Thursday, June 29, 2017

Baby C: Final Fourth Week 34 Update

This is backdated, but I wrote it on 7/4, along with the picture because I was out of town for my mission trip! I'm writing it like I would if I did it on time though. The trip went well, as in I had a great group from our church to travel with, I wasn't terribly uncomfortable being so pregnant, and I served a lovely resident. Everything else was a little rough, but that's a story for another time.

Anyways, so here's my 34 week update just before my 35 week update ;)

Today's date: July 4, 2017

How far along: 34 Weeks (+5 days)

Total weight gain: 19(ish) pounds {I don't have an exact since I was out of town}

Size and growth of baby: Final Fourth is the size of a cantaloupe or baguette batard! She is just under 5 pounds, and around 18 inches long. Final Fourth is getting rounder and skin is smoother as she continues to gain weight. If born now, Final Fourth would have little to no complications. She is also urinating a pint a day!  {via and via}

Baby is a: girl!

Maternity clothing: All the time. I'm still over clothes. Also, I'm at the point where most of my maternity clothes are getting short. That's how you know you're almost done! I did invest in a pregnancy girdle to see if it would help on my trip. I didn't really use it, and sometimes I worry about it squishing Lexie. It does help a bit, but we'll see how often I'll wear it.

Sleep: Waking up several times a night to change positions. It can be a little painful simply because I have zero ab muscles now. I don't usually have to get up and pee though, and I can normally fall back asleep again with no issues.

Movement: Painful movements, but definitely moving! Still getting those kick counts just fine too :) 

Cravings/Aversions: Main cravings were anything not camp food. I did have some scrambled eggs before I left town because I knew the eggs on the trip would be powdered. That tasted pretty good! Aversions are still the smell of raw meat, and anything that smells/sounds bad at the time.

Morning Sickness: I've been getting a little nauseous around bedtime, but not bad enough that I need medicine. I can usually sleep it off.

Symptoms: Heartburn, obvious baby bump, emotional, pelvic pressure, sore breasts, leaking colostrum, baby movement, BH, nesting, gassy, lower back pain, cranky, some GI issues, peeing a fair amount, round ligament pain, and exhausted.

Labor Signs: A few BH here and there, but nothing major.

Belly button in or out: In

How this pregnancy is different than the first three: Minus a few minor details, it's pretty much the same.

The best moment of this past week: Going on the mission trip.

What I miss: My family. Ready to get back home :)

I'm looking forward to: Getting home, my niece being born, and Phil leaving and returning safely from Germany!
Now to compare pregnancy bumps :)

{Left: Jillian 2011 Middle Left: David 2013} 
Middle Right: Lottie 2016 Right: Lexie 2017}

Lexie Bump Comparison:

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Baby C: Final Fourth Week 33 Update

I usually hit my pregnancy wall at 38 weeks. However, I'm starting to wonder if I'll get there sooner this time. It's funny though, because this is my last pregnancy, (yes, I'm serious!), and I always figured I would just ride out any discomforts and enjoy my last pregnancy. Well, I've been emotional, cranky, and just plain unpleasant this week. I can't apologize enough to Phil, and anyone else I've been in contact with, for my attitude.

Also, I'm leaving for my mission trip early on Sunday. My next update will be a few days late because of this, but I'm sure y'all understand :)

Today's date: June 22, 2017

How far along: 33 Weeks

Total weight gain: 14.5 pounds

Size and growth of baby: Final Fourth is the size of a pineapple. or three chocolate croissants! They are around 4 pounds, and over 17 inches long. Eyes are staying open when she is awake, and Final Fourth is starting to learn how to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing. Final Fourth's bones are continuing to harden, and her brain is still developing rapidly.{via and via}

Baby is a: still a girl as far as we know!

Maternity clothing: How do I put this delicately... I am SO over clothes!! I feel like I wear the same things over and over, it's a hassle to pick anything to wear, and it's just so hot! Don't worry, I do wear clothes, but it's mostly my pjs unless I leave the house. If I leave the house, it is whatever fits, and is clean at the time. {High standards, I know!} Also, I'm down to wearing either my flip flops, or sneakers with compression socks. My feet don't look swollen, but they feel tight, so I just do it anyways.

Sleep: I had the worst week of sleep yet. I was not sleeping well, I would sleep too hard and hurt my neck, and/or I would wake up and not be able to go back to sleep. I guess that's par for the course at this point though.

Movement: Lexie gets her kick counts just fine. In fact, her movements are becoming more painful. I recall David's movements being the most painful at this point, but his felt more like he was scratching me as he moved. Lexie is more of a sensation that is similar to pushing with hands, feet, knees or elbows on my hip, nerves that connect to my pelvic floor, etc. I was reading that I am maxed out in terms of amniotic fluid, and she is close to her birth length, (and just needs to add fat/weight for birth), so I think that's a good part of why it hurts. Don't get me wrong, I am SO thankful she is moving well, and giving me peace of mind. I just wished it wasn't so painful!

Cravings/Aversions: Main cravings were chocolate cake, and fruit. Aversions are anything that smells/sounds bad at the time.

Morning Sickness: Nothing to report!

Symptoms: Big baby bump, heartburn, back pain, emotional, shortness of breath, sore breasts and nipples, painful movements, BH, pelvic pressure, hip freezing up, stretch marks, dizziness, nesting, gassy, cranky, peeing a fair amount, round ligament pain, and exhausted.

Labor Signs: I was having a hard time figuring out if I was having BH or just painful movements. A few BH here and there, and some pelvic pressure/pain. Otherwise, it's just Lexie moving in a very cramped space.

Belly button in or out: In

How this pregnancy is different than the first three: Minus a few minor details, it's pretty much the same.

The best moment of this past week: Finding out officially that my mom can come during Phil's business trip, going to the aquarium with the in-laws, my friend having her baby boy today, and getting decent sleep when it happens.

What I miss: Nothing at all :)

I'm looking forward to: My mission trip, (and getting home), Phil getting home from his trip safely, seeing my mom, the birth of my niece, and finishing up our baby to-do list!
Now to compare pregnancy bumps :)

{Left: Jillian 2011 Middle Left: David 2013} 
Middle Right: Lottie 2016 Right: Lexie 2017}

Lexie Bump Comparison:

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Baby C: Final Fourth Week 32 Update

This week has been hard. You would think after the busyness of VBS week, things would be nice and quiet. Well, a bug is going around our house. It's just a 48 hour bug where you have a very high fever, (104s), and chills for the first 24 hours, then a normal fever, (100s to 101s), the next 24 hours. No vomiting, {thank you, Jesus!}, no coughing, and nothing extra from general malaise. So far, only Jill and David have gone through it. Tonight or tomorrow will tell us if Lottie will or not. Hopefully, she and Phil will be spared. I'm pretty sure I'm in the clear, but prayers that it doesn't get me just because of the high temps. I think that would be bad for Lexie.

I'm also having a very emotional week for a few reasons. 1) I really miss my parents. 2) I was getting exhausted trying to care for myself, a clinging baby, and sick kiddos all week. 3) I was also trying to nest and organize because I couldn't at ALL last week. 4) I'm also realizing that our summer is pretty much booked solid, and Lexie will be here before I know it. Don't get me wrong, I'm ready to meet her. I also know that things will work out even if we're not fully prepared at home since she's the 4th baby. We have all the necessities, so we're ok. However, I just feel so unprepared for her arrival, that it was making me really upset. Phil talked me down quite a bit, which was helpful. {I feel like we've both been so busy that we haven't been able to connect or talk for a long time, and I miss him!} He promised after his work trip, we'd hit the ground running to finalize anything left on my Baby To-Do List. (The master list, because I do have multiple lists. Do you know me at all, people?!) 

Also, my BP is still looking great, (100/68 on Tuesday!), and Lexie's heart rate is a beautiful 140bpm everytime I go :) We're doing good physically, so I'm thankful for that!

Today's date: June 15, 2017

How far along: 32 Weeks

Total weight gain: 13 pounds

Size and growth of baby: Final Fourth is the size of a jicama, a plastic scooter board, or pan d'epi! She is around 3-3/4 pounds, close to 17 inches long, and plumping up for birth. She may have flipped to birthing position, which is heads down, but I'd be surprised! Final Fourth is starting to get crowded, which explains why mama is feeling out of breath, and having more heartburn than normal. {via and via}

Baby is a: girl!

Maternity clothing: Hanging in there. Most have stains or holes, but I can usually work around it. Just a few more weeks for them to last! I am to the point where I hate getting dressed. I feel like I wear the same things over and over, and it's just a big hassle.

Sleep: Surprisingly, (maybe not), I'm not sleeping well. I take that back, I'm getting somewhat restful sleep half the time, and the other half, I'm not sleeping long enough. Funny how that works. I don't have pregnancy insomnia or anything. My body is tired, but my eyes and mind are just never ready for bedtime.

Movement: She does well with her kick counts at bedtime! Lexie moves throughout the day, but not excessively. I think it's because I'm nesting and cleaning like crazy, so I'm lulling her to sleep with my movements. She has been making big movements that make my whole body shift if I laying down! 

Cravings/Aversions: Main cravings were banana pudding, fruit, Coke, and homemade nachos. Aversions are the same, though two things changed this week. 1) I figured out that RC Cola gave me instant heartburn. Back to regular Coca Cola for me! 2) We're going to try a recipe in the oven that will probably smell like a Crock Pot dinner. If it goes well, maybe we can bring the Crock Pot back out! Wish me luck...

Morning Sickness: None

Symptoms: Emotional, (I am feeling EVERYTHING and have cried over ridiculous stuff every other day! Sorry Phil), heartburn, sore breasts, nesting, gassy, cranky/easily irritable, lots of potty trips, round ligament pain, and exhausted.

Labor Signs: I only felt a handful of BH this whole week. Sometimes I'll feel her pushing on the nerve for my pelvis and that can hurt. However, nothing major. Let's keep it that way!

Belly button in or out: In

How this pregnancy is different than the first three: Minus a few minor details, it's pretty much the same.

The best moment of this past week: Getting through VBS week, and having a few nice moments with Phil.

What I miss: Mostly my parents, but otherwise nothing :)

I'm looking forward to: The weekend, getting things ready for Lexie's arrival, and meeting my friend's new baby next week!!
Now to compare pregnancy bumps :)

{Left: Jillian 2011 Middle Left: David 2013} 
Middle Right: Lottie 2016 Right: Lexie 2017}

Lexie Bump Comparison:

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Baby C: Final Fourth Week 31 Update

{EDIT:: So, I had this all typed up, but needed my picture. After being tired 2 days in a row, Jill caught a bug that gave her a high fever. Now, I'm almost a week behind. Sorry Lexie!}

We are in the middle of VBS week at church, and I am pooped! Not only am I getting lots of exercise, but I'm also not sleeping well due to excited children, and a {possibly} teething baby. By Saturday, I just know I'm going to be dead to the world. However, the week is going well, and I know we're doing something great for those kids! I'm also grateful that God is giving me the energy and stamina to make it through each day. If VBS was later in this pregnancy, I doubt I would be able to do it!

Today's date: June 8, 2017

How far along: 31 Weeks

Total weight gain: I lost some weight this week, (being so active for VBS), so I'm at 10 pounds gained.

Size and growth of baby: Final Fourth is the size of a pineapple, 4 navel oranges, a foam finger, or croquembouche! She is around 3-1/3 pounds, close to 16 inches long, and heading for a growth spurt. She can turn her head from side to side, and is still plumping up for D-Day! Final Fourth's irises react to light, and all five senses are in working order. {via and via}

Baby is a: girl!

Maternity clothing: You better believe it. I'm starting to get really sad when I have to get dressed in the morning. I would rather just stay at home in pjs all day instead of having to figure out what to wear and what still fits. 2 more months...

Sleep: I'm physically drained this week, but still not sleeping well. I don't know if it's the amount or the quality, but I'm just feeling less rested every week. I'm sure it's prep work for life with 4 though ;)

Movement: I feel little things throughout the day, but I have been doing kick counts at night. She has no trouble getting in 10 movements within an hour. In fact, we've yet to go past 20 minutes! Very feisty!

Cravings/Aversions: Main cravings were Chinese food, banana pudding, and Coke Icees. Aversions are still the smell of raw meat, cooking meat in a crockpot, and anything that smells/sounds bad at the time.

Morning Sickness: None, but I recently discovered that RC Cola in particular gives me immediate and intense heartburn. It's made me queasy a few times, but nothing else has happened.

Symptoms: Heartburn, emotional, sore breasts, dizziness, nesting, gassy, cranky, peeing a fair amount, round ligament pain, and exhausted.

Labor Signs: A few BH lately, but less than before. I think that is partially due to my water intake increasing this week.

Belly button in or out: In

How this pregnancy is different than the first three: Just a few details here and there. Otherwise, about the same.

The best moment of this past week: The kids having a good first swim lesson, and getting through the majority of VBS without much chao.

What I miss: Nothing at all :)

I'm looking forward to: The weekend, more nesting, being able to clean the house again, and VBS being done.
Now to compare pregnancy bumps :)

{Left: Jillian 2011 Middle Left: David 2013} 
Middle Right: Lottie 2016 Right: Lexie 2017}

Lexie Bump Comparison:

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Lottie: {Ten Months}

Lottie –

You are ten months old today!

According to our at home measurements, you are 20 lbs, 5 oz and 27-3/4 inches long! {We're pretty sure your height is wrong because you will NOT lay still, even for a diaper change!}

9 Month, and 12 Month clothes are what you are wearing. A couple of 6, and 6-9 Month clothes barely fit, but mama needs to pack them away for you little sister. You wear size 3 diapers, as well as special overnight diapers to keep you from having leaks at night. You can wear size 2 shoes, but you don't really like anything on your feet.

You are eating 5 bottles, and 2 (ish) meals a day. You drink Similac formula, with a little mix of Similac AR to help with spit up. We are trying to wean you on to regular Similac, and so far you've done ok. We're having 1-2 feedings in a sippy cup. You are very particular about your sippy cups, and you are my first baby who cares for spout cups as opposed to straws. They also have to be soft, or you cry for your bottle. You are not interested in water. You had a cold and got really finicky with solids. We can usually get 2 meals out of you, but not every day! Your favorite foods are: oatmeal with peanut butter, sweet potatoes and corn, ham with green beans, Cheerios, and puffs. You like MumMums 85% of the time. You are also more interested in feeding yourself, but mama is not ready for that. If we give you your own spoon, sometimes that helps keep you happy.

You sleep from about 9 pm to 7 or 7:30 am. You take 2 naps a day. You're fairly consistent, but recently started getting tired after different times. I'm not sure if you need blackout curtains or what, but we're still figuring out how best to help you rest. You prefer to nap in your swing, which is ok for now. Mama will have to make you start napping in your crib soon, even if that means shorter naps. You usually sleep on your tummy, and want to go to bed at the same time as Big Sissy. A few times this month, you would cry in your sleep. We were able to calm you and get you back to sleep pretty easy. Overall, you're a good sleeper, and we are thankful!

Now that you're in the ducky bath tub, you seem to play more! You like to try and climb/stand up, which makes us nervous. You also have been splashing more! You are our first baby who doesn't mind getting water in your eyes. If you could, we'd like you to stay that calm about it :)

You have four teeth with more to come! You chew on anything you can get your hands on, and chomp away. We got you a special teether, and you like it most of the time. You especially like mama's hair, burp cloths, cell phones, and wipes. Still no pacifiers for you.

We have a hard time keeping up with you! You can roll to both sides, scoot backwards, army crawl. spin 360 degrees on your tummy, crawl on all fours, sit back up from crawling position, sit upright, stand, and climb into your rocking chair. You kind of try to take steps, but you are definitely working on standing without holding on to anything! We can tell you're going to be a climber. You are quite the wiggle worm, and we have to watch you carefully so you don't get into trouble. You can clap flat handed, shake your head "no" and you're trying to wave more often.

We are so thankful for your sweet disposition. You are a very easy baby, and seem to be very happy 90% of the time. When you're not, it's usually because you a) don't feel good, b) are overly tired, or c) separated from mommy or daddy. You seem to be really attached to mama lately, which can be hard because of how large Lexie is getting. A few times, Lexie has kicked you when mama holds you, or tries to wear you with the boba. {Mama calls that the "Double Decker Bus" HAHA} You laugh more than you have, and you smile with your entire face! We are complimented about you when we're out in public. You always leave a little sparkle wherever you go! You are also our chattiest baby! You say dada, (or aggie for daddy), ssssss for sissy, dah for dog, and make all kinds of sounds like we're having a conversation. You refuse to say mama! You either say "da" back, or just smile/laugh when we tell you to say mama. Oh well, at least mama knows you love her ;)

Things you love: being tickled, food (especially your bottle), watching brother make silly faces, chewing on everything, getting attention from sissy, crawling, exploring the living room, "petting" Olive, blankets on your face, being with people (especially mommy and daddy), your sound machine giraffe, your special song mommy sings with your name, and being held. You don't enjoy: being hungry, being tired, being in a chair or swing when you want to be held instead, and loud barking.

Lottie Liza May, we love you more than we could ever express! You are the perfect fit in our family, and we can barely remember what life was like before you came. You are growing so fast, but we love watching you grow and change with every stage. You are also still our easiest child too ;)Love you, Vanilla Bean Latte!

And now a few outtakes:
{What a happy girl!}

{She's really chewing her fingers lately}

{Trying to rock the chair}

{This is how she looks most of the day. Busy trying to stand/climb on everything, and mama!}

{Siblings <3}

{Posing with the bear}

{Something caught her attention!}

{Those eyes <3}
{She was trying to climb in the window}


And a few comparisons :)
{Months 1-3}
{Months 4-6}
{Months 7 & 8}
{Months 9 & 10}

{Left: Jillian 10/2012 Middle: David 10/2014 Right: Lottie 6/2017}

Baby C: Final Fourth Week 30 Update

It's been a week, y'all. I'm still in full on nesting mode, and I'm starting to feel it. Plus, next week is VBS at church, and I just know I'm going to be tuckered out. Prayers and good vibes for energy next week will definitely be appreciated :)

Three things from my doctor's appointment this week:
1) I'm officially cleared to go on my mission trip later this month!
2) I will most likely be induced so that I won't have a roadside delivery
3) My BP is still looking great! 116/62

Today's date: June 1, 2017

How far along: 30 Weeks

Total weight gain: 11 pounds

Size and growth of baby: Final Fourth is the size of a head of cabbage or brie en brioche! She is around 3 pounds, and about 15-1/2 inches long. Final Fourth's eyesight is still developing, and her vision is at 20/400. {This means they can see objects if the objects are close to their face.} Final Fourth is also strong enough to grasp a finger! {via and via}

Baby is a: feisty girl!

Maternity clothing: All the time. My clothes are starting to wear out to the point that I have 3 pairs of pants, 1 pair of shorts, 3 everyday dresses, 2 nice dresses, and several shirts with holes that I pretend are not there. I just need them to last 60(ish) more days!

Sleep: I wake up twice a night whether or not I'm woken up by someone in the family. Sometimes I have to get up and pee, but most of the time I just need to get back on my side. I keep waking up on my back around 4 am. 

Movement: This feisty girl moves just fine! She doesn't do a whole lot throughout the day, but in the morning, and right at bed time, she is all over the place. She has moved away, or even kicked, the doppler machine at the doctor's office. She's even kicked at Lottie if I'm holding Lottie! My doctor told me I don't have to formally do kick counts every day, but, (being me), I will still do them at least once a day :)

Cravings/Aversions: Main cravings were banana pudding, strawberry shortcake sundaes, and Coke Icees. Aversions are still the smell of raw meat, cooking meat in a crockpot, and anything that smells/sounds bad at the time.

Morning Sickness: No nausea unless my heartburn gets really bad.

Symptoms: Heartburn (so intense no matter what I eat!), emotional, sore breasts, nesting (clean all the things, twice!), gassy, cranky, peeing a fair amount, round ligament pain, and exhausted.

Labor Signs: As of Friday, I have at least one round of BH a day. They are just intense enough that I'll get out of breath. There is no real pattern to them, so I know it's not preterm labor or anything.

Belly button in or out: In, and there it will stay

How this pregnancy is different than the first three: My heartburn is out of control this time, and my BH feel more intense with this pregnancy.

The best moment of this past week: Not catching Phil and Lottie's cold, having a good day trip to see the in-laws, and finally getting some time to talk to Phil for a little bit.

What I miss: Nothing at all :)

I'm looking forward to: Getting through VBS, the big kids' first swim lessons this weekend, and being that much closer to meeting Lexie :)
Now to compare pregnancy bumps :)

{Left: Jillian 2011 Middle Left: David 2013} 
Middle Right: Lottie 2016 Right: Lexie 2017}

Lexie Bump Comparison:

But I Know What It Feels Like

This post is going to be awfully vulnerable and hard for me, but I really want to finally say it out loud. I got permission for my daughter ...