything, getting attention from sissy, crawling, exploring the living room, "petting" Olive, blankets on your face, cruising, being with people (especially mommy and daddy), your sound machine giraffe, your special song mommy sings with your name, and being held.
You don't enjoy: being hungry, being tired, being in a chair or swing when you want to be held instead, and being startled.
Things you love that you shouldn't: playing in Olive's water dish, eating toilet paper, standing in your rocking chair, and chasing the vacuum cleaner!
Charlotte Eliza May, we just love you so! It's hard to believe that you're nearly a whole year old. We have loved every moment with you, and could not imagine life without you in it. Your smile just melts our hearts, and we can't wait to see what the future holds! Love you, Lottie!
And now a few outtakes:
{Sweet Girl!}
{Babies are so limber}
{Smiling for Daddy}
{Daddy is hilarious!}
{All the heart eyes <3}
{After this cute shot...}
{Lottie immediately cuddled with the bear!}
{Life with 3 is always interesting}
{Y'all, we laughed for a solid 5 minutes about this picture... particularly David's pose. He is such a ham! HAHAHAHA}
And a few comparisons :)
{Months 1-3}
{Months 4-6}
{Months 7-9}
{Months 10 & 11}
{Left: Jillian 11/2012 Middle: David 11/2014 Right: Lottie 7/2017}
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